#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord webhook (RcGcDw). # RcGcDw is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with RcGcDw. If not, see . # WARNING! SHITTY CODE AHEAD. ENTER ONLY IF YOU ARE SURE YOU CAN TAKE IT # You have been warned import time, logging.config, requests, datetime, math, os.path, schedule, sys, re import src.misc from collections import defaultdict, Counter from typing import Optional import src.api.client from src.api.context import Context from src.api.hooks import formatter_hooks, pre_hooks, post_hooks from src.configloader import settings from src.misc import add_to_dict, datafile, \ WIKI_API_PATH from src.api.util import create_article_path, default_message, sanitize_to_markdown from src.discord.queue import send_to_discord from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage, DiscordMessageMetadata from src.exceptions import MWError from src.i18n import rcgcdw from src.wiki import Wiki _ = rcgcdw.gettext ngettext = rcgcdw.ngettext if settings["fandom_discussions"]["enabled"]: import src.discussions TESTING = True if "--test" in sys.argv else False # debug mode, pipeline testing AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED = settings.get("auto_suppression", {"enabled": False}).get("enabled") if AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED: from src.discord.redaction import delete_messages, redact_messages # Prepare logging logging.config.dictConfig(settings["logging"]) logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw") logger.debug("Current settings: {settings}".format(settings=settings)) def load_extensions(): """Loads all of the extensions, can be a local import because all we need is them to register""" try: import extensions except ImportError: logger.critical("No extensions module found. What's going on?") sys.exit(1) storage = datafile # Remove previous data holding file if exists and limitfetch allows if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1 and os.path.exists("lastchange.txt") is True: with open("lastchange.txt", 'r') as sfile: logger.info("Converting old lastchange.txt file into new data storage data.json...") storage["rcid"] = int(sfile.read().strip()) datafile.save_datafile() os.remove("lastchange.txt") def no_formatter(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> None: logger.warning(f"There is no formatter specified for {ctx.event}! Ignoring event.") return formatter_hooks["no_formatter"] = no_formatter def day_overview_request(): logger.info("Fetching daily overview... This may take up to 30 seconds!") timestamp = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=24)).isoformat(timespec='milliseconds') logger.debug("timestamp is {}".format(timestamp)) complete = False result = [] passes = 0 continuearg = "" while not complete and passes < 10: request = wiki._safe_request( "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&list=recentchanges&rcend={timestamp}Z&rcprop=title%7Ctimestamp%7Csizes%7Cloginfo%7Cuser&rcshow=!bot&rclimit=500&rctype=edit%7Cnew%7Clog{continuearg}".format( wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, timestamp=timestamp, continuearg=continuearg)) if request: try: request = request.json() request = wiki.handle_mw_errors(request) rc = request['query']['recentchanges'] continuearg = request["continue"]["rccontinue"] if "continue" in request else None except ValueError: logger.warning("ValueError in fetching changes") wiki.downtime_controller(True) complete = 2 except KeyError: logger.warning("Wiki returned %s" % request) complete = 2 except MWError: complete = 2 else: result += rc if continuearg: continuearg = "&rccontinue={}".format(continuearg) passes += 1 logger.debug( "continuing requesting next pages of recent changes with {} passes and continuearg being {}".format( passes, continuearg)) time.sleep(3.0) else: complete = 1 else: complete = 2 if passes == 10: logger.debug("quit the loop because there been too many passes") return result, complete def daily_overview_sync(edits, files, admin, changed_bytes, new_articles, unique_contributors, day_score): weight = storage["daily_overview"]["days_tracked"] logger.debug(_) if weight == 0: storage["daily_overview"].update({"edits": edits, "new_files": files, "admin_actions": admin, "bytes_changed": changed_bytes, "new_articles": new_articles, "unique_editors": unique_contributors, "day_score": day_score}) edits, files, admin, changed_bytes, new_articles, unique_contributors, day_score = str(edits), str(files), str(admin), str(changed_bytes), str(new_articles), str(unique_contributors), str(day_score) else: edits_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["edits"], weight, edits) edits = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=edits, avg=edits_avg) files_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["new_files"], weight, files) files = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=files, avg=files_avg) admin_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["admin_actions"], weight, admin) admin = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=admin, avg=admin_avg) changed_bytes_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["bytes_changed"], weight, changed_bytes) changed_bytes = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=changed_bytes, avg=changed_bytes_avg) new_articles_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["new_articles"], weight, new_articles) new_articles = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=new_articles, avg=new_articles_avg) unique_contributors_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["unique_editors"], weight, unique_contributors) unique_contributors = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=unique_contributors, avg=unique_contributors_avg) day_score_avg = src.misc.weighted_average(storage["daily_overview"]["day_score"], weight, day_score) day_score = _("{value} (avg. {avg})").format(value=day_score, avg=day_score_avg) storage["daily_overview"].update({"edits": edits_avg, "new_files": files_avg, "admin_actions": admin_avg, "bytes_changed": changed_bytes_avg, "new_articles": new_articles_avg, "unique_editors": unique_contributors_avg, "day_score": day_score_avg}) storage["daily_overview"]["days_tracked"] += 1 datafile.save_datafile() return edits, files, admin, changed_bytes, new_articles, unique_contributors, day_score def day_overview(): result = day_overview_request() if result[1] == 1: activity = defaultdict(dict) hours = defaultdict(dict) articles = defaultdict(dict) edits = 0 files = 0 admin = 0 changed_bytes = 0 new_articles = 0 active_articles = [] embed = DiscordMessage("embed", "daily_overview", settings["webhookURL"]) embed["title"] = _("Daily overview") embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:Statistics") embed.set_author(settings["wikiname"], create_article_path("")) if not result[0]: if not settings["send_empty_overview"]: return # no changes in this day else: embed["description"] = _("No activity") else: for item in result[0]: if "actionhidden" in item or "suppressed" in item or "userhidden" in item: continue # while such actions have type value (edit/new/log) many other values are hidden and therefore can crash with key error, let's not process such events activity = add_to_dict(activity, item["user"]) hours = add_to_dict(hours, datetime.datetime.strptime(item["timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").hour) if item["type"] == "edit": edits += 1 changed_bytes += item["newlen"] - item["oldlen"] if (wiki.namespaces is not None and "content" in wiki.namespaces.get(str(item["ns"]), {})) or item["ns"] == 0: articles = add_to_dict(articles, item["title"]) elif item["type"] == "new": if "content" in (wiki.namespaces is not None and wiki.namespaces.get(str(item["ns"]), {})) or item["ns"] == 0: new_articles += 1 changed_bytes += item["newlen"] elif item["type"] == "log": files = files + 1 if item["logtype"] == item["logaction"] == "upload" else files admin = admin + 1 if item["logtype"] in ["delete", "merge", "block", "protect", "import", "rights", "abusefilter", "interwiki", "managetags"] else admin overall = round(new_articles + edits * 0.1 + files * 0.3 + admin * 0.1 + math.fabs(changed_bytes * 0.001), 2) if activity: active_users = [] for user, numberu in Counter(activity).most_common(3): # find most active users active_users.append(user + ngettext(" ({} action)", " ({} actions)", numberu).format(numberu)) for article, numbere in Counter(articles).most_common(3): # find most active users active_articles.append(article + ngettext(" ({} edit)", " ({} edits)", numbere).format(numbere)) v = hours.values() active_hours = [] for hour, numberh in Counter(hours).most_common(list(v).count(max(v))): # find most active hours active_hours.append(str(hour)) houramount = ngettext(" UTC ({} action)", " UTC ({} actions)", numberh).format(numberh) else: active_users = [_("But nobody came")] # a reference to my favorite game of all the time, sorry ^_^ active_hours = [_("But nobody came")] usramount = "" houramount = "" if not active_articles: active_articles = [_("But nobody came")] edits, files, admin, changed_bytes, new_articles, unique_contributors, overall = daily_overview_sync(edits, files, admin, changed_bytes, new_articles, len(activity), overall) fields = ( (ngettext("Most active user", "Most active users", len(active_users)), ', '.join(active_users)), (ngettext("Most edited article", "Most edited articles", len(active_articles)), ', '.join(active_articles)), (_("Edits made"), edits), (_("New files"), files), (_("Admin actions"), admin), (_("Bytes changed"), changed_bytes), (_("New articles"), new_articles), (_("Unique contributors"), unique_contributors), (ngettext("Most active hour", "Most active hours", len(active_hours)), ', '.join(active_hours) + houramount), (_("Day score"), overall)) for name, value in fields: embed.add_field(name, value, inline=True) embed.finish_embed() send_to_discord(embed, meta=DiscordMessageMetadata("POST")) else: logger.debug("function requesting changes for day overview returned with error code") def rc_processor(change, changed_categories): """Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format.""" from src.misc import LinkParser LinkParser = LinkParser() metadata = DiscordMessageMetadata("POST", rev_id=change.get("revid", None), log_id=change.get("logid", None), page_id=change.get("pageid", None)) logger.debug(change) context = Context(settings["appearance"]["mode"], settings["webhookURL"], client) for hook in pre_hooks: hook(change) if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change) and "suppressed" not in settings["ignored"]: # if event is hidden using suppression context.event = "suppressed" discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = default_message("suppressed", formatter_hooks)(context, change) else: if "commenthidden" not in change: LinkParser.feed(change.get("parsedcomment", "")) parsed_comment = LinkParser.new_string parsed_comment = sanitize_to_markdown(parsed_comment) else: parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~") context.set_parsedcomment(parsed_comment) if "userhidden" in change: change["user"] = _("hidden") if change.get("ns", -1) in settings.get("ignored_namespaces", ()): return if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]: logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories)) identification_string = change["type"] context.set_categories(changed_categories) elif change["type"] == "categorize": return elif change["type"] == "log": identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"], logaction=change["logaction"]) else: identification_string = change.get("type", "unknown") # If event doesn't have a type if identification_string in settings["ignored"]: return context.event = identification_string discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = default_message(identification_string, formatter_hooks)(context, change) if identification_string in ("delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir") and AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED: delete_messages(dict(pageid=change.get("pageid"))) elif identification_string == "delete/event" and AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED: logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []}) if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed": redact_messages(logparams.get("ids", []), 1, logparams.get("new", {})) else: for revid in logparams.get("ids", []): delete_messages(dict(revid=revid)) for hook in post_hooks: hook(discord_message, metadata) send_to_discord(discord_message, metadata) def abuselog_processing(entry): action = "abuselog" if action in settings["ignored"]: return context = Context(settings["appearance"]["mode"], settings["webhookURL"], client) context.event = action discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = default_message(action, formatter_hooks)(context, entry) send_to_discord(discord_message, DiscordMessageMetadata("POST")) load_extensions() # Log in and download wiki information wiki = Wiki(rc_processor, abuselog_processing) client = src.api.client.Client(formatter_hooks, wiki) try: if settings["wiki_bot_login"] and settings["wiki_bot_password"]: wiki.log_in() time.sleep(2.0) wiki.init_info() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logger.critical("A connection can't be established with the wiki. Exiting...") sys.exit(1) time.sleep(3.0) # this timeout is to prevent timeouts. It seems Fandom does not like our ~2-3 request in under a second if settings["rc_enabled"]: logger.info("Script started! Fetching newest changes...") wiki.fetch(amount=settings["limitrefetch"] if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1 else settings["limit"]) schedule.every(settings["cooldown"]).seconds.do(wiki.fetch) if settings["overview"]: try: overview_time = time.strptime(settings["overview_time"], '%H:%M') schedule.every().day.at("{}:{}".format(str(overview_time.tm_hour).zfill(2), str(overview_time.tm_min).zfill(2))).do(day_overview) del overview_time except schedule.ScheduleValueError: logger.error("Invalid time format! Currently: {}:{}".format( time.strptime(settings["overview_time"], '%H:%M').tm_hour, time.strptime(settings["overview_time"], '%H:%M').tm_min)) except ValueError: logger.error("Invalid time format! Currentely: {}. Note: It needs to be in HH:MM format.".format( settings["overview_time"])) schedule.every().day.at("00:00").do(wiki.clear_cache) else: logger.info("Script started! RC is disabled however, this means no recent changes will be sent :c") if 1 == 2: # additional translation strings in unreachable code print(_("director"), _("bot"), _("editor"), _("directors"), _("sysop"), _("bureaucrat"), _("reviewer"), _("autoreview"), _("autopatrol"), _("wiki_guardian"), ngettext("second", "seconds", 1), ngettext("minute", "minutes", 1), ngettext("hour", "hours", 1), ngettext("day", "days", 1), ngettext("week", "weeks", 1), ngettext("month", "months",1), ngettext("year", "years", 1), ngettext("millennium", "millennia", 1), ngettext("decade", "decades", 1), ngettext("century", "centuries", 1)) # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if TESTING: logger.debug("DEBUGGING ") storage["rcid"] = 1 wiki.fetch(amount=5) day_overview() import src.discussions src.discussions.fetch_discussions() sys.exit(0) while 1: time.sleep(1.0) schedule.run_pending()