import re import sys import time import logging import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from src.configloader import settings from src.misc import WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, WIKI_API_PATH, datafile, send_simple, safe_read, LinkParser from src.discord.queue import messagequeue from src.exceptions import MWError from src.session import session from src.rc_formatters import compact_formatter, embed_formatter, compact_abuselog_formatter, embed_abuselog_formatter from src.i18n import rc from collections import OrderedDict _ = rc.gettext storage = datafile logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw.rc") supported_logs = {"protect/protect", "protect/modify", "protect/unprotect", "upload/overwrite", "upload/upload", "delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir", "delete/restore", "delete/revision", "delete/event", "import/upload", "import/interwiki", "merge/merge", "move/move", "move/move_redir", "protect/move_prot", "block/block", "block/unblock", "block/reblock", "rights/rights", "rights/autopromote", "abusefilter/modify", "abusefilter/create", "interwiki/iw_add", "interwiki/iw_edit", "interwiki/iw_delete", "curseprofile/comment-created", "curseprofile/comment-edited", "curseprofile/comment-deleted", "curseprofile/comment-purged", "curseprofile/profile-edited", "curseprofile/comment-replied", "contentmodel/change", "sprite/sprite", "sprite/sheet", "sprite/slice", "managetags/create", "managetags/delete", "managetags/activate", "managetags/deactivate", "tag/update", "cargo/createtable", "cargo/deletetable", "cargo/recreatetable", "cargo/replacetable", "upload/revert", "newusers/create", "newusers/autocreate", "newusers/create2", "newusers/byemail", "newusers/newusers", "managewiki/settings", "managewiki/delete", "managewiki/lock", "managewiki/unlock", "managewiki/namespaces", "managewiki/namespaces-delete", "managewiki/rights", "managewiki/undelete"} # Set the proper formatter if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed": appearance_mode = embed_formatter abuselog_appearance_mode = embed_abuselog_formatter elif settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "compact": appearance_mode = compact_formatter abuselog_appearance_mode = compact_abuselog_formatter else: logger.critical("Unknown formatter!") sys.exit(1) LinkParser = LinkParser() class Recent_Changes_Class(object): """Store verious data and functions related to wiki and fetching of Recent Changes""" def __init__(self): self.map_ips = {} self.downtimecredibility = 0 self.last_downtime = 0 self.tags = {} self.groups = {} self.streak = -1 self.mw_messages = {} self.namespaces = None self.session = session self.logged_in = False self.initial_run_complete = False @staticmethod def handle_mw_errors(request): if "errors" in request: logger.error(request["errors"]) raise MWError return request def log_in(self): # session.cookies.clear() if '@' not in settings["wiki_bot_login"]: logger.error( "Please provide proper nickname for login from {wiki}Special:BotPasswords".format( wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH)) return if len(settings["wiki_bot_password"]) != 32: logger.error( "Password seems incorrect. It should be 32 characters long! Grab it from {wiki}Special:BotPasswords".format( wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH)) return"Trying to log in to {wiki}...".format(wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH)) try: response = self.handle_mw_errors(, data={'action': 'query', 'format': 'json', 'utf8': '', 'meta': 'tokens', 'type': 'login'})) response = self.handle_mw_errors(, data={'action': 'login', 'format': 'json', 'utf8': '', 'lgname': settings["wiki_bot_login"], 'lgpassword': settings["wiki_bot_password"], 'lgtoken': response.json()['query']['tokens']['logintoken']})) except ValueError: logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded") return except MWError: logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded") return try: if response.json()['login']['result'] == "Success":"Successfully logged in") self.logged_in = True else: logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded") except: logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded") def fetch(self, amount=settings["limit"]): messagequeue.resend_msgs() last_check = self.fetch_changes(amount=amount) if last_check is not None: storage["rcid"] = last_check[0] if last_check[0] else storage["rcid"] storage["abuse_log_id"] = last_check[1] if last_check[1] else storage["abuse_log_id"] storage.save_datafile() self.initial_run_complete = True def fetch_recentchanges_request(self, amount): """Make a typical MW request for rc/abuselog If succeeds return the .json() of request and if not raises ConnectionError""" request = self.safe_request(WIKI_API_PATH, params=self.construct_params(amount)) if request is not None: try: request = request.json() except ValueError: logger.warning("ValueError in fetching changes") logger.warning("Changes URL:" + request.url) self.downtime_controller(True) raise ConnectionError return request raise ConnectionError def construct_params(self, amount): """Constructs GET parameters for recentchanges/abuselog fetching feature""" params = OrderedDict(action="query", format="json") params["list"] = "recentchanges|abuselog" if settings.get("show_abuselog", False) else "recentchanges" params["rcshow"] = "" if settings.get("show_bots", False) else "!bot" params["rcprop"] = "title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user" params["rclimit"] = amount params["rctype"] = "edit|new|log|external|categorize" if settings.get("show_added_categories", True) else "edit|new|log|external" if settings.get("show_abuselog", False): params["afllimit"] = amount params["aflprop"] = "ids|user|title|action|result|timestamp|hidden|revid|filter" return params def prepare_rc(self, changes: list, amount: int): """Processes recent changes messages""" if not changes: return None categorize_events = {} new_events = 0 changes.reverse() recent_id = storage["rcid"] dry_run = True if recent_id is None else False for change in changes: if not dry_run and not (change["rcid"] <= recent_id): new_events += 1 logger.debug( "New event: {}".format(change["rcid"])) if new_events == settings["limit"] and not (amount == settings["limitrefetch"] and self.initial_run_complete is False): if amount < 500: # call the function again with max limit for more results, ignore the ones in this request logger.debug("There were too many new events, requesting max amount of events from the wiki.") return self.fetch(amount=5000 if self.logged_in else 500) else: logger.debug( "There were too many new events, but the limit was high enough we don't care anymore about fetching them all.") if change["type"] == "categorize": if "commenthidden" not in change: if len(recent_changes.mw_messages.keys()) > 0: cat_title = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1] # I so much hate this, blame Markus for making me do this if change["revid"] not in categorize_events: categorize_events[change["revid"]] = {"new": set(), "removed": set()} comment_to_match = re.sub(r'<.*?a>', '', change["parsedcomment"]) if recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"] in comment_to_match or \ recent_changes.mw_messages[ "recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match: categorize_events[change["revid"]]["new"].add(cat_title) logger.debug("Matched {} to added category for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"])) elif recent_changes.mw_messages[ "recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"] in comment_to_match or \ recent_changes.mw_messages[ "recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match: categorize_events[change["revid"]]["removed"].add(cat_title) logger.debug("Matched {} to removed category for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"])) else: logger.debug( "Unknown match for category change with messages {}, {}, {}, {} and comment_to_match {}".format( recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"], comment_to_match)) else: logger.warning( "Init information not available, could not read category information. Please restart the bot.") else: logger.debug("Log entry got suppressed, ignoring entry.") if not dry_run: for change in changes: if change["rcid"] <= recent_id: logger.debug("Change ({}) is lower or equal to recent_id {}".format(change["rcid"], recent_id)) continue logger.debug(recent_id) essential_info(change, categorize_events.get(change.get("revid"), None)) return change["rcid"] def prepare_abuse_log(self, abuse_log: list): if not abuse_log: return None abuse_log.reverse() recent_id = storage["abuse_log_id"] dryrun = True if recent_id is None else False for entry in abuse_log: if dryrun: continue if entry["id"] <= recent_id: continue abuselog_processing(entry, self) return entry["id"] def fetch_changes(self, amount): """Fetches the :amount: of changes from the wiki. Returns None on error and int of rcid of latest change if succeeded""" global logged_in rc_last_id = None abuselog_last_id = None try: request_json = self.fetch_recentchanges_request(amount) except ConnectionError: return try: rc = request_json["query"]['recentchanges'] except KeyError: logger.warning("Path query.recentchanges not found inside request body. Skipping...") return else: rc_last_id = self.prepare_rc(rc, amount) if settings["show_abuselog"]: try: abuselog = request_json["query"]["abuselog"] # While LYBL approach would be more performant when abuselog is not in request body, I prefer this approach for its clarity except KeyError: if "warnings" in request_json: warnings = request_json.get("warnings", {"query": {"*": ""}}) if "Unrecognized value for parameter \"list\": abuselog." in warnings["query"]["*"]: settings["show_abuselog"] = False logger.warning("AbuseLog extension is not enabled on the wiki. Disabling the function...") else: abuselog_last_id = self.prepare_abuse_log(abuselog) return rc_last_id, abuselog_last_id def safe_request(self, url, params=None): try: if params: request = self.session.get(url, params=params, timeout=10, allow_redirects=False) else: request = self.session.get(url, timeout=10, allow_redirects=False) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logger.warning("Reached timeout error for request on link {url}".format(url=url)) self.downtime_controller(True) return None except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.warning("Reached connection error for request on link {url}".format(url=url)) self.downtime_controller(True) return None except requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError: logger.warning("Detected faulty response from the web server for request on link {url}".format(url=url)) self.downtime_controller(True) return None else: if 499 < request.status_code < 600: self.downtime_controller(True) return None elif request.status_code == 302: logger.critical("Redirect detected! Either the wiki given in the script settings (wiki field) is incorrect/the wiki got removed or Gamepedia is giving us the false value. Please provide the real URL to the wiki, current URL redirects to {}".format( sys.exit(0) return request def check_connection(self, looped=False): online = 0 for website in ["", "", ""]: try: requests.get(website, timeout=10) online += 1 except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass except requests.exceptions.Timeout: pass if online < 1: logger.error("Failure when checking Internet connection at {time}".format( time=time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))) self.downtimecredibility = 0 if not looped: while 1: # recursed loop, check for connection (every 10 seconds) as long as three services are down, don't do anything else if self.check_connection(looped=True): recent_changes.fetch(amount=settings["limitrefetch"]) break time.sleep(10) return False return True def downtime_controller(self, down): if not settings["show_updown_messages"]: return if down: if self.streak > -1: # reset the streak of successful connections when bad one happens self.streak = 0 if self.downtimecredibility < 60: self.downtimecredibility += 15 else: if ( time.time() - self.last_downtime) > 1800 and self.check_connection(): # check if last downtime happened within 30 minutes, if yes, don't send a message send_simple("down_detector", _("{wiki} seems to be down or unreachable.").format(wiki=settings["wikiname"]), _("Connection status"), settings["avatars"]["connection_failed"]) self.last_downtime = time.time() self.streak = 0 else: if self.downtimecredibility > 0: self.downtimecredibility -= 1 if self.streak > -1: self.streak += 1 if self.streak > 8: self.streak = -1 send_simple("down_detector", _("Connection to {wiki} seems to be stable now.").format( wiki=settings["wikiname"]), _("Connection status"), settings["avatars"]["connection_restored"]) def clear_cache(self): self.map_ips = {} def init_info(self): startup_info = safe_read(self.safe_request( "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&uselang=content&list=tags&meta=allmessages%7Csiteinfo&utf8=1&tglimit=max&tgprop=displayname&ammessages=recentchanges-page-added-to-category%7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category%7Crecentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled%7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled&amenableparser=1&amincludelocal=1&siprop=namespaces".format( wiki=WIKI_API_PATH)), "query") if startup_info: if "tags" in startup_info and "allmessages" in startup_info: for tag in startup_info["tags"]: try: self.tags[tag["name"]] = (BeautifulSoup(tag["displayname"], "lxml")).get_text() except KeyError: self.tags[tag["name"]] = None # Tags with no display name are hidden and should not appear on RC as well for message in startup_info["allmessages"]: if not "missing" in message: # ignore missing strings self.mw_messages[message["name"]] = message["*"] else: logging.warning("Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {}".format(message["name"])) for key, message in self.mw_messages.items(): if key.startswith("recentchanges-page-"): self.mw_messages[key] = re.sub(r'\[\[.*?\]\]', '', message) self.namespaces = startup_info["namespaces"]"Gathered information about the tags and interface messages.") else: logger.warning("Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Some features may not work correctly!") logger.debug(startup_info) else: logger.error("Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Possibly internet connection issue?") def pull_comment(self, comment_id): try: comment = self.handle_mw_errors(self.safe_request( "{wiki}?action=comment&do=getRaw&comment_id={comment}&format=json".format(wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, comment=comment_id)).json())[ "text"] logger.debug("Got the following comment from the API: {}".format(comment)) except MWError: pass except (TypeError, AttributeError): logger.exception("Could not resolve the comment text.") except KeyError: logger.exception("CurseProfile extension API did not respond with a valid comment content.") else: if len(comment) > 1000: comment = comment[0:1000] + "…" return comment return "" recent_changes = Recent_Changes_Class() def essential_info(change, changed_categories): """Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format.""" logger.debug(change) if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change) and "suppressed" not in settings["ignored"]: # if event is hidden using suppression appearance_mode("suppressed", change, "", changed_categories, recent_changes) return if "commenthidden" not in change: LinkParser.feed(change["parsedcomment"]) parsed_comment = LinkParser.new_string LinkParser.new_string = "" parsed_comment = re.sub(r"(`|_|\*|~|{|}|\|\|)", "\\\\\\1", parsed_comment, 0) else: parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~") if not parsed_comment: parsed_comment = None if "userhidden" in change: change["user"] = _("hidden") if change.get("ns", -1) in settings.get("ignored_namespaces", ()): return if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]: logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories)) identification_string = change["type"] elif change["type"] == "log": identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"], logaction=change["logaction"]) if identification_string not in supported_logs: logger.warning( "This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format( change)) return elif change["type"] == "categorize": return else: logger.warning("This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format(change)) return if identification_string in settings["ignored"]: return appearance_mode(identification_string, change, parsed_comment, changed_categories, recent_changes) def abuselog_processing(entry, recent_changes): abuselog_appearance_mode(entry, recent_changes)