addMessage("WARNING: A lot of the content in here is a placeholder. It will change, it will break, it will cause calamities. Treat it as a sneek peek into the (potential) future.")
saynn("To pay Master for sluttying around yesterday: "+str(GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule","Prostituation_fee_yesterday",0)+GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule","Prostituation_flat_fee",0)))
addButton("Walk","Ask when he plans the next walk to the pasture","issixwalkquestion")
addButton("Tasks","Ask for extra tasks","issixtaskquestion")
addButton("Options","Ask your Master to change how he treats you","issixoptions")# Pet etiquette, make player communicate via animalistic sounds, unlocks optional training
addButton("Back","Go back","")
saynn("You approach your bowl on the edge of your blanket, full of the gelatinous mass your Master fills it with and start munching its contents like a real pet would, without using tools or paws.")
saynn("It doesn't make you feel very satiated but it's batter than nothing.")
saynn("It makes you feel pretty full. That was good.")
addButton("Back","Go back","")
addButton("Learn sex","Learn about sexual slavery from Azazel","azazellearnslavery")
addDisabledButton("Learn","You are already a master of Azazel's craft of sexual servitude")
saynn("[say=issix]Hmm, soonish, probably in around "+str(IssixModule.getWalkDelay()-(GM.main.getDays()-last_walk))+" days. Are you excited for the next walk?[/say]")
returnRNG.pick(["What are you looking at, slut?","You won't find help in here, worm.","Just fucking get off me!"])
returnRNG.pick(["Go away, not in the mood,","Look for happiness somewhere else, you won't find it talking to me.","I don't have time for you."])
returnRNG.pick(["Eh, shitty day today, eh?","Everyone seems so uptight and angry lately, jeez.","Glass is half empty today."])
returnRNG.pick(["Believe me, being bored in this prison sometimes is a blessing.","How long did it take for you to get used to all this commotion in here?","Being a guard in this prison ought to be the most boring thing to do ever."])
returnRNG.pick(["*whistles* What's up?","Should have seen the look of the new guard when I swiped their baton haha.","Dum dee dum...","Nice day today, huh?"])
returnRNG.pick(["Eat, fuck, sleep repeat haha.","Don't you just love life? So full of wonders.","Glass is half full today."])
returnRNG.pick(["How are you today, pet? Maybe I should walk y'all hungry beasts huh?","Maaan, do you ever just stop and take it aaallllll in for a second? It's soo good."])