2019-02-12 00:34:30 +01:00

35 lines
1.5 KiB

## Overview ##
*Recent changes Gamepedia compatible Discord webhook* is a project made from earlier recent changes module of IRC bot. It has been remade as independent script for public use.
Screenshots of the script can be found [on the wiki](https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/wikis/Presentation).
### Features ###
* Fetch recent changes from Gamepedia wiki and send them to Discord channel using a webhook
* Send daily overviews, that show general information about wiki activity
* Supports multiple languages (included EN, PL, BR, RU, FR)
* Re-sends missed edits after down-time
### Dependencies ###
* **Python 3.6>**
* requests 2.18.4>
* beautifulsoup 4.6.0>
* schedule 0.5.0>
* lxml 4.2.1>
### Settings.json ###
[Explanation for settings](https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/wikis/settings.json)
### How to use ###
[Refer to the guide on the wiki](https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/wikis/Guide)
### Contributors ###
* MarkusRost for enormous help with pointing out bugs, space for improvements and contributing to the code.
* I'd like to thank Minecraft Wiki English Discord server community, most notably Jack McKalling for input on how the script should work, especially formatting and what information should be there.
#### Translators ####
* MarkusRost for German translation
* JSBM for French translation
* Eduaddad for Brazilian Portuguese translation
* BabylonAS for Russian translation
### Wiki ###
For more information, check the [wiki](https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/wikis/Home)!