saynn("Amount of time spent in Master's harem today: "+str(getTimeSpent())+" minutes")
saynn("To pay Master for sluttying around yesterday: "+str(GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule","Prostituation_fee_yesterday",0)+GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule","Prostituation_flat_fee",0)))
returnRNG.pick(["What are you looking at, slut?","You won't find help in here, worm.","Just fucking get off me!"])
returnRNG.pick(["Go away, not in the mood,","Look for happiness somewhere else, you won't find it talking to me.","I don't have time for you."])
returnRNG.pick(["Eh, shitty day today, eh?","Everyone seems so uptight and angry lately, jeez.","Glass is half empty today."])
returnRNG.pick(["Believe me, being bored in this prison sometimes is a blessing.","How long did it take for you to get used to all this commotion in here?","Being a guard in this prison ought to be the most boring thing to do ever."])
returnRNG.pick(["*whistles* What's up?","Should have seen the look of the new guard when I swiped their baton haha.","Dum dee dum...","Nice day today, huh?"])
returnRNG.pick(["Eat, fuck, sleep repeat haha.","Don't you just love life? So full of wonders.","Glass is half full today."])
returnRNG.pick(["How are you today, pet? Maybe I should walk y'all hungry beasts huh?","Maaan, do you ever just stop and take it aaallllll in for a second? It's soo good."])