2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
import datetime , logging
import json
import gettext
from urllib . parse import quote_plus
from src . configloader import settings
2020-08-11 15:06:53 +00:00
from src . misc import link_formatter , create_article_path , DiscordMessage , send_to_discord , escape_formatting
2020-08-08 01:23:01 +00:00
from src . i18n import discussion_formatters
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
2020-08-08 01:23:01 +00:00
_ = discussion_formatters . gettext
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
discussion_logger = logging . getLogger ( " rcgcdw.discussion_formatter " )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
def compact_formatter ( post_type , post ) :
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
""" Compact formatter for Fandom discussions. """
message = None
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
if post_type == " FORUM " :
author = post [ " createdBy " ] [ " name " ]
author_url = " < {url} f/u/ {creatorId} > " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , creatorId = post [ " creatorId " ] )
elif post [ " creatorIp " ] :
author = post [ " creatorIp " ] [ 1 : ]
author_url = " < {url} wiki/Special:Contributions {creatorIp} > " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , creatorIp = post [ " creatorIp " ] )
else :
author = post [ " createdBy " ] [ " name " ]
author_url = " < {url} wiki/User: {author} > " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , author = author )
2020-08-11 15:06:53 +00:00
author_url = link_formatter ( create_article_path ( " User: {user} " . format ( user = author ) ) )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
if post_type == " FORUM " :
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
if not post [ " isReply " ] :
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
thread_funnel = post . get ( " funnel " )
2020-08-10 00:21:16 +00:00
msg_text = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created [ {title} ](< {url} f/p/ {threadId} >) in {forumName} " )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
if thread_funnel == " POLL " :
2020-08-10 00:21:16 +00:00
msg_text = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created a poll [ {title} ](< {url} f/p/ {threadId} >) in {forumName} " )
2020-08-09 20:41:05 +00:00
elif thread_funnel == " QUIZ " :
2020-08-10 00:21:16 +00:00
msg_text = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created a quiz [ {title} ](< {url} f/p/ {threadId} >) in {forumName} " )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
elif thread_funnel != " TEXT " :
discussion_logger . warning ( " The type of {} is an unknown discussion post type. Please post an issue on the project page to have it added https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues. " . format ( thread_funnel ) )
2020-08-10 00:21:16 +00:00
message = msg_text . format ( author = author , author_url = author_url , title = post [ " title " ] , url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] , forumName = post [ " forumName " ] )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
else :
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
message = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created a [reply](< {url} f/p/ {threadId} /r/ {postId} >) to [ {title} ](< {url} f/p/ {threadId} >) in {forumName} " ) . format ( author = author , author_url = author_url , url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] , postId = post [ " id " ] , title = post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " title " ] , forumName = post [ " forumName " ] )
elif post_type == " WALL " :
user_wall = _ ( " unknown " ) # Fail safe
if post [ " forumName " ] . endswith ( ' Message Wall ' ) :
user_wall = post [ " forumName " ] [ : - 13 ]
if not post [ " isReply " ] :
message = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created [ {title} ](< {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} ?threadId= {threadId} >) on [ {user} ' s Message Wall](< {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} >) " ) . format ( author = author , author_url = author_url , title = post [ " title " ] , url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , user = user_wall , user_wall = quote_plus ( user_wall . replace ( " " , " _ " ) ) , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] )
else :
2020-08-08 20:58:49 +00:00
message = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created a [reply](< {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} ?threadId= {threadId} # {replyId} >) to [ {title} ](< {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} ?threadId= {threadId} >) on [ {user} ' s Message Wall](< {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} >) " ) . format ( author = author , author_url = author_url , url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , title = post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " title " ] , user = user_wall , user_wall = quote_plus ( user_wall . replace ( " " , " _ " ) ) , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] , replyId = post [ " id " ] )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
elif post_type == " ARTICLE_COMMENT " :
discussion_logger . warning ( " Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037 " )
article_page = _ ( " unknown " ) # No page known
if not post [ " isReply " ] :
message = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created a [comment](< {url} wiki/ {article} ?commentId= {commentId} >) on [ {article} ](< {url} wiki/ {article} >) " ) . format ( author = author , author_url = author_url , url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , article = article_page , commentId = post [ " threadId " ] )
else :
message = _ ( " [ {author} ]( {author_url} ) created a [reply](< {url} wiki/ {article} ?threadId= {threadId} ) to a [comment](< {url} wiki/ {article} ?commentId= {commentId} &replyId= {replyId} >) on [ {article} ](< {url} wiki/ {article} >) " ) . format ( author = author , author_url = author_url , url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , article = article_page , commentId = post [ " threadId " ] , replyId = post [ " id " ] )
else :
2020-08-10 14:11:06 +00:00
discussion_logger . warning ( " No entry for {event} with params: {params} " . format ( event = post_type , params = post ) )
if not settings [ " support " ] :
else :
content = _ ( " Unknown event ` {event} ` by [ {author} ]( {author_url} ), report it on the [support server](< {support} >). " ) . format (
event = post_type , author = author , author_url = author_url , support = settings [ " support " ] )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
send_to_discord ( DiscordMessage ( " compact " , " discussion " , settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " webhookURL " ] , content = message ) )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
def embed_formatter ( post_type , post ) :
""" Embed formatter for Fandom discussions. """
embed = DiscordMessage ( " embed " , " discussion " , settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " webhookURL " ] )
if post_type == " FORUM " :
embed . set_author ( post [ " createdBy " ] [ " name " ] , " {url} f/u/ {creatorId} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , creatorId = post [ " creatorId " ] ) , icon_url = post [ " createdBy " ] [ " avatarUrl " ] )
elif post [ " creatorIp " ] :
embed . set_author ( post [ " creatorIp " ] [ 1 : ] , " {url} wiki/Special:Contributions {creatorIp} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , creatorIp = post [ " creatorIp " ] ) )
else :
embed . set_author ( post [ " createdBy " ] [ " name " ] , " {url} wiki/User: {creator} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , creator = post [ " createdBy " ] [ " name " ] ) , icon_url = post [ " createdBy " ] [ " avatarUrl " ] )
if settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " appearance " ] [ " embed " ] [ " show_content " ] :
if post . get ( " jsonModel " ) is not None :
2020-08-05 00:27:43 +00:00
npost = DiscussionsFromHellParser ( post )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
embed [ " description " ] = npost . parse ( )
if npost . image_last :
embed [ " image " ] [ " url " ] = npost . image_last
embed [ " description " ] = embed [ " description " ] . replace ( npost . image_last , " " )
else : # Fallback when model is not available
embed [ " description " ] = post . get ( " rawContent " , " " )
embed [ " footer " ] [ " text " ] = post [ " forumName " ]
embed [ " timestamp " ] = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( post [ " creationDate " ] [ " epochSecond " ] , tz = datetime . timezone . utc ) . isoformat ( )
if post_type == " FORUM " :
if not post [ " isReply " ] :
embed [ " url " ] = " {url} f/p/ {threadId} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] )
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Created \" {title} \" " ) . format ( title = post [ " title " ] )
thread_funnel = post . get ( " funnel " )
if thread_funnel == " POLL " :
embed . event_type = " discussion/forum/poll "
2020-08-09 20:41:05 +00:00
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Created a poll \" {title} \" " ) . format ( title = post [ " title " ] )
if settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " appearance " ] [ " embed " ] [ " show_content " ] :
poll = post [ " poll " ]
image_type = False
if poll [ " answers " ] [ 0 ] [ " image " ] is not None :
image_type = True
for num , option in enumerate ( poll [ " answers " ] ) :
embed . add_field ( option [ " text " ] if image_type is True else _ ( " Option {} " ) . format ( num + 1 ) ,
option [ " text " ] if image_type is False else _ ( " __[View image]( {image_url} )__ " ) . format ( image_url = option [ " image " ] [ " url " ] ) ,
inline = True )
elif thread_funnel == " QUIZ " :
embed . event_type = " discussion/forum/quiz "
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Created a quiz \" {title} \" " ) . format ( title = post [ " title " ] )
if settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " appearance " ] [ " embed " ] [ " show_content " ] :
quiz = post [ " _embedded " ] [ " quizzes " ] [ 0 ]
embed [ " description " ] = quiz [ " title " ]
if quiz [ " image " ] is not None :
embed [ " image " ] [ " url " ] = quiz [ " image " ]
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
elif thread_funnel == " TEXT " :
embed . event_type = " discussion/forum/post "
else :
discussion_logger . warning ( " The type of {} is an unknown discussion post type. Please post an issue on the project page to have it added https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues. " . format ( thread_funnel ) )
2020-08-11 15:06:53 +00:00
if post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " tags " ] :
tag_displayname = [ ]
for tag in post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " tags " ] :
2020-08-11 15:20:24 +00:00
tag_displayname . append ( " [ {title} ]( {url} ) " . format ( title = tag [ " articleTitle " ] , url = create_article_path ( tag [ " articleTitle " ] ) ) )
2020-08-11 15:06:53 +00:00
if len ( " , " . join ( tag_displayname ) ) > 1000 :
embed . add_field ( _ ( " Tags " ) , _ ( " {} tags " ) . format ( len ( post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " tags " ] ) ) )
else :
embed . add_field ( _ ( " Tags " ) , " , " . join ( tag_displayname ) )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
else :
embed . event_type = " discussion/forum/reply "
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Replied to \" {title} \" " ) . format ( title = post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " title " ] )
embed [ " url " ] = " {url} f/p/ {threadId} /r/ {postId} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] , postId = post [ " id " ] )
elif post_type == " WALL " :
user_wall = _ ( " unknown " ) # Fail safe
if post [ " forumName " ] . endswith ( ' Message Wall ' ) :
user_wall = post [ " forumName " ] [ : - 13 ]
if not post [ " isReply " ] :
embed . event_type = " discussion/wall/post "
embed [ " url " ] = " {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} ?threadId= {threadId} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , user_wall = quote_plus ( user_wall . replace ( " " , " _ " ) ) , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] )
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Created \" {title} \" on {user} ' s Message Wall " ) . format ( title = post [ " title " ] , user = user_wall )
else :
embed . event_type = " discussion/wall/reply "
embed [ " url " ] = " {url} wiki/Message_Wall: {user_wall} ?threadId= {threadId} # {replyId} " . format ( url = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , user_wall = quote_plus ( user_wall . replace ( " " , " _ " ) ) , threadId = post [ " threadId " ] , replyId = post [ " id " ] )
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Replied to \" {title} \" on {user} ' s Message Wall " ) . format ( title = post [ " _embedded " ] [ " thread " ] [ 0 ] [ " title " ] , user = user_wall )
elif post_type == " ARTICLE_COMMENT " :
discussion_logger . warning ( " Article comments are not yet implemented. For reasons see https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues/126#note_366480037 " )
article_page = _ ( " unknown " ) # No page known
if not post [ " isReply " ] :
embed . event_type = " discussion/comment/post "
# embed["url"] = "{url}wiki/{article}?commentId={commentId}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], article=quote_plus(article_page.replace(" ", "_")), commentId=post["threadId"])
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Commented on {article} " ) . format ( article = article_page )
else :
embed . event_type = " discussion/comment/reply "
# embed["url"] = "{url}wiki/{article}?commentId={commentId}&replyId={replyId}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], article=quote_plus(article_page.replace(" ", "_")), commentId=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Replied to a comment on {article} " ) . format ( article = article_page )
embed [ " footer " ] [ " text " ] = article_page
else :
2020-08-10 14:11:06 +00:00
discussion_logger . warning ( " No entry for {event} with params: {params} " . format ( event = post_type , params = post ) )
embed [ " title " ] = _ ( " Unknown event ` {event} ` " ) . format ( event = post_type )
embed [ " color " ] = 0
if settings . get ( " support " , None ) :
change_params = " [```json \n {params} \n ```]( {support} ) " . format ( params = json . dumps ( post , indent = 2 ) ,
support = settings [ " support " ] )
if len ( change_params ) > 1000 :
embed . add_field ( _ ( " Report this on the support server " ) , settings [ " support " ] )
else :
embed . add_field ( _ ( " Report this on the support server " ) , change_params )
2020-08-05 00:08:38 +00:00
embed . finish_embed ( )
send_to_discord ( embed )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
class DiscussionsFromHellParser :
""" This class converts fairly convoluted Fandom jsonModal of a discussion post into Markdown formatted usable thing. Takes string, returns string.
Kudos to MarkusRost for allowing me to implement this formatter based on his code in Wiki - Bot . """
def __init__ ( self , post ) :
self . post = post
self . jsonModal = json . loads ( post . get ( " jsonModel " , " {} " ) )
self . markdown_text = " "
self . item_num = 1
self . image_last = None
def parse ( self ) - > str :
""" Main parsing logic """
self . parse_content ( self . jsonModal [ " content " ] )
if len ( self . markdown_text ) > 2000 :
self . markdown_text = self . markdown_text [ 0 : 2000 ] + " … "
return self . markdown_text
def parse_content ( self , content , ctype = None ) :
self . image_last = None
for item in content :
if ctype == " bulletList " :
self . markdown_text + = " \t • "
if ctype == " orderedList " :
self . markdown_text + = " \t {num} . " . format ( num = self . item_num )
self . item_num + = 1
if item [ " type " ] == " text " :
if " marks " in item :
prefix , suffix = self . convert_marks ( item [ " marks " ] )
self . markdown_text = " {old} {pre} {text} {suf} " . format ( old = self . markdown_text , pre = prefix , text = escape_formatting ( item [ " text " ] ) , suf = suffix )
else :
if ctype == " code_block " :
self . markdown_text + = item [ " text " ] # ignore formatting on preformatted text which cannot have additional formatting anyways
else :
self . markdown_text + = escape_formatting ( item [ " text " ] )
elif item [ " type " ] == " paragraph " :
if " content " in item :
self . parse_content ( item [ " content " ] , item [ " type " ] )
self . markdown_text + = " \n "
elif item [ " type " ] == " openGraph " :
if not item [ " attrs " ] [ " wasAddedWithInlineLink " ] :
self . markdown_text = " {old} {link} \n " . format ( old = self . markdown_text , link = item [ " attrs " ] [ " url " ] )
elif item [ " type " ] == " image " :
try :
discussion_logger . debug ( item [ " attrs " ] [ " id " ] )
if item [ " attrs " ] [ " id " ] is not None :
self . markdown_text = " {old} {img_url} \n " . format ( old = self . markdown_text , img_url = self . post [ " _embedded " ] [ " contentImages " ] [ int ( item [ " attrs " ] [ " id " ] ) ] [ " url " ] )
self . image_last = self . post [ " _embedded " ] [ " contentImages " ] [ int ( item [ " attrs " ] [ " id " ] ) ] [ " url " ]
except ( IndexError , ValueError ) :
discussion_logger . warning ( " Image {} not found. " . format ( item [ " attrs " ] [ " id " ] ) )
discussion_logger . debug ( self . markdown_text )
elif item [ " type " ] == " code_block " :
self . markdown_text + = " ``` \n "
if " content " in item :
self . parse_content ( item [ " content " ] , item [ " type " ] )
self . markdown_text + = " \n ``` \n "
elif item [ " type " ] == " bulletList " :
if " content " in item :
self . parse_content ( item [ " content " ] , item [ " type " ] )
elif item [ " type " ] == " orderedList " :
self . item_num = 1
if " content " in item :
self . parse_content ( item [ " content " ] , item [ " type " ] )
elif item [ " type " ] == " listItem " :
self . parse_content ( item [ " content " ] , item [ " type " ] )
def convert_marks ( self , marks ) :
prefix = " "
suffix = " "
for mark in marks :
if mark [ " type " ] == " mention " :
prefix + = " [ "
suffix = " ]( {wiki} f/u/ {userid} ) {suffix} " . format ( wiki = settings [ " fandom_discussions " ] [ " wiki_url " ] , userid = mark [ " attrs " ] [ " userId " ] , suffix = suffix )
elif mark [ " type " ] == " strong " :
prefix + = " ** "
suffix = " ** {suffix} " . format ( suffix = suffix )
elif mark [ " type " ] == " link " :
prefix + = " [ "
suffix = " ]( {link} ) {suffix} " . format ( link = mark [ " attrs " ] [ " href " ] , suffix = suffix )
elif mark [ " type " ] == " em " :
prefix + = " _ "
suffix = " _ " + suffix
return prefix , suffix