diff --git a/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.mo b/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.mo
index 262b3bf..8c9e243 100644
Binary files a/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.mo and b/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.po b/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.po
index 753639c..bb44c2b 100644
--- a/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.po
+++ b/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/rcgcdw.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-03-17 20:53+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-18 13:51+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-07-12 12:17+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: uk\n"
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ msgstr "__Тільки пробіли__"
#: rcgcdw.py:594
msgid "Removed"
-msgstr "Вилучено"
+msgstr "видалено"
#: rcgcdw.py:597
msgid "Added"
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ msgstr " та ще {}\n"
#: rcgcdw.py:957
msgid "**Removed**: "
-msgstr "**Вилучено**: "
+msgstr "**видалено**: "
#: rcgcdw.py:957
msgid " and {} more"
diff --git a/src/discussion_formatters.py b/src/discussion_formatters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ace0cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/discussion_formatters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+import datetime, logging
+import json
+import gettext
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.misc import DiscordMessage, send_to_discord, escape_formatting
+from src.i18n import disc
+_ = disc.gettext
+discussion_logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw.discussion_formatter")
+def embed_formatter(post, post_type):
+ """Embed formatter for Fandom discussions."""
+ embed = DiscordMessage("embed", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"])
+ embed.set_author(post["createdBy"]["name"], "{wikiurl}f/u/{creatorId}".format(
+ wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"]), icon_url=post["createdBy"]["avatarUrl"])
+ discussion_post_type = post["_embedded"]["thread"][0].get("containerType", "FORUM") # Can be FORUM, ARTICLE_COMMENT or WALL on UCP
+ if post_type == "TEXT":
+ if post["isReply"]:
+ if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/reply"
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to \"{title}\"").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"])
+ embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}f/p/{threadId}/r/{postId}".format(
+ wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], threadId=post["threadId"], postId=post["id"])
+ elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
+ discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
+ return
+ elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
+ user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/wall/reply"
+ if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
+ user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
+ embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}#{replyId}".format(wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadid=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to \"{title}\" on {user}'s Message Wall").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall)
+ else:
+ if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/post"
+ embed["title"] = _("Created \"{title}\"").format(title=post["title"])
+ embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}f/p/{threadId}".format(wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ threadId=post["threadId"])
+ elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
+ discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
+ return
+ elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
+ user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/wall/post"
+ if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
+ user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
+ embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}".format(
+ wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")),
+ threadid=post["threadId"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Created \"{title}\" on {user}'s Message Wall").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall)
+ if settings["fandom_discussions"]["appearance"]["embed"]["show_content"]:
+ if post.get("jsonModel") is not None:
+ npost = DiscussionsFromHellParser(post)
+ embed["description"] = npost.parse()
+ if npost.image_last:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = npost.image_last
+ embed["description"] = embed["description"].replace(npost.image_last, "")
+ else: # Fallback when model is not available
+ embed["description"] = post.get("rawContent", "")
+ elif post_type == "POLL":
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/poll"
+ poll = post["poll"]
+ embed["title"] = _("Created a poll titled \"{title}\"").format(title=poll["question"])
+ image_type = False
+ if poll["answers"][0]["image"] is not None:
+ image_type = True
+ for num, option in enumerate(poll["answers"]):
+ embed.add_field(option["text"] if image_type is True else _("Option {}").format(num+1),
+ option["text"] if image_type is False else _("__[View image]({image_url})__").format(image_url=option["image"]["url"]),
+ inline=True)
+ embed["footer"]["text"] = post["forumName"]
+ embed["timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["creationDate"]["epochSecond"], tz=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
+ embed.finish_embed()
+ send_to_discord(embed)
+def compact_formatter(post, post_type):
+ """Compact formatter for Fandom discussions."""
+ message = None
+ discussion_post_type = post["_embedded"]["thread"][0].get("containerType",
+ if post_type == "TEXT":
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
+ message = _("[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
+ author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["title"], threadId=post["threadId"], forumName=post["forumName"])
+ elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
+ discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
+ return
+ elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
+ user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
+ user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
+ message = _("[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created [{title}](<{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}>) on {user}'s Message Wall").format(
+ author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall,
+ wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadid=post["threadId"]
+ )
+ else:
+ if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
+ message = _("[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created a [reply](<{url}f/p/{threadId}/r/{postId}>) to [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
+ author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], threadId=post["threadId"], postId=post["id"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], forumName=post["forumName"]
+ )
+ elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
+ discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
+ return
+ elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
+ user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
+ user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) replied to [{title}](<{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}#{replyId}>) on {user}'s Message Wall").format(
+ author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall,
+ wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadid=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
+ elif post_type == "POLL":
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created a poll [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
+ author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["title"], threadId=post["threadId"], forumName=post["forumName"])
+ send_to_discord(DiscordMessage("compact", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"], content=message))
+class DiscussionsFromHellParser:
+ """This class converts fairly convoluted Fandom jsonModal of a discussion post into Markdown formatted usable thing. Takes string, returns string.
+ Kudos to MarkusRost for allowing me to implement this formatter based on his code in Wiki-Bot."""
+ def __init__(self, post):
+ self.post = post
+ self.jsonModal = json.loads(post.get("jsonModel", "{}"))
+ self.markdown_text = ""
+ self.item_num = 1
+ self.image_last = None
+ def parse(self) -> str:
+ """Main parsing logic"""
+ self.parse_content(self.jsonModal["content"])
+ if len(self.markdown_text) > 2000:
+ self.markdown_text = self.markdown_text[0:2000] + "…"
+ return self.markdown_text
+ def parse_content(self, content, ctype=None):
+ self.image_last = None
+ for item in content:
+ if ctype == "bulletList":
+ self.markdown_text += "\t• "
+ if ctype == "orderedList":
+ self.markdown_text += "\t{num}. ".format(num=self.item_num)
+ self.item_num += 1
+ if item["type"] == "text":
+ if "marks" in item:
+ prefix, suffix = self.convert_marks(item["marks"])
+ self.markdown_text = "{old}{pre}{text}{suf}".format(old=self.markdown_text, pre=prefix, text=escape_formatting(item["text"]), suf=suffix)
+ else:
+ if ctype == "code_block":
+ self.markdown_text += item["text"] # ignore formatting on preformatted text which cannot have additional formatting anyways
+ else:
+ self.markdown_text += escape_formatting(item["text"])
+ elif item["type"] == "paragraph":
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ self.markdown_text += "\n"
+ elif item["type"] == "openGraph":
+ if not item["attrs"]["wasAddedWithInlineLink"]:
+ self.markdown_text = "{old}{link}\n".format(old=self.markdown_text, link=item["attrs"]["url"])
+ elif item["type"] == "image":
+ try:
+ discussion_logger.debug(item["attrs"]["id"])
+ if item["attrs"]["id"] is not None:
+ self.markdown_text = "{old}{img_url}\n".format(old=self.markdown_text, img_url=self.post["_embedded"]["contentImages"][int(item["attrs"]["id"])]["url"])
+ self.image_last = self.post["_embedded"]["contentImages"][int(item["attrs"]["id"])]["url"]
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ discussion_logger.warning("Image {} not found.".format(item["attrs"]["id"]))
+ discussion_logger.debug(self.markdown_text)
+ elif item["type"] == "code_block":
+ self.markdown_text += "```\n"
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ self.markdown_text += "\n```\n"
+ elif item["type"] == "bulletList":
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ elif item["type"] == "orderedList":
+ self.item_num = 1
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ elif item["type"] == "listItem":
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ def convert_marks(self, marks):
+ prefix = ""
+ suffix = ""
+ for mark in marks:
+ if mark["type"] == "mention":
+ prefix += "["
+ suffix = "]({wiki}f/u/{userid}){suffix}".format(wiki=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], userid=mark["attrs"]["userId"], suffix=suffix)
+ elif mark["type"] == "strong":
+ prefix += "**"
+ suffix = "**{suffix}".format(suffix=suffix)
+ elif mark["type"] == "link":
+ prefix += "["
+ suffix = "]({link}){suffix}".format(link=mark["attrs"]["href"], suffix=suffix)
+ elif mark["type"] == "em":
+ prefix += "_"
+ suffix = "_" + suffix
+ return prefix, suffix
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/discussions.py b/src/discussions.py
index 8a390e1..ebc93ac 100644
--- a/src/discussions.py
+++ b/src/discussions.py
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-import logging, gettext, schedule, requests, json, datetime
-from collections import defaultdict
+import logging, gettext, schedule, requests
from src.configloader import settings
-from urllib.parse import quote_plus
-from src.misc import datafile, send_to_discord, DiscordMessage, WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, escape_formatting, messagequeue
+from src.discussion_formatters import embed_formatter, compact_formatter
+from src.misc import datafile, messagequeue
from src.session import session
# Initialize translation
@@ -43,119 +43,6 @@ storage = datafile.data
fetch_url = "https://services.fandom.com/discussion/{wikiid}/posts?sortDirection=descending&sortKey=creation_date&limit={limit}".format(wikiid=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_id"], limit=settings["fandom_discussions"]["limit"])
-def embed_formatter(post, post_type):
- """Embed formatter for Fandom discussions."""
- embed = DiscordMessage("embed", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"])
- embed.set_author(post["createdBy"]["name"], "{wikiurl}f/u/{creatorId}".format(
- wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"]), icon_url=post["createdBy"]["avatarUrl"])
- discussion_post_type = post["_embedded"]["thread"][0].get("containerType", "FORUM") # Can be FORUM, ARTICLE_COMMENT or WALL on UCP
- if post_type == "TEXT":
- if post["isReply"]:
- if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
- embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/reply"
- embed["title"] = _("Replied to \"{title}\"").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"])
- embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}f/p/{threadId}/r/{postId}".format(
- wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], threadId=post["threadId"], postId=post["id"])
- elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
- discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
- return
- elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
- user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
- embed.event_type = "discussion/wall/reply"
- if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
- user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
- embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}#{replyId}".format(wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadid=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
- embed["title"] = _("Replied to \"{title}\" on {user}'s Message Wall").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall)
- else:
- if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
- embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/post"
- embed["title"] = _("Created \"{title}\"").format(title=post["title"])
- embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}f/p/{threadId}".format(wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
- threadId=post["threadId"])
- elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
- discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
- return
- elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
- user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
- embed.event_type = "discussion/wall/post"
- if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
- user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
- embed["url"] = "{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}".format(
- wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")),
- threadid=post["threadId"])
- embed["title"] = _("Created \"{title}\" on {user}'s Message Wall").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall)
- if settings["fandom_discussions"]["appearance"]["embed"]["show_content"]:
- if post.get("jsonModel") is not None:
- npost = DiscussionsFromHellParser(post)
- embed["description"] = npost.parse()
- if npost.image_last:
- embed["image"]["url"] = npost.image_last
- embed["description"] = embed["description"].replace(npost.image_last, "")
- else: # Fallback when model is not available
- embed["description"] = post.get("rawContent", "")
- elif post_type == "POLL":
- embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/poll"
- poll = post["poll"]
- embed["title"] = _("Created a poll titled \"{title}\"").format(title=poll["question"])
- image_type = False
- if poll["answers"][0]["image"] is not None:
- image_type = True
- for num, option in enumerate(poll["answers"]):
- embed.add_field(option["text"] if image_type is True else _("Option {}").format(num+1),
- option["text"] if image_type is False else _("__[View image]({image_url})__").format(image_url=option["image"]["url"]),
- inline=True)
- embed["footer"]["text"] = post["forumName"]
- embed["timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["creationDate"]["epochSecond"], tz=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
- embed.finish_embed()
- send_to_discord(embed)
-def compact_formatter(post, post_type):
- """Compact formatter for Fandom discussions."""
- message = None
- discussion_post_type = post["_embedded"]["thread"][0].get("containerType",
- if post_type == "TEXT":
- if not post["isReply"]:
- if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
- message = _("[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
- author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["title"], threadId=post["threadId"], forumName=post["forumName"])
- elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
- discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
- return
- elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
- user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
- if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
- user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
- message = _("[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created [{title}](<{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}>) on {user}'s Message Wall").format(
- author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall,
- wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadid=post["threadId"]
- )
- else:
- if discussion_post_type == "FORUM":
- message = _("[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created a [reply](<{url}f/p/{threadId}/r/{postId}>) to [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
- author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], threadId=post["threadId"], postId=post["id"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], forumName=post["forumName"]
- )
- elif discussion_post_type == "ARTICLE_COMMENT":
- discussion_logger.warning("Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037")
- return
- elif discussion_post_type == "WALL":
- user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
- if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
- user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
- message = _(
- "[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) replied to [{title}](<{wikiurl}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadid}#{replyId}>) on {user}'s Message Wall").format(
- author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall,
- wikiurl=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadid=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
- elif post_type == "POLL":
- message = _(
- "[{author}](<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>) created a poll [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
- author=post["createdBy"]["name"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
- creatorId=post["creatorId"], title=post["title"], threadId=post["threadId"], forumName=post["forumName"])
- send_to_discord(DiscordMessage("compact", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"], content=message))
def fetch_discussions():
request = safe_request(fetch_url)
@@ -188,89 +75,6 @@ def parse_discussion_post(post):
discussion_logger.warning("The type of {} is an unknown discussion post type. Please post an issue on the project page to have it added https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues.")
-class DiscussionsFromHellParser:
- """This class converts fairly convoluted Fandom jsonModal of a discussion post into Markdown formatted usable thing. Takes string, returns string.
- Kudos to MarkusRost for allowing me to implement this formatter based on his code in Wiki-Bot."""
- def __init__(self, post):
- self.post = post
- self.jsonModal = json.loads(post.get("jsonModel", "{}"))
- self.markdown_text = ""
- self.item_num = 1
- self.image_last = None
- def parse(self) -> str:
- """Main parsing logic"""
- self.parse_content(self.jsonModal["content"])
- if len(self.markdown_text) > 2000:
- self.markdown_text = self.markdown_text[0:2000] + "…"
- return self.markdown_text
- def parse_content(self, content, ctype=None):
- self.image_last = None
- for item in content:
- if ctype == "bulletList":
- self.markdown_text += "\t• "
- if ctype == "orderedList":
- self.markdown_text += "\t{num}. ".format(num=self.item_num)
- self.item_num += 1
- if item["type"] == "text":
- if "marks" in item:
- prefix, suffix = self.convert_marks(item["marks"])
- self.markdown_text = "{old}{pre}{text}{suf}".format(old=self.markdown_text, pre=prefix, text=escape_formatting(item["text"]), suf=suffix)
- else:
- if ctype == "code_block":
- self.markdown_text += item["text"] # ignore formatting on preformatted text which cannot have additional formatting anyways
- else:
- self.markdown_text += escape_formatting(item["text"])
- elif item["type"] == "paragraph":
- if "content" in item:
- self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
- self.markdown_text += "\n"
- elif item["type"] == "openGraph":
- if not item["attrs"]["wasAddedWithInlineLink"]:
- self.markdown_text = "{old}{link}\n".format(old=self.markdown_text, link=item["attrs"]["url"])
- elif item["type"] == "image":
- try:
- discussion_logger.debug(item["attrs"]["id"])
- if item["attrs"]["id"] is not None:
- self.markdown_text = "{old}{img_url}\n".format(old=self.markdown_text, img_url=self.post["_embedded"]["contentImages"][int(item["attrs"]["id"])]["url"])
- self.image_last = self.post["_embedded"]["contentImages"][int(item["attrs"]["id"])]["url"]
- except (IndexError, ValueError):
- discussion_logger.warning("Image {} not found.".format(item["attrs"]["id"]))
- discussion_logger.debug(self.markdown_text)
- elif item["type"] == "code_block":
- self.markdown_text += "```\n"
- if "content" in item:
- self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
- self.markdown_text += "\n```\n"
- elif item["type"] == "bulletList":
- if "content" in item:
- self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
- elif item["type"] == "orderedList":
- self.item_num = 1
- if "content" in item:
- self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
- elif item["type"] == "listItem":
- self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
- def convert_marks(self, marks):
- prefix = ""
- suffix = ""
- for mark in marks:
- if mark["type"] == "mention":
- prefix += "["
- suffix = "]({wiki}f/u/{userid}){suffix}".format(wiki=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], userid=mark["attrs"]["userId"], suffix=suffix)
- elif mark["type"] == "strong":
- prefix += "**"
- suffix = "**{suffix}".format(suffix=suffix)
- elif mark["type"] == "link":
- prefix += "["
- suffix = "]({link}){suffix}".format(link=mark["attrs"]["href"], suffix=suffix)
- elif mark["type"] == "em":
- prefix += "_"
- suffix = "_" + suffix
- return prefix, suffix
def safe_request(url):
"""Function to assure safety of request, and do not crash the script on exceptions,"""
diff --git a/src/exceptions.py b/src/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1871d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class MWError(Exception):
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/i18n.py b/src/i18n.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc6cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import gettext, sys, logging
+from src.configloader import settings
+logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw.i18n")
+# Setup translation
+ lang = gettext.translation('rcgcdw', localedir='locale', languages=[settings["lang"]])
+ disc = gettext.translation('discussions', localedir='locale', languages=[settings["lang"]])
+except FileNotFoundError:
+ logger.critical("No language files have been found. Make sure locale folder is located in the directory.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ngettext = lang.ngettext
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/misc.py b/src/misc.py
index c0716e1..ee67882 100644
--- a/src/misc.py
+++ b/src/misc.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
+import base64
import json, logging, sys, re, time, random, math
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ WIKI_ARTICLE_PATH: str = ""
+profile_fields = {"profile-location": _("Location"), "profile-aboutme": _("About me"), "profile-link-google": _("Google link"), "profile-link-facebook":_("Facebook link"), "profile-link-twitter": _("Twitter link"), "profile-link-reddit": _("Reddit link"), "profile-link-twitch": _("Twitch link"), "profile-link-psn": _("PSN link"), "profile-link-vk": _("VK link"), "profile-link-xbl": _("XBL link"), "profile-link-steam": _("Steam link"), "profile-link-discord": _("Discord handle"), "profile-link-battlenet": _("Battle.net handle")}
class DataFile:
"""Data class which instance of is shared by multiple modules to remain consistent and do not cause too many IO operations."""
def __init__(self):
@@ -413,4 +415,46 @@ class DiscordMessage():
self.webhook_object["avatar_url"] = url
def set_name(self, name):
- self.webhook_object["username"] = name
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.webhook_object["username"] = name
+def profile_field_name(name, embed):
+ try:
+ return profile_fields[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ if embed:
+ return _("Unknown")
+ else:
+ return _("unknown")
+class LinkParser(HTMLParser):
+ new_string = ""
+ recent_href = ""
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ for attr in attrs:
+ if attr[0] == 'href':
+ self.recent_href = attr[1]
+ if self.recent_href.startswith("//"):
+ self.recent_href = "https:{rest}".format(rest=self.recent_href)
+ elif not self.recent_href.startswith("http"):
+ self.recent_href = WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN + self.recent_href
+ self.recent_href = self.recent_href.replace(")", "\\)")
+ elif attr[0] == 'data-uncrawlable-url':
+ self.recent_href = attr[1].encode('ascii')
+ self.recent_href = base64.b64decode(self.recent_href)
+ self.recent_href = WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN + self.recent_href.decode('ascii')
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ if self.recent_href:
+ self.new_string = self.new_string + "[{}](<{}>)".format(data, self.recent_href)
+ self.recent_href = ""
+ else:
+ self.new_string = self.new_string + data
+ def handle_comment(self, data):
+ self.new_string = self.new_string + data
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ misc_logger.debug(self.new_string)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rc.py b/src/rc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..781a056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import logging
+import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.misc import WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, WIKI_API_PATH, messagequeue, datafile, send_simple, safe_read, LinkParser
+from src.exceptions import MWError
+from src.session import session
+from src.rc_formatters import compact_formatter, embed_formatter
+storage = datafile.data
+logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw.rc")
+supported_logs = ["protect/protect", "protect/modify", "protect/unprotect", "upload/overwrite", "upload/upload", "delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir", "delete/restore", "delete/revision", "delete/event", "import/upload", "import/interwiki", "merge/merge", "move/move", "move/move_redir", "protect/move_prot", "block/block", "block/unblock", "block/reblock", "rights/rights", "rights/autopromote", "abusefilter/modify", "abusefilter/create", "interwiki/iw_add", "interwiki/iw_edit", "interwiki/iw_delete", "curseprofile/comment-created", "curseprofile/comment-edited", "curseprofile/comment-deleted", "curseprofile/comment-purged", "curseprofile/profile-edited", "curseprofile/comment-replied", "contentmodel/change", "sprite/sprite", "sprite/sheet", "sprite/slice", "managetags/create", "managetags/delete", "managetags/activate", "managetags/deactivate", "tag/update", "cargo/createtable", "cargo/deletetable", "cargo/recreatetable", "cargo/replacetable", "upload/revert"]
+# Set the proper formatter
+if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed":
+ appearance_mode = embed_formatter
+elif settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "compact":
+ appearance_mode = compact_formatter
+ logger.critical("Unknown formatter!")
+ sys.exit(1)
+LinkParser = LinkParser()
+class Recent_Changes_Class(object):
+ """Store verious data and functions related to wiki and fetching of Recent Changes"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ids = []
+ self.map_ips = {}
+ self.recent_id = 0
+ self.downtimecredibility = 0
+ self.last_downtime = 0
+ self.tags = {}
+ self.groups = {}
+ self.streak = -1
+ self.mw_messages = {}
+ self.namespaces = None
+ self.session = session
+ self.logged_in = False
+ if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1:
+ self.file_id = storage["rcid"]
+ else:
+ self.file_id = 999999999 # such value won't cause trouble, and it will make sure no refetch happen
+ @staticmethod
+ def handle_mw_errors(request):
+ if "errors" in request:
+ logger.error(request["errors"])
+ raise MWError
+ return request
+ def log_in(self):
+ # session.cookies.clear()
+ if '@' not in settings["wiki_bot_login"]:
+ logger.error(
+ "Please provide proper nickname for login from {wiki}Special:BotPasswords".format(
+ return
+ if len(settings["wiki_bot_password"]) != 32:
+ logger.error(
+ "Password seems incorrect. It should be 32 characters long! Grab it from {wiki}Special:BotPasswords".format(
+ return
+ logger.info("Trying to log in to {wiki}...".format(wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH))
+ try:
+ response = self.handle_mw_errors(
+ self.session.post(WIKI_API_PATH,
+ data={'action': 'query', 'format': 'json', 'utf8': '', 'meta': 'tokens',
+ 'type': 'login'}))
+ response = self.handle_mw_errors(
+ self.session.post(WIKI_API_PATH,
+ data={'action': 'login', 'format': 'json', 'utf8': '',
+ 'lgname': settings["wiki_bot_login"],
+ 'lgpassword': settings["wiki_bot_password"],
+ 'lgtoken': response.json()['query']['tokens']['logintoken']}))
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
+ return
+ except MWError:
+ logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
+ return
+ try:
+ if response.json()['login']['result'] == "Success":
+ logger.info("Successfully logged in")
+ self.logged_in = True
+ else:
+ logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
+ except:
+ logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
+ def add_cache(self, change):
+ self.ids.append(change["rcid"])
+ # self.recent_id = change["rcid"]
+ if len(self.ids) > settings["limitrefetch"] + 5:
+ self.ids.pop(0)
+ def fetch(self, amount=settings["limit"]):
+ messagequeue.resend_msgs()
+ last_check = self.fetch_changes(amount=amount)
+ # If the request succeeds the last_check will be the last rcid from recentchanges query
+ if last_check is not None:
+ self.recent_id = last_check
+ # Assigns self.recent_id the last rcid if request succeeded, otherwise set the id from the file
+ if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1 and self.recent_id != self.file_id and self.recent_id != 0: # if saving to database is disabled, don't save the recent_id
+ self.file_id = self.recent_id
+ storage["rcid"] = self.recent_id
+ datafile.save_datafile()
+ logger.debug("Most recent rcid is: {}".format(self.recent_id))
+ return self.recent_id
+ def fetch_changes(self, amount, clean=False):
+ """Fetches the :amount: of changes from the wiki.
+ Returns None on error and int of rcid of latest change if succeeded"""
+ global logged_in
+ if len(self.ids) == 0:
+ logger.debug("ids is empty, triggering clean fetch")
+ clean = True
+ changes = self.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&list=recentchanges{show_bots}&rcprop=title%7Credirect%7Ctimestamp%7Cids%7Cloginfo%7Cparsedcomment%7Csizes%7Cflags%7Ctags%7Cuser&rclimit={amount}&rctype=edit%7Cnew%7Clog%7Cexternal{categorize}".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, amount=amount, categorize="%7Ccategorize" if settings["show_added_categories"] else "", show_bots="&rcshow=!bot" if settings["show_bots"] is False else ""))
+ if changes:
+ try:
+ changes = changes.json()['query']['recentchanges']
+ changes.reverse()
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.warning("ValueError in fetching changes")
+ logger.warning("Changes URL:" + changes.url)
+ self.downtime_controller()
+ return None
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.warning("Wiki returned %s" % (changes.json()))
+ return None
+ else:
+ if self.downtimecredibility > 0:
+ self.downtimecredibility -= 1
+ if self.streak > -1:
+ self.streak += 1
+ if self.streak > 8:
+ self.streak = -1
+ send_simple("down_detector", _("Connection to {wiki} seems to be stable now.").format(wiki=settings["wikiname"]),
+ _("Connection status"), settings["avatars"]["connection_restored"])
+ # In the first for loop we analize the categorize events and figure if we will need more changes to fetch
+ # in order to cover all of the edits
+ categorize_events = {}
+ new_events = 0
+ for change in changes:
+ if not (change["rcid"] in self.ids or change["rcid"] < self.recent_id) and not clean:
+ new_events += 1
+ logger.debug(
+ "New event: {}".format(change["rcid"]))
+ if new_events == settings["limit"]:
+ if amount < 500:
+ # call the function again with max limit for more results, ignore the ones in this request
+ logger.debug("There were too many new events, requesting max amount of events from the wiki.")
+ return self.fetch(amount=5000 if self.logged_in else 500)
+ else:
+ logger.debug(
+ "There were too many new events, but the limit was high enough we don't care anymore about fetching them all.")
+ if change["type"] == "categorize":
+ if "commenthidden" not in change:
+ if len(recent_changes.mw_messages.keys()) > 0:
+ cat_title = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ # I so much hate this, blame Markus for making me do this
+ if change["revid"] not in categorize_events:
+ categorize_events[change["revid"]] = {"new": set(), "removed": set()}
+ comment_to_match = re.sub(r'<.*?a>', '', change["parsedcomment"])
+ if recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"] in comment_to_match or recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match:
+ categorize_events[change["revid"]]["new"].add(cat_title)
+ logger.debug("Matched {} to added category for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
+ elif recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"] in comment_to_match or recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match:
+ categorize_events[change["revid"]]["removed"].add(cat_title)
+ logger.debug("Matched {} to removed category for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Unknown match for category change with messages {}, {}, {}, {} and comment_to_match {}".format(recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"], comment_to_match))
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Init information not available, could not read category information. Please restart the bot.")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Log entry got suppressed, ignoring entry.")
+ # if change["revid"] in categorize_events:
+ # categorize_events[change["revid"]].append(cat_title)
+ # else:
+ # logger.debug("New category '{}' for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
+ # categorize_events[change["revid"]] = {cat_title: }
+ for change in changes:
+ if change["rcid"] in self.ids or change["rcid"] < self.recent_id:
+ logger.debug("Change ({}) is in ids or is lower than recent_id {}".format(change["rcid"],
+ self.recent_id))
+ continue
+ logger.debug(self.ids)
+ logger.debug(self.recent_id)
+ self.add_cache(change)
+ if clean and not (self.recent_id == 0 and change["rcid"] > self.file_id):
+ logger.debug("Rejected {val}".format(val=change["rcid"]))
+ continue
+ essential_info(change, categorize_events.get(change.get("revid"), None))
+ return change["rcid"]
+ def safe_request(self, url):
+ try:
+ request = self.session.get(url, timeout=10, allow_redirects=False)
+ except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
+ logger.warning("Reached timeout error for request on link {url}".format(url=url))
+ self.downtime_controller()
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ logger.warning("Reached connection error for request on link {url}".format(url=url))
+ self.downtime_controller()
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError:
+ logger.warning("Detected faulty response from the web server for request on link {url}".format(url=url))
+ self.downtime_controller()
+ return None
+ else:
+ if 499 < request.status_code < 600:
+ self.downtime_controller()
+ return None
+ elif request.status_code == 302:
+ logger.critical("Redirect detected! Either the wiki given in the script settings (wiki field) is incorrect/the wiki got removed or Gamepedia is giving us the false value. Please provide the real URL to the wiki, current URL redirects to {}".format(request.next.url))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ return request
+ def check_connection(self, looped=False):
+ online = 0
+ for website in ["https://google.com", "https://instagram.com", "https://steamcommunity.com"]:
+ try:
+ requests.get(website, timeout=10)
+ online += 1
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ pass
+ except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
+ pass
+ if online < 1:
+ logger.error("Failure when checking Internet connection at {time}".format(
+ time=time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())))
+ self.downtimecredibility = 0
+ if not looped:
+ while 1: # recursed loop, check for connection (every 10 seconds) as long as three services are down, don't do anything else
+ if self.check_connection(looped=True):
+ recent_changes.fetch(amount=settings["limitrefetch"])
+ break
+ time.sleep(10)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def downtime_controller(self):
+ if not settings["show_updown_messages"]:
+ return
+ if self.streak > -1: # reset the streak of successful connections when bad one happens
+ self.streak = 0
+ if self.downtimecredibility < 60:
+ self.downtimecredibility += 15
+ else:
+ if (
+ time.time() - self.last_downtime) > 1800 and self.check_connection(): # check if last downtime happened within 30 minutes, if yes, don't send a message
+ send_simple("down_detector", _("{wiki} seems to be down or unreachable.").format(wiki=settings["wikiname"]),
+ _("Connection status"), settings["avatars"]["connection_failed"])
+ self.last_downtime = time.time()
+ self.streak = 0
+ def clear_cache(self):
+ self.map_ips = {}
+ def init_info(self):
+ startup_info = safe_read(self.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&uselang=content&list=tags&meta=allmessages%7Csiteinfo&utf8=1&tglimit=max&tgprop=displayname&ammessages=recentchanges-page-added-to-category%7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category%7Crecentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled%7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled&amenableparser=1&amincludelocal=1&siprop=namespaces".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH)), "query")
+ if startup_info:
+ if "tags" in startup_info and "allmessages" in startup_info:
+ for tag in startup_info["tags"]:
+ try:
+ self.tags[tag["name"]] = (BeautifulSoup(tag["displayname"], "lxml")).get_text()
+ except KeyError:
+ self.tags[tag["name"]] = None # Tags with no display name are hidden and should not appear on RC as well
+ for message in startup_info["allmessages"]:
+ if not "missing" in message: # ignore missing strings
+ self.mw_messages[message["name"]] = message["*"]
+ else:
+ logging.warning("Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {}".format(message["name"]))
+ for key, message in self.mw_messages.items():
+ if key.startswith("recentchanges-page-"):
+ self.mw_messages[key] = re.sub(r'\[\[.*?\]\]', '', message)
+ self.namespaces = startup_info["namespaces"]
+ logger.info("Gathered information about the tags and interface messages.")
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Some features may not work correctly!")
+ logger.debug(startup_info)
+ else:
+ logger.error("Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Possibly internet connection issue?")
+ def pull_comment(self, comment_id):
+ try:
+ comment = self.handle_mw_errors(self.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=comment&do=getRaw&comment_id={comment}&format=json".format(wiki=WIKI_API_PATH,
+ comment=comment_id)).json())[
+ "text"]
+ logger.debug("Got the following comment from the API: {}".format(comment))
+ except MWError:
+ pass
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ logger.exception("Could not resolve the comment text.")
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.exception("CurseProfile extension API did not respond with a valid comment content.")
+ else:
+ if len(comment) > 1000:
+ comment = comment[0:1000] + "…"
+ return comment
+ return ""
+recent_changes = Recent_Changes_Class()
+def essential_info(change, changed_categories):
+ """Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format."""
+ logger.debug(change)
+ if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change) and "suppressed" not in settings["ignored"]: # if event is hidden using suppression
+ appearance_mode("suppressed", change, "", changed_categories, recent_changes)
+ return
+ if "commenthidden" not in change:
+ LinkParser.feed(change["parsedcomment"])
+ parsed_comment = LinkParser.new_string
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ parsed_comment = re.sub(r"(`|_|\*|~|{|}|\|\|)", "\\\\\\1", parsed_comment, 0)
+ else:
+ parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~")
+ if not parsed_comment:
+ parsed_comment = None
+ if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]:
+ logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories))
+ if "userhidden" in change:
+ change["user"] = _("hidden")
+ identification_string = change["type"]
+ elif change["type"] == "log":
+ identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"], logaction=change["logaction"])
+ if identification_string not in supported_logs:
+ logger.warning(
+ "This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format(
+ change))
+ return
+ elif change["type"] == "categorize":
+ return
+ else:
+ logger.warning("This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format(change))
+ return
+ if identification_string in settings["ignored"]:
+ return
+ appearance_mode(identification_string, change, parsed_comment, changed_categories, recent_changes)
diff --git a/src/rc_formatters.py b/src/rc_formatters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c52b2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rc_formatters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+import ipaddress
+import math
+import re
+import time
+import logging
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.misc import link_formatter, create_article_path, WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, send_to_discord, DiscordMessage, safe_read, \
+ WIKI_API_PATH, ContentParser, profile_field_name, LinkParser
+from src.i18n import lang
+#from src.rc import recent_changes, pull_comment
+ngettext = lang.ngettext
+logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw.rc_formatters")
+#from src.rcgcdw import recent_changes, ngettext, logger, profile_field_name, LinkParser, pull_comment
+LinkParser = LinkParser()
+def compact_formatter(action, change, parsed_comment, categories, recent_changes):
+ if action != "suppressed":
+ author_url = link_formatter(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=change["user"])))
+ author = change["user"]
+ parsed_comment = "" if parsed_comment is None else " *("+parsed_comment+")*"
+ parsed_comment = re.sub(r"([^<]|\A)(http(s)://.*?)( |\Z)", "\\1<\\2>\\4", parsed_comment) # see #97
+ if action in ["edit", "new"]:
+ edit_link = link_formatter("{wiki}index.php?title={article}&curid={pageid}&diff={diff}&oldid={oldrev}".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, pageid=change["pageid"], diff=change["revid"], oldrev=change["old_revid"],
+ article=change["title"]))
+ edit_size = change["newlen"] - change["oldlen"]
+ if edit_size > 0:
+ sign = "+"
+ else:
+ sign = ""
+ if change["title"].startswith("MediaWiki:Tag-"):
+ pass
+ if action == "edit":
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited [{article}]({edit_link}){comment} ({sign}{edit_size})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], edit_link=edit_link, comment=parsed_comment, edit_size=edit_size, sign=sign)
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created [{article}]({edit_link}){comment} ({sign}{edit_size})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], edit_link=edit_link, comment=parsed_comment, edit_size=edit_size, sign=sign)
+ elif action =="upload/upload":
+ file_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) uploaded [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ file=change["title"],
+ file_link=file_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "upload/revert":
+ file_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) reverted a version of [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, file=change["title"], file_link=file_link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "upload/overwrite":
+ file_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) uploaded a new version of [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, file=change["title"], file_link=file_link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "delete/delete":
+ page_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted [{page}]({page_link}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, page=change["title"], page_link=page_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "delete/delete_redir":
+ page_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted redirect by overwriting [{page}]({page_link}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, page=change["title"], page_link=page_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "move/move":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]['target_title']))
+ redirect_status = _("without making a redirect") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _("with a redirect")
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) moved {redirect}*{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}) {made_a_redirect}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"],
+ target=change["logparams"]['target_title'], target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment, made_a_redirect=redirect_status)
+ elif action == "move/move_redir":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["target_title"]))
+ redirect_status = _("without making a redirect") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _(
+ "with a redirect")
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) moved {redirect}*{article}* over redirect to [{target}]({target_url}) {made_a_redirect}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"],
+ target=change["logparams"]['target_title'], target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment, made_a_redirect=redirect_status)
+ elif action == "protect/move_prot":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"]))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) moved protection settings from {redirect}*{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"],
+ target=change["title"], target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "block/block":
+ user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
+ restriction_description = ""
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(user)
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=user)))
+ except ValueError:
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ if change["logparams"]["duration"] == "infinite":
+ block_time = _("infinity and beyond")
+ else:
+ english_length = re.sub(r"(\d+)", "", change["logparams"][
+ "duration"]) # note that translation won't work for millenia and century yet
+ english_length_num = re.sub(r"(\D+)", "", change["logparams"]["duration"])
+ try:
+ english_length = english_length.rstrip("s").strip()
+ block_time = "{num} {translated_length}".format(num=english_length_num,
+ translated_length=ngettext(english_length,
+ english_length + "s",
+ int(english_length_num)))
+ except AttributeError:
+ logger.error("Could not strip s from the block event, seems like the regex didn't work?")
+ return
+ if "sitewide" not in change["logparams"]:
+ restriction_description = ""
+ if "pages" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
+ restriction_description = _(" on pages: ")
+ for page in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
+ restricted_pages = ["*{page}*".format(page=i["page_title"]) for i in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]]
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(restricted_pages)
+ if "namespaces" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
+ namespaces = []
+ if restriction_description:
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + _(" and namespaces: ")
+ else:
+ restriction_description = _(" on namespaces: ")
+ for namespace in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
+ if str(namespace) in recent_changes.namespaces: # if we have cached namespace name for given namespace number, add its name to the list
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=recent_changes.namespaces[str(namespace)]["*"]))
+ else:
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=namespace))
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(namespaces)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + "."
+ if len(restriction_description) > 1020:
+ logger.debug(restriction_description)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description[:1020] + "…"
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) blocked [{user}]({user_url}) for {time}{restriction_desc}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, user=user, time=block_time, user_url=link, restriction_desc=restriction_description, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "block/reblock":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed block settings for [{blocked_user}]({user_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, blocked_user=user, user_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "block/unblock":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) unblocked [{blocked_user}]({user_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, blocked_user=user, user_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-created":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) left a [comment]({comment}) on {target} profile").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, target=change["title"].split(':')[1]+"'s" if change["title"].split(':')[1] != change["user"] else _("their own profile"))
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-replied":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replied to a [comment]({comment}) on {target} profile").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ comment=link,
+ target=change["title"].split(':')[1] if change["title"].split(':')[1] !=change["user"] else _("their own"))
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-edited":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited a [comment]({comment}) on {target} profile").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ comment=link,
+ target=change["title"].split(':')[1] if change["title"].split(':')[1] !=change["user"] else _("their own"))
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-purged":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) purged a comment on {target} profile").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ target=
+ change["title"].split(':')[
+ 1] if
+ change["title"].split(':')[
+ 1] != change[
+ "user"] else _(
+ "their own"))
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-deleted":
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a comment on {target} profile").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ target=change["title"].split(':')[1] if change["title"].split(':')[1] !=change["user"] else _("their own"))
+ elif action == "curseprofile/profile-edited":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("UserProfile:{user}".format(user=change["title"].split(":")[1])))
+ target = _("[{target}]({target_url})'s").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1], target_url=link) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != author else _("[their own]({target_url})").format(target_url=link)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the {field} on {target} profile. *({desc})*").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ target=target,
+ field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], False),
+ desc=BeautifulSoup(change["parsedcomment"], "lxml").get_text())
+ elif action in ("rights/rights", "rights/autopromote"):
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=change["title"].split(":")[1])))
+ old_groups = []
+ new_groups = []
+ for name in change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]:
+ old_groups.append(_(name))
+ for name in change["logparams"]["newgroups"]:
+ new_groups.append(_(name))
+ if len(old_groups) == 0:
+ old_groups = [_("none")]
+ if len(new_groups) == 0:
+ new_groups = [_("none")]
+ if action == "rights/rights":
+ content = "[{author}]({author_url}) changed group membership for [{target}]({target_url}) from {old_groups} to {new_groups}{comment}".format(author=author, author_url=author_url, target=change["title"].split(":")[1], target_url=link, old_groups=", ".join(old_groups), new_groups=', '.join(new_groups), comment=parsed_comment)
+ else:
+ content = "{author} autopromoted [{target}]({target_url}) from {old_groups} to {new_groups}{comment}".format(
+ author=_("System"), author_url=author_url, target=change["title"].split(":")[1], target_url=link,
+ old_groups=", ".join(old_groups), new_groups=', '.join(new_groups),
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "protect/protect":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) protected [{article}]({article_url}) with the following settings: {settings}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=change["title"], article_url=link,
+ settings=change["logparams"]["description"]+_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "protect/modify":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) modified protection settings of [{article}]({article_url}) to: {settings}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=change["title"], article_url=link,
+ settings=change["logparams"]["description"] + _(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "protect/unprotect":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) removed protection from [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "delete/revision":
+ amount = len(change["logparams"]["ids"])
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = ngettext("[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of revision on page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of {amount} revisions on page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}", amount).format(author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=change["title"], article_url=link, amount=amount, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "import/upload":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = ngettext("[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revision{comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revisions{comment}", change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, count=change["logparams"]["count"], comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "delete/restore":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) restored [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "delete/event":
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of log events{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "import/interwiki":
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) imported interwiki{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "abusefilter/modify":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/history/{number}/diff/prev/{historyid}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'], historyid=change["logparams"]["historyId"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited abuse filter [number {number}]({filter_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, number=change["logparams"]['newId'], filter_url=link)
+ elif action == "abusefilter/create":
+ link = link_formatter(
+ create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/{number}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created abuse filter [number {number}]({filter_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, number=change["logparams"]['newId'], filter_url=link)
+ elif action == "merge/merge":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ link_dest = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["dest_title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) merged revision histories of [{article}]({article_url}) into [{dest}]({dest_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, dest_url=link_dest,
+ dest=change["logparams"]["dest_title"], comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "interwiki/iw_add":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) added an entry to the [interwiki table]({table_url}) pointing to {website} with {prefix} prefix").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, desc=parsed_comment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'],
+ table_url=link)
+ elif action == "interwiki/iw_edit":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited an entry in [interwiki table]({table_url}) pointing to {website} with {prefix} prefix").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, desc=parsed_comment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'],
+ table_url=link)
+ elif action == "interwiki/iw_delete":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted an entry in [interwiki table]({table_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table_url=link)
+ elif action == "contentmodel/change":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed the content model of the page [{article}]({article_url}) from {old} to {new}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, old=change["logparams"]["oldmodel"],
+ new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"], comment=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "sprite/sprite":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the sprite for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link)
+ elif action == "sprite/sheet":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the sprite sheet for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link)
+ elif action == "sprite/slice":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the slice for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link)
+ elif action == "cargo/createtable":
+ LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
+ table = LinkParser.new_string
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=table)
+ elif action == "cargo/deletetable":
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=change["logparams"]["0"])
+ elif action == "cargo/recreatetable":
+ LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
+ table = LinkParser.new_string
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) recreated the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=table)
+ elif action == "cargo/replacetable":
+ LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
+ table = LinkParser.new_string
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replaced the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=table)
+ elif action == "managetags/create":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
+ recent_changes.init_info()
+ elif action == "managetags/delete":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
+ recent_changes.init_info()
+ elif action == "managetags/activate":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) activated a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
+ elif action == "managetags/deactivate":
+ link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deactivated a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
+ elif action == "suppressed":
+ content = _("An action has been hidden by administration.")
+ else:
+ logger.warning("No entry for {event} with params: {params}".format(event=action, params=change))
+ return
+ send_to_discord(DiscordMessage("compact", action, settings["webhookURL"], content=content))
+def embed_formatter(action, change, parsed_comment, categories, recent_changes):
+ embed = DiscordMessage("embed", action, settings["webhookURL"])
+ if parsed_comment is None:
+ parsed_comment = _("No description provided")
+ if action != "suppressed":
+ if "anon" in change:
+ author_url = create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=change["user"].replace(" ", "_"))) # Replace here needed in case of #75
+ logger.debug("current user: {} with cache of IPs: {}".format(change["user"], recent_changes.map_ips.keys()))
+ if change["user"] not in list(recent_changes.map_ips.keys()):
+ contibs = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&list=usercontribs&uclimit=max&ucuser={user}&ucstart={timestamp}&ucprop=".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, user=change["user"], timestamp=change["timestamp"])), "query", "usercontribs")
+ if contibs is None:
+ logger.warning(
+ "WARNING: Something went wrong when checking amount of contributions for given IP address")
+ change["user"] = change["user"] + "(?)"
+ else:
+ recent_changes.map_ips[change["user"]] = len(contibs)
+ logger.debug("Current params user {} and state of map_ips {}".format(change["user"], recent_changes.map_ips))
+ change["user"] = "{author} ({contribs})".format(author=change["user"], contribs=len(contibs))
+ else:
+ logger.debug(
+ "Current params user {} and state of map_ips {}".format(change["user"], recent_changes.map_ips))
+ if action in ("edit", "new"):
+ recent_changes.map_ips[change["user"]] += 1
+ change["user"] = "{author} ({amount})".format(author=change["user"],
+ amount=recent_changes.map_ips[change["user"]])
+ else:
+ author_url = create_article_path("User:{}".format(change["user"].replace(" ", "_")))
+ embed.set_author(change["user"], author_url)
+ if action in ("edit", "new"): # edit or new page
+ editsize = change["newlen"] - change["oldlen"]
+ if editsize > 0:
+ if editsize > 6032:
+ embed["color"] = 65280
+ else:
+ embed["color"] = 35840 + (math.floor(editsize / 52)) * 256
+ elif editsize < 0:
+ if editsize < -6032:
+ embed["color"] = 16711680
+ else:
+ embed["color"] = 9175040 + (math.floor((editsize * -1) / 52)) * 65536
+ elif editsize == 0:
+ embed["color"] = 8750469
+ if change["title"].startswith("MediaWiki:Tag-"): # Refresh tag list when tag display name is edited
+ recent_changes.init_info()
+ link = "{wiki}index.php?title={article}&curid={pageid}&diff={diff}&oldid={oldrev}".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, pageid=change["pageid"], diff=change["revid"], oldrev=change["old_revid"],
+ article=change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = "{redirect}{article} ({new}{minor}{bot}{space}{editsize})".format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"], editsize="+" + str(
+ editsize) if editsize > 0 else editsize, new=_("(N!) ") if action == "new" else "",
+ minor=_("m") if action == "edit" and "minor" in change else "", bot=_('b') if "bot" in change else "", space=" " if "bot" in change or (action == "edit" and "minor" in change) or action == "new" else "")
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ if action == "new":
+ changed_content = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=compare&format=json&fromtext=&torev={diff}&topst=1&prop=diff".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, diff=change["revid"]
+ )), "compare", "*")
+ else:
+ changed_content = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=compare&format=json&fromrev={oldrev}&torev={diff}&topst=1&prop=diff".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, diff=change["revid"],oldrev=change["old_revid"]
+ )), "compare", "*")
+ if changed_content:
+ EditDiff = ContentParser()
+ EditDiff.feed(changed_content)
+ if EditDiff.small_prev_del:
+ if EditDiff.small_prev_del.replace("~~", "").isspace():
+ EditDiff.small_prev_del = _('__Only whitespace__')
+ else:
+ EditDiff.small_prev_del = EditDiff.small_prev_del.replace("~~~~", "")
+ if EditDiff.small_prev_ins:
+ if EditDiff.small_prev_ins.replace("**", "").isspace():
+ EditDiff.small_prev_ins = _('__Only whitespace__')
+ else:
+ EditDiff.small_prev_ins = EditDiff.small_prev_ins.replace("****", "")
+ logger.debug("Changed content: {}".format(EditDiff.small_prev_ins))
+ if EditDiff.small_prev_del and not action == "new":
+ embed.add_field(_("Removed"), "{data}".format(data=EditDiff.small_prev_del), inline=True)
+ if EditDiff.small_prev_ins:
+ embed.add_field(_("Added"), "{data}".format(data=EditDiff.small_prev_ins), inline=True)
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Unable to download data on the edit content!")
+ elif action in ("upload/overwrite", "upload/upload", "upload/revert"): # sending files
+ license = None
+ urls = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&prop=imageinfo&list=&meta=&titles={filename}&iiprop=timestamp%7Curl%7Carchivename&iilimit=5".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, filename=change["title"])), "query", "pages")
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ additional_info_retrieved = False
+ if urls is not None:
+ logger.debug(urls)
+ if "-1" not in urls: # image still exists and not removed
+ try:
+ img_info = next(iter(urls.values()))["imageinfo"]
+ for num, revision in enumerate(img_info):
+ if revision["timestamp"] == change["logparams"]["img_timestamp"]: # find the correct revision corresponding for this log entry
+ image_direct_url = "{rev}?{cache}".format(rev=revision["url"], cache=int(time.time()*5)) # cachebusting
+ additional_info_retrieved = True
+ break
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.warning("Wiki did not respond with extended information about file. The preview will not be shown.")
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Request for additional image information have failed. The preview will not be shown.")
+ if action in ("upload/overwrite", "upload/revert"):
+ if additional_info_retrieved:
+ article_encoded = change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)')
+ try:
+ revision = img_info[num+1]
+ except IndexError:
+ logger.exception("Could not analize the information about the image (does it have only one version when expected more in overwrite?) which resulted in no Options field: {}".format(img_info))
+ else:
+ undolink = "{wiki}index.php?title={filename}&action=revert&oldimage={archiveid}".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, filename=article_encoded, archiveid=revision["archivename"])
+ embed.add_field(_("Options"), _("([preview]({link}) | [undo]({undolink}))").format(
+ link=image_direct_url, undolink=undolink))
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"]:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = image_direct_url
+ if action == "upload/overwrite":
+ embed["title"] = _("Uploaded a new version of {name}").format(name=change["title"])
+ elif action == "upload/revert":
+ embed["title"] = _("Reverted a version of {name}").format(name=change["title"])
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Uploaded {name}").format(name=change["title"])
+ if settings["license_detection"]:
+ article_content = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
+ "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&prop=revisions&titles={article}&rvprop=content".format(
+ wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, article=quote_plus(change["title"], safe=''))), "query", "pages")
+ if article_content is None:
+ logger.warning("Something went wrong when getting license for the image")
+ return 0
+ if "-1" not in article_content:
+ content = list(article_content.values())[0]['revisions'][0]['*']
+ try:
+ matches = re.search(re.compile(settings["license_regex"], re.IGNORECASE), content)
+ if matches is not None:
+ license = matches.group("license")
+ else:
+ if re.search(re.compile(settings["license_regex_detect"], re.IGNORECASE), content) is None:
+ license = _("**No license!**")
+ else:
+ license = "?"
+ except IndexError:
+ logger.error(
+ "Given regex for the license detection is incorrect. It does not have a capturing group called \"license\" specified. Please fix license_regex value in the config!")
+ license = "?"
+ except re.error:
+ logger.error(
+ "Given regex for the license detection is incorrect. Please fix license_regex or license_regex_detect values in the config!")
+ license = "?"
+ if license is not None:
+ parsed_comment += _("\nLicense: {}").format(license)
+ if additional_info_retrieved:
+ embed.add_field(_("Options"), _("([preview]({link}))").format(link=image_direct_url))
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"]:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = image_direct_url
+ elif action == "delete/delete":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted page {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "delete/delete_redir":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted redirect {article} by overwriting").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "move/move":
+ link = create_article_path(change["logparams"]['target_title'].replace(" ", "_"))
+ parsed_comment = "{supress}. {desc}".format(desc=parsed_comment,
+ supress=_("No redirect has been made") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _(
+ "A redirect has been made"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Moved {redirect}{article} to {target}").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"], target=change["logparams"]['target_title'])
+ elif action == "move/move_redir":
+ link = create_article_path(change["logparams"]["target_title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Moved {redirect}{article} to {title} over redirect").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"],
+ title=change["logparams"]["target_title"])
+ elif action == "protect/move_prot":
+ link = create_article_path(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Moved protection settings from {redirect}{article} to {title}").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"],
+ title=change["title"])
+ elif action == "block/block":
+ user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(user)
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=user))
+ except ValueError:
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)'))
+ if change["logparams"]["duration"] == "infinite":
+ block_time = _("infinity and beyond")
+ else:
+ english_length = re.sub(r"(\d+)", "", change["logparams"]["duration"]) #note that translation won't work for millenia and century yet
+ english_length_num = re.sub(r"(\D+)", "", change["logparams"]["duration"])
+ try:
+ english_length = english_length.rstrip("s").strip()
+ block_time = "{num} {translated_length}".format(num=english_length_num, translated_length=ngettext(english_length, english_length + "s", int(english_length_num)))
+ except AttributeError:
+ logger.error("Could not strip s from the block event, seems like the regex didn't work?")
+ return
+ if "sitewide" not in change["logparams"]:
+ restriction_description = ""
+ if "pages" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
+ restriction_description = _("Blocked from editing the following pages: ")
+ for page in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
+ restricted_pages = ["*"+i["page_title"]+"*" for i in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]]
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(restricted_pages)
+ if "namespaces" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
+ namespaces = []
+ if restriction_description:
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + _(" and namespaces: ")
+ else:
+ restriction_description = _("Blocked from editing pages on following namespaces: ")
+ for namespace in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
+ if str(namespace) in recent_changes.namespaces: # if we have cached namespace name for given namespace number, add its name to the list
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=recent_changes.namespaces[str(namespace)]["*"]))
+ else:
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=namespace))
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(namespaces)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + "."
+ if len(restriction_description) > 1020:
+ logger.debug(restriction_description)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description[:1020]+"…"
+ embed.add_field(_("Partial block details"), restriction_description, inline=True)
+ embed["title"] = _("Blocked {blocked_user} for {time}").format(blocked_user=user, time=block_time)
+ elif action == "block/reblock":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)'))
+ user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed block settings for {blocked_user}").format(blocked_user=user)
+ elif action == "block/unblock":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)'))
+ user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
+ embed["title"] = _("Unblocked {blocked_user}").format(blocked_user=user)
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-created":
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ parsed_comment = recent_changes.pull_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
+ link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Left a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != \
+ change["user"] else _(
+ "Left a comment on their own profile")
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-replied":
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ parsed_comment = recent_changes.pull_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
+ link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != \
+ change["user"] else _(
+ "Replied to a comment on their own profile")
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-edited":
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ parsed_comment = recent_changes.pull_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
+ link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != \
+ change["user"] else _(
+ "Edited a comment on their own profile")
+ elif action == "curseprofile/profile-edited":
+ link = create_article_path("UserProfile:{target}".format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)')))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["user"] != change["title"].split(':')[1] else _("Edited their own profile")
+ if not change["parsedcomment"]: # If the field is empty
+ parsed_comment = _("Cleared the {field} field").format(field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], True))
+ else:
+ parsed_comment = _("{field} field changed to: {desc}").format(field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], True), desc=BeautifulSoup(change["parsedcomment"], "lxml").get_text())
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-purged":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Purged a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1])
+ elif action == "curseprofile/comment-deleted":
+ if "4:comment_id" in change["logparams"]:
+ link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ else:
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1])
+ elif action in ("rights/rights", "rights/autopromote"):
+ link = create_article_path("User:{}".format(change["title"].split(":")[1].replace(" ", "_")))
+ if action == "rights/rights":
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed group membership for {target}").format(target=change["title"].split(":")[1])
+ else:
+ change["user"] = _("System")
+ author_url = ""
+ embed["title"] = _("{target} got autopromoted to a new usergroup").format(
+ target=change["title"].split(":")[1])
+ if len(change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]) < len(change["logparams"]["newgroups"]):
+ embed["thumbnail"]["url"] = "https://i.imgur.com/WnGhF5g.gif"
+ old_groups = []
+ new_groups = []
+ for name in change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]:
+ old_groups.append(_(name))
+ for name in change["logparams"]["newgroups"]:
+ new_groups.append(_(name))
+ if len(old_groups) == 0:
+ old_groups = [_("none")]
+ if len(new_groups) == 0:
+ new_groups = [_("none")]
+ reason = ": {desc}".format(desc=parsed_comment) if parsed_comment != _("No description provided") else ""
+ parsed_comment = _("Groups changed from {old_groups} to {new_groups}{reason}").format(
+ old_groups=", ".join(old_groups), new_groups=', '.join(new_groups), reason=reason)
+ elif action == "protect/protect":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Protected {target}").format(target=change["title"])
+ parsed_comment = "{settings}{cascade} | {reason}".format(settings=change["logparams"]["description"],
+ cascade=_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
+ reason=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "protect/modify":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed protection level for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ parsed_comment = "{settings}{cascade} | {reason}".format(settings=change["logparams"]["description"],
+ cascade=_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
+ reason=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "protect/unprotect":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Removed protection from {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "delete/revision":
+ amount = len(change["logparams"]["ids"])
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = ngettext("Changed visibility of revision on page {article} ",
+ "Changed visibility of {amount} revisions on page {article} ", amount).format(
+ article=change["title"], amount=amount)
+ elif action == "import/upload":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = ngettext("Imported {article} with {count} revision",
+ "Imported {article} with {count} revisions", change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
+ article=change["title"], count=change["logparams"]["count"])
+ elif action == "delete/restore":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Restored {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "delete/event":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:RecentChanges")
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed visibility of log events")
+ elif action == "import/interwiki":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:RecentChanges")
+ embed["title"] = _("Imported interwiki")
+ elif action == "abusefilter/modify":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/history/{number}/diff/prev/{historyid}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'], historyid=change["logparams"]["historyId"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited abuse filter number {number}").format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])
+ elif action == "abusefilter/create":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/{number}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId']))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created abuse filter number {number}").format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])
+ elif action == "merge/merge":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Merged revision histories of {article} into {dest}").format(article=change["title"],
+ dest=change["logparams"]["dest_title"])
+ elif action == "interwiki/iw_add":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
+ embed["title"] = _("Added an entry to the interwiki table")
+ parsed_comment = _("Prefix: {prefix}, website: {website} | {desc}").format(desc=parsed_comment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'])
+ elif action == "interwiki/iw_edit":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited an entry in interwiki table")
+ parsed_comment = _("Prefix: {prefix}, website: {website} | {desc}").format(desc=parsed_comment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'])
+ elif action == "interwiki/iw_delete":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted an entry in interwiki table")
+ parsed_comment = _("Prefix: {prefix} | {desc}").format(desc=parsed_comment, prefix=change["logparams"]['0'])
+ elif action == "contentmodel/change":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed the content model of the page {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ parsed_comment = _("Model changed from {old} to {new}: {reason}").format(old=change["logparams"]["oldmodel"],
+ new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"],
+ reason=parsed_comment)
+ elif action == "sprite/sprite":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited the sprite for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "sprite/sheet":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created the sprite sheet for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "sprite/slice":
+ link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited the slice for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
+ elif action == "cargo/createtable":
+ LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)\]\(<(.*?)>\)", LinkParser.new_string)
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ link = table.group(2)
+ embed["title"] = _("Created the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
+ parsed_comment = None
+ elif action == "cargo/deletetable":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:CargoTables")
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=change["logparams"]["0"])
+ parsed_comment = None
+ elif action == "cargo/recreatetable":
+ LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)\]\(<(.*?)>\)", LinkParser.new_string)
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ link = table.group(2)
+ embed["title"] = _("Recreated the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
+ parsed_comment = None
+ elif action == "cargo/replacetable":
+ LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)\]\(<(.*?)>\)", LinkParser.new_string)
+ LinkParser.new_string = ""
+ link = table.group(2)
+ embed["title"] = _("Replaced the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
+ parsed_comment = None
+ elif action == "managetags/create":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
+ embed["title"] = _("Created a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
+ recent_changes.init_info()
+ elif action == "managetags/delete":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
+ recent_changes.init_info()
+ elif action == "managetags/activate":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
+ embed["title"] = _("Activated a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
+ elif action == "managetags/deactivate":
+ link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
+ embed["title"] = _("Deactivated a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
+ elif action == "suppressed":
+ link = create_article_path("")
+ embed["title"] = _("Action has been hidden by administration.")
+ embed["author"]["name"] = _("Unknown")
+ else:
+ logger.warning("No entry for {event} with params: {params}".format(event=action, params=change))
+ embed["author"]["icon_url"] = settings["appearance"]["embed"][action]["icon"]
+ embed["url"] = link
+ if parsed_comment is not None:
+ embed["description"] = parsed_comment
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_footer"]:
+ embed["timestamp"] = change["timestamp"]
+ if "tags" in change and change["tags"]:
+ tag_displayname = []
+ for tag in change["tags"]:
+ if tag in recent_changes.tags:
+ if recent_changes.tags[tag] is None:
+ continue # Ignore hidden tags
+ else:
+ tag_displayname.append(recent_changes.tags[tag])
+ else:
+ tag_displayname.append(tag)
+ embed.add_field(_("Tags"), ", ".join(tag_displayname))
+ logger.debug("Current params in edit action: {}".format(change))
+ if categories is not None and not (len(categories["new"]) == 0 and len(categories["removed"]) == 0):
+ new_cat = (_("**Added**: ") + ", ".join(list(categories["new"])[0:16]) + ("\n" if len(categories["new"])<=15 else _(" and {} more\n").format(len(categories["new"])-15))) if categories["new"] else ""
+ del_cat = (_("**Removed**: ") + ", ".join(list(categories["removed"])[0:16]) + ("" if len(categories["removed"])<=15 else _(" and {} more").format(len(categories["removed"])-15))) if categories["removed"] else ""
+ embed.add_field(_("Changed categories"), new_cat + del_cat)
+ embed.finish_embed()
+ send_to_discord(embed)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/rcgcdw.py b/src/rcgcdw.py
index 7d07d4d..78eaf27 100644
--- a/src/rcgcdw.py
+++ b/src/rcgcdw.py
@@ -20,18 +20,19 @@
# You have been warned
-import time, logging.config, json, requests, datetime, re, gettext, math, random, os.path, schedule, sys, ipaddress, base64
-from html.parser import HTMLParser
+import time, logging.config, requests, datetime, gettext, math, os.path, schedule, sys
import src.misc
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
-from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from src.configloader import settings
-from src.misc import link_formatter, ContentParser, safe_read, add_to_dict, datafile, \
- WIKI_API_PATH, WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN, create_article_path, messagequeue, send_to_discord_webhook, \
- send_to_discord, DiscordMessage, send_simple
-from src.session import session
+from src.misc import add_to_dict, datafile, \
+ WIKI_API_PATH, create_article_path, send_to_discord, \
+ DiscordMessage
+from src.rc import recent_changes
+from src.exceptions import MWError
+from src.i18n import ngettext, lang
+_ = lang.gettext
if settings["fandom_discussions"]["enabled"]:
import src.discussions
@@ -44,17 +45,6 @@ logging.config.dictConfig(settings["logging"])
logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw")
logger.debug("Current settings: {settings}".format(settings=settings))
-# Setup translation
- lang = gettext.translation('rcgcdw', localedir='locale', languages=[settings["lang"]])
-except FileNotFoundError:
- logger.critical("No language files have been found. Make sure locale folder is located in the directory.")
- sys.exit(1)
-ngettext = lang.ngettext
storage = datafile.data
# Remove previous data holding file if exists and limitfetch allows
@@ -66,835 +56,6 @@ if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1 and os.path.exists("lastchange.txt") is True:
-# A few initial vars
-logged_in = False
-supported_logs = ["protect/protect", "protect/modify", "protect/unprotect", "upload/overwrite", "upload/upload", "delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir", "delete/restore", "delete/revision", "delete/event", "import/upload", "import/interwiki", "merge/merge", "move/move", "move/move_redir", "protect/move_prot", "block/block", "block/unblock", "block/reblock", "rights/rights", "rights/autopromote", "abusefilter/modify", "abusefilter/create", "interwiki/iw_add", "interwiki/iw_edit", "interwiki/iw_delete", "curseprofile/comment-created", "curseprofile/comment-edited", "curseprofile/comment-deleted", "curseprofile/comment-purged", "curseprofile/profile-edited", "curseprofile/comment-replied", "contentmodel/change", "sprite/sprite", "sprite/sheet", "sprite/slice", "managetags/create", "managetags/delete", "managetags/activate", "managetags/deactivate", "tag/update", "cargo/createtable", "cargo/deletetable", "cargo/recreatetable", "cargo/replacetable", "upload/revert"]
-profile_fields = {"profile-location": _("Location"), "profile-aboutme": _("About me"), "profile-link-google": _("Google link"), "profile-link-facebook":_("Facebook link"), "profile-link-twitter": _("Twitter link"), "profile-link-reddit": _("Reddit link"), "profile-link-twitch": _("Twitch link"), "profile-link-psn": _("PSN link"), "profile-link-vk": _("VK link"), "profile-link-xbl": _("XBL link"), "profile-link-steam": _("Steam link"), "profile-link-discord": _("Discord handle"), "profile-link-battlenet": _("Battle.net handle")}
-class LinkParser(HTMLParser):
- new_string = ""
- recent_href = ""
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- for attr in attrs:
- if attr[0] == 'href':
- self.recent_href = attr[1]
- if self.recent_href.startswith("//"):
- self.recent_href = "https:{rest}".format(rest=self.recent_href)
- elif not self.recent_href.startswith("http"):
- self.recent_href = WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN + self.recent_href
- self.recent_href = self.recent_href.replace(")", "\\)")
- elif attr[0] == 'data-uncrawlable-url':
- self.recent_href = attr[1].encode('ascii')
- self.recent_href = base64.b64decode(self.recent_href)
- self.recent_href = WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN + self.recent_href.decode('ascii')
- def handle_data(self, data):
- if self.recent_href:
- self.new_string = self.new_string + "[{}](<{}>)".format(data, self.recent_href)
- self.recent_href = ""
- else:
- self.new_string = self.new_string + data
- def handle_comment(self, data):
- self.new_string = self.new_string + data
- def handle_endtag(self, tag):
- logger.debug(self.new_string)
-LinkParser = LinkParser()
-class MWError(Exception):
- pass
-def profile_field_name(name, embed):
- try:
- return profile_fields[name]
- except KeyError:
- if embed:
- return _("Unknown")
- else:
- return _("unknown")
-def pull_comment(comment_id):
- try:
- comment = recent_changes.handle_mw_errors(recent_changes.safe_request("{wiki}?action=comment&do=getRaw&comment_id={comment}&format=json".format(wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, comment=comment_id)).json())["text"]
- logger.debug("Got the following comment from the API: {}".format(comment))
- except MWError:
- pass
- except (TypeError, AttributeError):
- logger.exception("Could not resolve the comment text.")
- except KeyError:
- logger.exception("CurseProfile extension API did not respond with a valid comment content.")
- else:
- if len(comment) > 1000:
- comment = comment[0:1000] + "…"
- return comment
- return ""
-def compact_formatter(action, change, parsed_comment, categories):
- if action != "suppressed":
- author_url = link_formatter(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=change["user"])))
- author = change["user"]
- parsed_comment = "" if parsed_comment is None else " *("+parsed_comment+")*"
- parsed_comment = re.sub(r"([^<]|\A)(http(s)://.*?)( |\Z)", "\\1<\\2>\\4", parsed_comment) # see #97
- if action in ["edit", "new"]:
- edit_link = link_formatter("{wiki}index.php?title={article}&curid={pageid}&diff={diff}&oldid={oldrev}".format(
- wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, pageid=change["pageid"], diff=change["revid"], oldrev=change["old_revid"],
- article=change["title"]))
- edit_size = change["newlen"] - change["oldlen"]
- if edit_size > 0:
- sign = "+"
- else:
- sign = ""
- if change["title"].startswith("MediaWiki:Tag-"): # Refresh tag list when tag display name is edited
- recent_changes.init_info()
- if action == "edit":
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited [{article}]({edit_link}){comment} ({sign}{edit_size})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], edit_link=edit_link, comment=parsed_comment, edit_size=edit_size, sign=sign)
- else:
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created [{article}]({edit_link}){comment} ({sign}{edit_size})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], edit_link=edit_link, comment=parsed_comment, edit_size=edit_size, sign=sign)
- elif action =="upload/upload":
- file_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) uploaded [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(author=author,
- author_url=author_url,
- file=change["title"],
- file_link=file_link,
- comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "upload/revert":
- file_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) reverted a version of [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(
- author=author, author_url=author_url, file=change["title"], file_link=file_link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "upload/overwrite":
- file_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) uploaded a new version of [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, file=change["title"], file_link=file_link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "delete/delete":
- page_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted [{page}]({page_link}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, page=change["title"], page_link=page_link,
- comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "delete/delete_redir":
- page_link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted redirect by overwriting [{page}]({page_link}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, page=change["title"], page_link=page_link,
- comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "move/move":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]['target_title']))
- redirect_status = _("without making a redirect") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _("with a redirect")
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) moved {redirect}*{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}) {made_a_redirect}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"],
- target=change["logparams"]['target_title'], target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment, made_a_redirect=redirect_status)
- elif action == "move/move_redir":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["target_title"]))
- redirect_status = _("without making a redirect") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _(
- "with a redirect")
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) moved {redirect}*{article}* over redirect to [{target}]({target_url}) {made_a_redirect}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"],
- target=change["logparams"]['target_title'], target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment, made_a_redirect=redirect_status)
- elif action == "protect/move_prot":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"]))
- content = _(
- "[{author}]({author_url}) moved protection settings from {redirect}*{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"],
- target=change["title"], target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "block/block":
- user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
- restriction_description = ""
- try:
- ipaddress.ip_address(user)
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=user)))
- except ValueError:
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- if change["logparams"]["duration"] == "infinite":
- block_time = _("infinity and beyond")
- else:
- english_length = re.sub(r"(\d+)", "", change["logparams"][
- "duration"]) # note that translation won't work for millenia and century yet
- english_length_num = re.sub(r"(\D+)", "", change["logparams"]["duration"])
- try:
- english_length = english_length.rstrip("s").strip()
- block_time = "{num} {translated_length}".format(num=english_length_num,
- translated_length=ngettext(english_length,
- english_length + "s",
- int(english_length_num)))
- except AttributeError:
- logger.error("Could not strip s from the block event, seems like the regex didn't work?")
- return
- if "sitewide" not in change["logparams"]:
- restriction_description = ""
- if "pages" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
- restriction_description = _(" on pages: ")
- for page in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
- restricted_pages = ["*{page}*".format(page=i["page_title"]) for i in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]]
- restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(restricted_pages)
- if "namespaces" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
- namespaces = []
- if restriction_description:
- restriction_description = restriction_description + _(" and namespaces: ")
- else:
- restriction_description = _(" on namespaces: ")
- for namespace in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
- if str(namespace) in recent_changes.namespaces: # if we have cached namespace name for given namespace number, add its name to the list
- namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=recent_changes.namespaces[str(namespace)]["*"]))
- else:
- namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=namespace))
- restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(namespaces)
- restriction_description = restriction_description + "."
- if len(restriction_description) > 1020:
- logger.debug(restriction_description)
- restriction_description = restriction_description[:1020] + "…"
- content = _(
- "[{author}]({author_url}) blocked [{user}]({user_url}) for {time}{restriction_desc}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, user=user, time=block_time, user_url=link, restriction_desc=restriction_description, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "block/reblock":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed block settings for [{blocked_user}]({user_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, blocked_user=user, user_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "block/unblock":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) unblocked [{blocked_user}]({user_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, blocked_user=user, user_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-created":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) left a [comment]({comment}) on {target} profile").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, target=change["title"].split(':')[1]+"'s" if change["title"].split(':')[1] != change["user"] else _("their own profile"))
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-replied":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replied to a [comment]({comment}) on {target} profile").format(author=author,
- author_url=author_url,
- comment=link,
- target=change["title"].split(':')[1] if change["title"].split(':')[1] !=change["user"] else _("their own"))
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-edited":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited a [comment]({comment}) on {target} profile").format(author=author,
- author_url=author_url,
- comment=link,
- target=change["title"].split(':')[1] if change["title"].split(':')[1] !=change["user"] else _("their own"))
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-purged":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) purged a comment on {target} profile").format(author=author,
- author_url=author_url,
- target=
- change["title"].split(':')[
- 1] if
- change["title"].split(':')[
- 1] != change[
- "user"] else _(
- "their own"))
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-deleted":
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a comment on {target} profile").format(author=author,
- author_url=author_url,
- target=change["title"].split(':')[1] if change["title"].split(':')[1] !=change["user"] else _("their own"))
- elif action == "curseprofile/profile-edited":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("UserProfile:{user}".format(user=change["title"].split(":")[1])))
- target = _("[{target}]({target_url})'s").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1], target_url=link) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != author else _("[their own]({target_url})").format(target_url=link)
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the {field} on {target} profile. *({desc})*").format(author=author,
- author_url=author_url,
- target=target,
- field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], False),
- desc=BeautifulSoup(change["parsedcomment"], "lxml").get_text())
- elif action in ("rights/rights", "rights/autopromote"):
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=change["title"].split(":")[1])))
- old_groups = []
- new_groups = []
- for name in change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]:
- old_groups.append(_(name))
- for name in change["logparams"]["newgroups"]:
- new_groups.append(_(name))
- if len(old_groups) == 0:
- old_groups = [_("none")]
- if len(new_groups) == 0:
- new_groups = [_("none")]
- if action == "rights/rights":
- content = "[{author}]({author_url}) changed group membership for [{target}]({target_url}) from {old_groups} to {new_groups}{comment}".format(author=author, author_url=author_url, target=change["title"].split(":")[1], target_url=link, old_groups=", ".join(old_groups), new_groups=', '.join(new_groups), comment=parsed_comment)
- else:
- content = "{author} autopromoted [{target}]({target_url}) from {old_groups} to {new_groups}{comment}".format(
- author=_("System"), author_url=author_url, target=change["title"].split(":")[1], target_url=link,
- old_groups=", ".join(old_groups), new_groups=', '.join(new_groups),
- comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "protect/protect":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) protected [{article}]({article_url}) with the following settings: {settings}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url,
- article=change["title"], article_url=link,
- settings=change["logparams"]["description"]+_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
- comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "protect/modify":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _(
- "[{author}]({author_url}) modified protection settings of [{article}]({article_url}) to: {settings}{comment}").format(
- author=author, author_url=author_url,
- article=change["title"], article_url=link,
- settings=change["logparams"]["description"] + _(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
- comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "protect/unprotect":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) removed protection from [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "delete/revision":
- amount = len(change["logparams"]["ids"])
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = ngettext("[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of revision on page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}",
- "[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of {amount} revisions on page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}", amount).format(author=author, author_url=author_url,
- article=change["title"], article_url=link, amount=amount, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "import/upload":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = ngettext("[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revision{comment}",
- "[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revisions{comment}", change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
- author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, count=change["logparams"]["count"], comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "delete/restore":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) restored [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "delete/event":
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of log events{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "import/interwiki":
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) imported interwiki{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "abusefilter/modify":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/history/{number}/diff/prev/{historyid}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'], historyid=change["logparams"]["historyId"])))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited abuse filter [number {number}]({filter_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, number=change["logparams"]['newId'], filter_url=link)
- elif action == "abusefilter/create":
- link = link_formatter(
- create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/{number}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created abuse filter [number {number}]({filter_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, number=change["logparams"]['newId'], filter_url=link)
- elif action == "merge/merge":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- link_dest = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["dest_title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) merged revision histories of [{article}]({article_url}) into [{dest}]({dest_url}){comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, dest_url=link_dest,
- dest=change["logparams"]["dest_title"], comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "interwiki/iw_add":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) added an entry to the [interwiki table]({table_url}) pointing to {website} with {prefix} prefix").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, desc=parsed_comment,
- prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
- website=change["logparams"]['1'],
- table_url=link)
- elif action == "interwiki/iw_edit":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited an entry in [interwiki table]({table_url}) pointing to {website} with {prefix} prefix").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, desc=parsed_comment,
- prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
- website=change["logparams"]['1'],
- table_url=link)
- elif action == "interwiki/iw_delete":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted an entry in [interwiki table]({table_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table_url=link)
- elif action == "contentmodel/change":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed the content model of the page [{article}]({article_url}) from {old} to {new}{comment}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link, old=change["logparams"]["oldmodel"],
- new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"], comment=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "sprite/sprite":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the sprite for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link)
- elif action == "sprite/sheet":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the sprite sheet for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link)
- elif action == "sprite/slice":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path(change["title"]))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the slice for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=change["title"], article_url=link)
- elif action == "cargo/createtable":
- LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
- table = LinkParser.new_string
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=table)
- elif action == "cargo/deletetable":
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=change["logparams"]["0"])
- elif action == "cargo/recreatetable":
- LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
- table = LinkParser.new_string
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) recreated the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=table)
- elif action == "cargo/replacetable":
- LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
- table = LinkParser.new_string
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replaced the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, table=table)
- elif action == "managetags/create":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
- recent_changes.init_info()
- elif action == "managetags/delete":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
- recent_changes.init_info()
- elif action == "managetags/activate":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) activated a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
- elif action == "managetags/deactivate":
- link = link_formatter(create_article_path("Special:Tags"))
- content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deactivated a [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, tag=change["logparams"]["tag"], tag_url=link)
- elif action == "suppressed":
- content = _("An action has been hidden by administration.")
- else:
- logger.warning("No entry for {event} with params: {params}".format(event=action, params=change))
- return
- send_to_discord(DiscordMessage("compact", action, settings["webhookURL"], content=content))
-def embed_formatter(action, change, parsed_comment, categories):
- embed = DiscordMessage("embed", action, settings["webhookURL"])
- if parsed_comment is None:
- parsed_comment = _("No description provided")
- if action != "suppressed":
- if "anon" in change:
- author_url = create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=change["user"].replace(" ", "_"))) # Replace here needed in case of #75
- logger.debug("current user: {} with cache of IPs: {}".format(change["user"], recent_changes.map_ips.keys()))
- if change["user"] not in list(recent_changes.map_ips.keys()):
- contibs = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&list=usercontribs&uclimit=max&ucuser={user}&ucstart={timestamp}&ucprop=".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, user=change["user"], timestamp=change["timestamp"])), "query", "usercontribs")
- if contibs is None:
- logger.warning(
- "WARNING: Something went wrong when checking amount of contributions for given IP address")
- change["user"] = change["user"] + "(?)"
- else:
- recent_changes.map_ips[change["user"]] = len(contibs)
- logger.debug("Current params user {} and state of map_ips {}".format(change["user"], recent_changes.map_ips))
- change["user"] = "{author} ({contribs})".format(author=change["user"], contribs=len(contibs))
- else:
- logger.debug(
- "Current params user {} and state of map_ips {}".format(change["user"], recent_changes.map_ips))
- if action in ("edit", "new"):
- recent_changes.map_ips[change["user"]] += 1
- change["user"] = "{author} ({amount})".format(author=change["user"],
- amount=recent_changes.map_ips[change["user"]])
- else:
- author_url = create_article_path("User:{}".format(change["user"].replace(" ", "_")))
- embed.set_author(change["user"], author_url)
- if action in ("edit", "new"): # edit or new page
- editsize = change["newlen"] - change["oldlen"]
- if editsize > 0:
- if editsize > 6032:
- embed["color"] = 65280
- else:
- embed["color"] = 35840 + (math.floor(editsize / 52)) * 256
- elif editsize < 0:
- if editsize < -6032:
- embed["color"] = 16711680
- else:
- embed["color"] = 9175040 + (math.floor((editsize * -1) / 52)) * 65536
- elif editsize == 0:
- embed["color"] = 8750469
- if change["title"].startswith("MediaWiki:Tag-"): # Refresh tag list when tag display name is edited
- recent_changes.init_info()
- link = "{wiki}index.php?title={article}&curid={pageid}&diff={diff}&oldid={oldrev}".format(
- wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, pageid=change["pageid"], diff=change["revid"], oldrev=change["old_revid"],
- article=change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = "{redirect}{article} ({new}{minor}{bot}{space}{editsize})".format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"], editsize="+" + str(
- editsize) if editsize > 0 else editsize, new=_("(N!) ") if action == "new" else "",
- minor=_("m") if action == "edit" and "minor" in change else "", bot=_('b') if "bot" in change else "", space=" " if "bot" in change or (action == "edit" and "minor" in change) or action == "new" else "")
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
- if action == "new":
- changed_content = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=compare&format=json&fromtext=&torev={diff}&topst=1&prop=diff".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, diff=change["revid"]
- )), "compare", "*")
- else:
- changed_content = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=compare&format=json&fromrev={oldrev}&torev={diff}&topst=1&prop=diff".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, diff=change["revid"],oldrev=change["old_revid"]
- )), "compare", "*")
- if changed_content:
- EditDiff = ContentParser()
- EditDiff.feed(changed_content)
- if EditDiff.small_prev_del:
- if EditDiff.small_prev_del.replace("~~", "").isspace():
- EditDiff.small_prev_del = _('__Only whitespace__')
- else:
- EditDiff.small_prev_del = EditDiff.small_prev_del.replace("~~~~", "")
- if EditDiff.small_prev_ins:
- if EditDiff.small_prev_ins.replace("**", "").isspace():
- EditDiff.small_prev_ins = _('__Only whitespace__')
- else:
- EditDiff.small_prev_ins = EditDiff.small_prev_ins.replace("****", "")
- logger.debug("Changed content: {}".format(EditDiff.small_prev_ins))
- if EditDiff.small_prev_del and not action == "new":
- embed.add_field(_("Removed"), "{data}".format(data=EditDiff.small_prev_del), inline=True)
- if EditDiff.small_prev_ins:
- embed.add_field(_("Added"), "{data}".format(data=EditDiff.small_prev_ins), inline=True)
- else:
- logger.warning("Unable to download data on the edit content!")
- elif action in ("upload/overwrite", "upload/upload", "upload/revert"): # sending files
- license = None
- urls = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&prop=imageinfo&list=&meta=&titles={filename}&iiprop=timestamp%7Curl%7Carchivename&iilimit=5".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, filename=change["title"])), "query", "pages")
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- additional_info_retrieved = False
- if urls is not None:
- logger.debug(urls)
- if "-1" not in urls: # image still exists and not removed
- try:
- img_info = next(iter(urls.values()))["imageinfo"]
- for num, revision in enumerate(img_info):
- if revision["timestamp"] == change["logparams"]["img_timestamp"]: # find the correct revision corresponding for this log entry
- image_direct_url = "{rev}?{cache}".format(rev=revision["url"], cache=int(time.time()*5)) # cachebusting
- additional_info_retrieved = True
- break
- except KeyError:
- logger.warning("Wiki did not respond with extended information about file. The preview will not be shown.")
- else:
- logger.warning("Request for additional image information have failed. The preview will not be shown.")
- if action in ("upload/overwrite", "upload/revert"):
- if additional_info_retrieved:
- article_encoded = change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)')
- try:
- revision = img_info[num+1]
- except IndexError:
- logger.exception("Could not analize the information about the image (does it have only one version when expected more in overwrite?) which resulted in no Options field: {}".format(img_info))
- else:
- undolink = "{wiki}index.php?title={filename}&action=revert&oldimage={archiveid}".format(
- wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, filename=article_encoded, archiveid=revision["archivename"])
- embed.add_field(_("Options"), _("([preview]({link}) | [undo]({undolink}))").format(
- link=image_direct_url, undolink=undolink))
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"]:
- embed["image"]["url"] = image_direct_url
- if action == "upload/overwrite":
- embed["title"] = _("Uploaded a new version of {name}").format(name=change["title"])
- elif action == "upload/revert":
- embed["title"] = _("Reverted a version of {name}").format(name=change["title"])
- else:
- embed["title"] = _("Uploaded {name}").format(name=change["title"])
- if settings["license_detection"]:
- article_content = safe_read(recent_changes.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&prop=revisions&titles={article}&rvprop=content".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, article=quote_plus(change["title"], safe=''))), "query", "pages")
- if article_content is None:
- logger.warning("Something went wrong when getting license for the image")
- return 0
- if "-1" not in article_content:
- content = list(article_content.values())[0]['revisions'][0]['*']
- try:
- matches = re.search(re.compile(settings["license_regex"], re.IGNORECASE), content)
- if matches is not None:
- license = matches.group("license")
- else:
- if re.search(re.compile(settings["license_regex_detect"], re.IGNORECASE), content) is None:
- license = _("**No license!**")
- else:
- license = "?"
- except IndexError:
- logger.error(
- "Given regex for the license detection is incorrect. It does not have a capturing group called \"license\" specified. Please fix license_regex value in the config!")
- license = "?"
- except re.error:
- logger.error(
- "Given regex for the license detection is incorrect. Please fix license_regex or license_regex_detect values in the config!")
- license = "?"
- if license is not None:
- parsed_comment += _("\nLicense: {}").format(license)
- if additional_info_retrieved:
- embed.add_field(_("Options"), _("([preview]({link}))").format(link=image_direct_url))
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"]:
- embed["image"]["url"] = image_direct_url
- elif action == "delete/delete":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Deleted page {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "delete/delete_redir":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Deleted redirect {article} by overwriting").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "move/move":
- link = create_article_path(change["logparams"]['target_title'].replace(" ", "_"))
- parsed_comment = "{supress}. {desc}".format(desc=parsed_comment,
- supress=_("No redirect has been made") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _(
- "A redirect has been made"))
- embed["title"] = _("Moved {redirect}{article} to {target}").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"], target=change["logparams"]['target_title'])
- elif action == "move/move_redir":
- link = create_article_path(change["logparams"]["target_title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Moved {redirect}{article} to {title} over redirect").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["title"],
- title=change["logparams"]["target_title"])
- elif action == "protect/move_prot":
- link = create_article_path(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Moved protection settings from {redirect}{article} to {title}").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"],
- title=change["title"])
- elif action == "block/block":
- user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
- try:
- ipaddress.ip_address(user)
- link = create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=user))
- except ValueError:
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)'))
- if change["logparams"]["duration"] == "infinite":
- block_time = _("infinity and beyond")
- else:
- english_length = re.sub(r"(\d+)", "", change["logparams"]["duration"]) #note that translation won't work for millenia and century yet
- english_length_num = re.sub(r"(\D+)", "", change["logparams"]["duration"])
- try:
- english_length = english_length.rstrip("s").strip()
- block_time = "{num} {translated_length}".format(num=english_length_num, translated_length=ngettext(english_length, english_length + "s", int(english_length_num)))
- except AttributeError:
- logger.error("Could not strip s from the block event, seems like the regex didn't work?")
- return
- if "sitewide" not in change["logparams"]:
- restriction_description = ""
- if "pages" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
- restriction_description = _("Blocked from editing the following pages: ")
- for page in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
- restricted_pages = ["*"+i["page_title"]+"*" for i in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]]
- restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(restricted_pages)
- if "namespaces" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
- namespaces = []
- if restriction_description:
- restriction_description = restriction_description + _(" and namespaces: ")
- else:
- restriction_description = _("Blocked from editing pages on following namespaces: ")
- for namespace in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
- if str(namespace) in recent_changes.namespaces: # if we have cached namespace name for given namespace number, add its name to the list
- namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=recent_changes.namespaces[str(namespace)]["*"]))
- else:
- namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=namespace))
- restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(namespaces)
- restriction_description = restriction_description + "."
- if len(restriction_description) > 1020:
- logger.debug(restriction_description)
- restriction_description = restriction_description[:1020]+"…"
- embed.add_field(_("Partial block details"), restriction_description, inline=True)
- embed["title"] = _("Blocked {blocked_user} for {time}").format(blocked_user=user, time=block_time)
- elif action == "block/reblock":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)'))
- user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
- embed["title"] = _("Changed block settings for {blocked_user}").format(blocked_user=user)
- elif action == "block/unblock":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)'))
- user = change["title"].split(':')[1]
- embed["title"] = _("Unblocked {blocked_user}").format(blocked_user=user)
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-created":
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
- parsed_comment = pull_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
- link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
- embed["title"] = _("Left a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != \
- change["user"] else _(
- "Left a comment on their own profile")
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-replied":
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
- parsed_comment = pull_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
- link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
- embed["title"] = _("Replied to a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != \
- change["user"] else _(
- "Replied to a comment on their own profile")
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-edited":
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
- parsed_comment = pull_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
- link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
- embed["title"] = _("Edited a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["title"].split(':')[1] != \
- change["user"] else _(
- "Edited a comment on their own profile")
- elif action == "curseprofile/profile-edited":
- link = create_article_path("UserProfile:{target}".format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1].replace(" ", "_").replace(')', '\)')))
- embed["title"] = _("Edited {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1]) if change["user"] != change["title"].split(':')[1] else _("Edited their own profile")
- if not change["parsedcomment"]: # If the field is empty
- parsed_comment = _("Cleared the {field} field").format(field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], True))
- else:
- parsed_comment = _("{field} field changed to: {desc}").format(field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], True), desc=BeautifulSoup(change["parsedcomment"], "lxml").get_text())
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-purged":
- link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
- embed["title"] = _("Purged a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1])
- elif action == "curseprofile/comment-deleted":
- if "4:comment_id" in change["logparams"]:
- link = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
- else:
- link = create_article_path(change["title"])
- embed["title"] = _("Deleted a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=change["title"].split(':')[1])
- elif action in ("rights/rights", "rights/autopromote"):
- link = create_article_path("User:{}".format(change["title"].split(":")[1].replace(" ", "_")))
- if action == "rights/rights":
- embed["title"] = _("Changed group membership for {target}").format(target=change["title"].split(":")[1])
- else:
- change["user"] = _("System")
- author_url = ""
- embed["title"] = _("{target} got autopromoted to a new usergroup").format(
- target=change["title"].split(":")[1])
- if len(change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]) < len(change["logparams"]["newgroups"]):
- embed["thumbnail"]["url"] = "https://i.imgur.com/WnGhF5g.gif"
- old_groups = []
- new_groups = []
- for name in change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]:
- old_groups.append(_(name))
- for name in change["logparams"]["newgroups"]:
- new_groups.append(_(name))
- if len(old_groups) == 0:
- old_groups = [_("none")]
- if len(new_groups) == 0:
- new_groups = [_("none")]
- reason = ": {desc}".format(desc=parsed_comment) if parsed_comment != _("No description provided") else ""
- parsed_comment = _("Groups changed from {old_groups} to {new_groups}{reason}").format(
- old_groups=", ".join(old_groups), new_groups=', '.join(new_groups), reason=reason)
- elif action == "protect/protect":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Protected {target}").format(target=change["title"])
- parsed_comment = "{settings}{cascade} | {reason}".format(settings=change["logparams"]["description"],
- cascade=_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
- reason=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "protect/modify":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Changed protection level for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- parsed_comment = "{settings}{cascade} | {reason}".format(settings=change["logparams"]["description"],
- cascade=_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
- reason=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "protect/unprotect":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Removed protection from {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "delete/revision":
- amount = len(change["logparams"]["ids"])
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = ngettext("Changed visibility of revision on page {article} ",
- "Changed visibility of {amount} revisions on page {article} ", amount).format(
- article=change["title"], amount=amount)
- elif action == "import/upload":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = ngettext("Imported {article} with {count} revision",
- "Imported {article} with {count} revisions", change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
- article=change["title"], count=change["logparams"]["count"])
- elif action == "delete/restore":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Restored {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "delete/event":
- link = create_article_path("Special:RecentChanges")
- embed["title"] = _("Changed visibility of log events")
- elif action == "import/interwiki":
- link = create_article_path("Special:RecentChanges")
- embed["title"] = _("Imported interwiki")
- elif action == "abusefilter/modify":
- link = create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/history/{number}/diff/prev/{historyid}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'], historyid=change["logparams"]["historyId"]))
- embed["title"] = _("Edited abuse filter number {number}").format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])
- elif action == "abusefilter/create":
- link = create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/{number}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId']))
- embed["title"] = _("Created abuse filter number {number}").format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])
- elif action == "merge/merge":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Merged revision histories of {article} into {dest}").format(article=change["title"],
- dest=change["logparams"]["dest_title"])
- elif action == "interwiki/iw_add":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
- embed["title"] = _("Added an entry to the interwiki table")
- parsed_comment = _("Prefix: {prefix}, website: {website} | {desc}").format(desc=parsed_comment,
- prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
- website=change["logparams"]['1'])
- elif action == "interwiki/iw_edit":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
- embed["title"] = _("Edited an entry in interwiki table")
- parsed_comment = _("Prefix: {prefix}, website: {website} | {desc}").format(desc=parsed_comment,
- prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
- website=change["logparams"]['1'])
- elif action == "interwiki/iw_delete":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
- embed["title"] = _("Deleted an entry in interwiki table")
- parsed_comment = _("Prefix: {prefix} | {desc}").format(desc=parsed_comment, prefix=change["logparams"]['0'])
- elif action == "contentmodel/change":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Changed the content model of the page {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- parsed_comment = _("Model changed from {old} to {new}: {reason}").format(old=change["logparams"]["oldmodel"],
- new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"],
- reason=parsed_comment)
- elif action == "sprite/sprite":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Edited the sprite for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "sprite/sheet":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Created the sprite sheet for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "sprite/slice":
- link = create_article_path(change["title"].replace(" ", "_"))
- embed["title"] = _("Edited the slice for {article}").format(article=change["title"])
- elif action == "cargo/createtable":
- LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
- table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)\]\(<(.*?)>\)", LinkParser.new_string)
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- link = table.group(2)
- embed["title"] = _("Created the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
- parsed_comment = None
- elif action == "cargo/deletetable":
- link = create_article_path("Special:CargoTables")
- embed["title"] = _("Deleted the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=change["logparams"]["0"])
- parsed_comment = None
- elif action == "cargo/recreatetable":
- LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
- table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)\]\(<(.*?)>\)", LinkParser.new_string)
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- link = table.group(2)
- embed["title"] = _("Recreated the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
- parsed_comment = None
- elif action == "cargo/replacetable":
- LinkParser.feed(change["logparams"]["0"])
- table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)\]\(<(.*?)>\)", LinkParser.new_string)
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- link = table.group(2)
- embed["title"] = _("Replaced the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
- parsed_comment = None
- elif action == "managetags/create":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
- embed["title"] = _("Created a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
- recent_changes.init_info()
- elif action == "managetags/delete":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
- embed["title"] = _("Deleted a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
- recent_changes.init_info()
- elif action == "managetags/activate":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
- embed["title"] = _("Activated a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
- elif action == "managetags/deactivate":
- link = create_article_path("Special:Tags")
- embed["title"] = _("Deactivated a tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=change["logparams"]["tag"])
- elif action == "suppressed":
- link = create_article_path("")
- embed["title"] = _("Action has been hidden by administration.")
- embed["author"]["name"] = _("Unknown")
- else:
- logger.warning("No entry for {event} with params: {params}".format(event=action, params=change))
- embed["author"]["icon_url"] = settings["appearance"]["embed"][action]["icon"]
- embed["url"] = link
- if parsed_comment is not None:
- embed["description"] = parsed_comment
- if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_footer"]:
- embed["timestamp"] = change["timestamp"]
- if "tags" in change and change["tags"]:
- tag_displayname = []
- for tag in change["tags"]:
- if tag in recent_changes.tags:
- if recent_changes.tags[tag] is None:
- continue # Ignore hidden tags
- else:
- tag_displayname.append(recent_changes.tags[tag])
- else:
- tag_displayname.append(tag)
- embed.add_field(_("Tags"), ", ".join(tag_displayname))
- logger.debug("Current params in edit action: {}".format(change))
- if categories is not None and not (len(categories["new"]) == 0 and len(categories["removed"]) == 0):
- new_cat = (_("**Added**: ") + ", ".join(list(categories["new"])[0:16]) + ("\n" if len(categories["new"])<=15 else _(" and {} more\n").format(len(categories["new"])-15))) if categories["new"] else ""
- del_cat = (_("**Removed**: ") + ", ".join(list(categories["removed"])[0:16]) + ("" if len(categories["removed"])<=15 else _(" and {} more").format(len(categories["removed"])-15))) if categories["removed"] else ""
- embed.add_field(_("Changed categories"), new_cat + del_cat)
- embed.finish_embed()
- send_to_discord(embed)
-def essential_info(change, changed_categories):
- """Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format."""
- logger.debug(change)
- if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change) and "suppressed" not in settings["ignored"]: # if event is hidden using suppression
- appearance_mode("suppressed", change, "", changed_categories)
- return
- if "commenthidden" not in change:
- LinkParser.feed(change["parsedcomment"])
- parsed_comment = LinkParser.new_string
- LinkParser.new_string = ""
- parsed_comment = re.sub(r"(`|_|\*|~|{|}|\|\|)", "\\\\\\1", parsed_comment, 0)
- else:
- parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~")
- if not parsed_comment:
- parsed_comment = None
- if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]:
- logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories))
- if "userhidden" in change:
- change["user"] = _("hidden")
- identification_string = change["type"]
- elif change["type"] == "log":
- identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"], logaction=change["logaction"])
- if identification_string not in supported_logs:
- logger.warning(
- "This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format(
- change))
- return
- elif change["type"] == "categorize":
- return
- else:
- logger.warning("This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format(change))
- return
- if identification_string in settings["ignored"]:
- return
- appearance_mode(identification_string, change, parsed_comment, changed_categories)
def day_overview_request():
logger.info("Fetching daily overview... This may take up to 30 seconds!")
@@ -1044,280 +205,6 @@ def day_overview():
logger.debug("function requesting changes for day overview returned with error code")
-class Recent_Changes_Class(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.ids = []
- self.map_ips = {}
- self.recent_id = 0
- self.downtimecredibility = 0
- self.last_downtime = 0
- self.tags = {}
- self.groups = {}
- self.streak = -1
- self.mw_messages = {}
- self.namespaces = None
- self.session = session
- if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1:
- self.file_id = storage["rcid"]
- else:
- self.file_id = 999999999 # such value won't cause trouble, and it will make sure no refetch happen
- @staticmethod
- def handle_mw_errors(request):
- if "errors" in request:
- logger.error(request["errors"])
- raise MWError
- return request
- def log_in(self):
- global logged_in
- # session.cookies.clear()
- if '@' not in settings["wiki_bot_login"]:
- logger.error(
- "Please provide proper nickname for login from {wiki}Special:BotPasswords".format(
- return
- if len(settings["wiki_bot_password"]) != 32:
- logger.error(
- "Password seems incorrect. It should be 32 characters long! Grab it from {wiki}Special:BotPasswords".format(
- return
- logger.info("Trying to log in to {wiki}...".format(wiki=WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH))
- try:
- response = self.handle_mw_errors(
- self.session.post(WIKI_API_PATH,
- data={'action': 'query', 'format': 'json', 'utf8': '', 'meta': 'tokens',
- 'type': 'login'}))
- response = self.handle_mw_errors(
- self.session.post(WIKI_API_PATH,
- data={'action': 'login', 'format': 'json', 'utf8': '',
- 'lgname': settings["wiki_bot_login"],
- 'lgpassword': settings["wiki_bot_password"],
- 'lgtoken': response.json()['query']['tokens']['logintoken']}))
- except ValueError:
- logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
- return
- except MWError:
- logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
- return
- try:
- if response.json()['login']['result'] == "Success":
- logger.info("Successfully logged in")
- logged_in = True
- else:
- logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
- except:
- logger.error("Logging in have not succeeded")
- def add_cache(self, change):
- self.ids.append(change["rcid"])
- # self.recent_id = change["rcid"]
- if len(self.ids) > settings["limitrefetch"] + 5:
- self.ids.pop(0)
- def fetch(self, amount=settings["limit"]):
- messagequeue.resend_msgs()
- last_check = self.fetch_changes(amount=amount)
- # If the request succeeds the last_check will be the last rcid from recentchanges query
- if last_check is not None:
- self.recent_id = last_check
- # Assigns self.recent_id the last rcid if request succeeded, otherwise set the id from the file
- if settings["limitrefetch"] != -1 and self.recent_id != self.file_id and self.recent_id != 0: # if saving to database is disabled, don't save the recent_id
- self.file_id = self.recent_id
- storage["rcid"] = self.recent_id
- datafile.save_datafile()
- logger.debug("Most recent rcid is: {}".format(self.recent_id))
- return self.recent_id
- def fetch_changes(self, amount, clean=False):
- """Fetches the :amount: of changes from the wiki.
- Returns None on error and int of rcid of latest change if succeeded"""
- global logged_in
- if len(self.ids) == 0:
- logger.debug("ids is empty, triggering clean fetch")
- clean = True
- changes = self.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&list=recentchanges{show_bots}&rcprop=title%7Credirect%7Ctimestamp%7Cids%7Cloginfo%7Cparsedcomment%7Csizes%7Cflags%7Ctags%7Cuser&rclimit={amount}&rctype=edit%7Cnew%7Clog%7Cexternal{categorize}".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, amount=amount, categorize="%7Ccategorize" if settings["show_added_categories"] else "", show_bots="&rcshow=!bot" if settings["show_bots"] is False else ""))
- if changes:
- try:
- changes = changes.json()['query']['recentchanges']
- changes.reverse()
- except ValueError:
- logger.warning("ValueError in fetching changes")
- logger.warning("Changes URL:" + changes.url)
- self.downtime_controller()
- return None
- except KeyError:
- logger.warning("Wiki returned %s" % (changes.json()))
- return None
- else:
- if self.downtimecredibility > 0:
- self.downtimecredibility -= 1
- if self.streak > -1:
- self.streak += 1
- if self.streak > 8:
- self.streak = -1
- send_simple("down_detector", _("Connection to {wiki} seems to be stable now.").format(wiki=settings["wikiname"]),
- _("Connection status"), settings["avatars"]["connection_restored"])
- # In the first for loop we analize the categorize events and figure if we will need more changes to fetch
- # in order to cover all of the edits
- categorize_events = {}
- new_events = 0
- for change in changes:
- if not (change["rcid"] in self.ids or change["rcid"] < self.recent_id) and not clean:
- new_events += 1
- logger.debug(
- "New event: {}".format(change["rcid"]))
- if new_events == settings["limit"]:
- if amount < 500:
- # call the function again with max limit for more results, ignore the ones in this request
- logger.debug("There were too many new events, requesting max amount of events from the wiki.")
- return self.fetch(amount=5000 if logged_in else 500)
- else:
- logger.debug(
- "There were too many new events, but the limit was high enough we don't care anymore about fetching them all.")
- if change["type"] == "categorize":
- if "commenthidden" not in change:
- if len(recent_changes.mw_messages.keys()) > 0:
- cat_title = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
- # I so much hate this, blame Markus for making me do this
- if change["revid"] not in categorize_events:
- categorize_events[change["revid"]] = {"new": set(), "removed": set()}
- comment_to_match = re.sub(r'<.*?a>', '', change["parsedcomment"])
- if recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"] in comment_to_match or recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match:
- categorize_events[change["revid"]]["new"].add(cat_title)
- logger.debug("Matched {} to added category for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
- elif recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"] in comment_to_match or recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match:
- categorize_events[change["revid"]]["removed"].add(cat_title)
- logger.debug("Matched {} to removed category for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
- else:
- logger.debug("Unknown match for category change with messages {}, {}, {}, {} and comment_to_match {}".format(recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"], recent_changes.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"], comment_to_match))
- else:
- logger.warning("Init information not available, could not read category information. Please restart the bot.")
- else:
- logger.debug("Log entry got suppressed, ignoring entry.")
- # if change["revid"] in categorize_events:
- # categorize_events[change["revid"]].append(cat_title)
- # else:
- # logger.debug("New category '{}' for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
- # categorize_events[change["revid"]] = {cat_title: }
- for change in changes:
- if change["rcid"] in self.ids or change["rcid"] < self.recent_id:
- logger.debug("Change ({}) is in ids or is lower than recent_id {}".format(change["rcid"],
- self.recent_id))
- continue
- logger.debug(self.ids)
- logger.debug(self.recent_id)
- self.add_cache(change)
- if clean and not (self.recent_id == 0 and change["rcid"] > self.file_id):
- logger.debug("Rejected {val}".format(val=change["rcid"]))
- continue
- essential_info(change, categorize_events.get(change.get("revid"), None))
- return change["rcid"]
- def safe_request(self, url):
- try:
- request = self.session.get(url, timeout=10, allow_redirects=False)
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
- logger.warning("Reached timeout error for request on link {url}".format(url=url))
- self.downtime_controller()
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- logger.warning("Reached connection error for request on link {url}".format(url=url))
- self.downtime_controller()
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError:
- logger.warning("Detected faulty response from the web server for request on link {url}".format(url=url))
- self.downtime_controller()
- return None
- else:
- if 499 < request.status_code < 600:
- self.downtime_controller()
- return None
- elif request.status_code == 302:
- logger.critical("Redirect detected! Either the wiki given in the script settings (wiki field) is incorrect/the wiki got removed or Gamepedia is giving us the false value. Please provide the real URL to the wiki, current URL redirects to {}".format(request.next.url))
- sys.exit(0)
- return request
- def check_connection(self, looped=False):
- online = 0
- for website in ["https://google.com", "https://instagram.com", "https://steamcommunity.com"]:
- try:
- requests.get(website, timeout=10)
- online += 1
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
- pass
- except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
- pass
- if online < 1:
- logger.error("Failure when checking Internet connection at {time}".format(
- time=time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())))
- self.downtimecredibility = 0
- if not looped:
- while 1: # recursed loop, check for connection (every 10 seconds) as long as three services are down, don't do anything else
- if self.check_connection(looped=True):
- recent_changes.fetch(amount=settings["limitrefetch"])
- break
- time.sleep(10)
- return False
- return True
- def downtime_controller(self):
- if not settings["show_updown_messages"]:
- return
- if self.streak > -1: # reset the streak of successful connections when bad one happens
- self.streak = 0
- if self.downtimecredibility < 60:
- self.downtimecredibility += 15
- else:
- if (
- time.time() - self.last_downtime) > 1800 and self.check_connection(): # check if last downtime happened within 30 minutes, if yes, don't send a message
- send_simple("down_detector", _("{wiki} seems to be down or unreachable.").format(wiki=settings["wikiname"]),
- _("Connection status"), settings["avatars"]["connection_failed"])
- self.last_downtime = time.time()
- self.streak = 0
- def clear_cache(self):
- self.map_ips = {}
- def init_info(self):
- startup_info = safe_read(self.safe_request(
- "{wiki}?action=query&format=json&uselang=content&list=tags&meta=allmessages%7Csiteinfo&utf8=1&tglimit=max&tgprop=displayname&ammessages=recentchanges-page-added-to-category%7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category%7Crecentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled%7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled&amenableparser=1&amincludelocal=1&siprop=namespaces".format(
- wiki=WIKI_API_PATH)), "query")
- if startup_info:
- if "tags" in startup_info and "allmessages" in startup_info:
- for tag in startup_info["tags"]:
- try:
- self.tags[tag["name"]] = (BeautifulSoup(tag["displayname"], "lxml")).get_text()
- except KeyError:
- self.tags[tag["name"]] = None # Tags with no display name are hidden and should not appear on RC as well
- for message in startup_info["allmessages"]:
- if not "missing" in message: # ignore missing strings
- self.mw_messages[message["name"]] = message["*"]
- else:
- logging.warning("Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {}".format(message["name"]))
- for key, message in self.mw_messages.items():
- if key.startswith("recentchanges-page-"):
- self.mw_messages[key] = re.sub(r'\[\[.*?\]\]', '', message)
- self.namespaces = startup_info["namespaces"]
- logger.info("Gathered information about the tags and interface messages.")
- else:
- logger.warning("Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Some features may not work correctly!")
- logger.debug(startup_info)
- else:
- logger.error("Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Possibly internet connection issue?")
-recent_changes = Recent_Changes_Class()
-# Set the proper formatter
-if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed":
- appearance_mode = embed_formatter
-elif settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "compact":
- appearance_mode = compact_formatter
- logger.critical("Unknown formatter!")
- sys.exit(1)
# Log in and download wiki information