2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
import re
import sys
import time
import logging
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from src . configloader import settings
from src . misc import WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH , WIKI_API_PATH , messagequeue , datafile , send_simple , safe_read , LinkParser
from src . exceptions import MWError
from src . session import session
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
from src . rc_formatters import compact_formatter , embed_formatter , compact_abuselog_formatter , embed_abuselog_formatter
2020-08-08 01:23:01 +00:00
from src . i18n import rc
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
from collections import OrderedDict
2020-08-08 01:23:01 +00:00
_ = rc . gettext
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
storage = datafile . data
logger = logging . getLogger ( " rcgcdw.rc " )
2020-10-08 09:33:53 +00:00
supported_logs = [ " protect/protect " , " protect/modify " , " protect/unprotect " , " upload/overwrite " , " upload/upload " , " delete/delete " , " delete/delete_redir " , " delete/restore " , " delete/revision " , " delete/event " , " import/upload " , " import/interwiki " , " merge/merge " , " move/move " , " move/move_redir " , " protect/move_prot " , " block/block " , " block/unblock " , " block/reblock " , " rights/rights " , " rights/autopromote " , " abusefilter/modify " , " abusefilter/create " , " interwiki/iw_add " , " interwiki/iw_edit " , " interwiki/iw_delete " , " curseprofile/comment-created " , " curseprofile/comment-edited " , " curseprofile/comment-deleted " , " curseprofile/comment-purged " , " curseprofile/profile-edited " , " curseprofile/comment-replied " , " contentmodel/change " , " sprite/sprite " , " sprite/sheet " , " sprite/slice " , " managetags/create " , " managetags/delete " , " managetags/activate " , " managetags/deactivate " , " tag/update " , " cargo/createtable " , " cargo/deletetable " , " cargo/recreatetable " , " cargo/replacetable " , " upload/revert " , " newusers/create " , " newusers/autocreate " , " newusers/create2 " , " newusers/byemail " , " newusers/newusers " , " managewiki/settings " ]
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
# Set the proper formatter
if settings [ " appearance " ] [ " mode " ] == " embed " :
appearance_mode = embed_formatter
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
abuselog_appearance_mode = embed_abuselog_formatter
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
elif settings [ " appearance " ] [ " mode " ] == " compact " :
appearance_mode = compact_formatter
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
abuselog_appearance_mode = compact_abuselog_formatter
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
else :
logger . critical ( " Unknown formatter! " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
LinkParser = LinkParser ( )
class Recent_Changes_Class ( object ) :
""" Store verious data and functions related to wiki and fetching of Recent Changes """
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . ids = [ ]
self . map_ips = { }
self . recent_id = 0
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
self . recent_abuse_id = 0
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
self . downtimecredibility = 0
self . last_downtime = 0
self . tags = { }
self . groups = { }
self . streak = - 1
self . mw_messages = { }
self . namespaces = None
self . session = session
self . logged_in = False
if settings [ " limitrefetch " ] != - 1 :
self . file_id = storage [ " rcid " ]
else :
self . file_id = 999999999 # such value won't cause trouble, and it will make sure no refetch happen
def handle_mw_errors ( request ) :
if " errors " in request :
logger . error ( request [ " errors " ] )
raise MWError
return request
def log_in ( self ) :
# session.cookies.clear()
if ' @ ' not in settings [ " wiki_bot_login " ] :
logger . error (
" Please provide proper nickname for login from {wiki} Special:BotPasswords " . format (
if len ( settings [ " wiki_bot_password " ] ) != 32 :
logger . error (
" Password seems incorrect. It should be 32 characters long! Grab it from {wiki} Special:BotPasswords " . format (
logger . info ( " Trying to log in to {wiki} ... " . format ( wiki = WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH ) )
try :
response = self . handle_mw_errors (
self . session . post ( WIKI_API_PATH ,
data = { ' action ' : ' query ' , ' format ' : ' json ' , ' utf8 ' : ' ' , ' meta ' : ' tokens ' ,
' type ' : ' login ' } ) )
response = self . handle_mw_errors (
self . session . post ( WIKI_API_PATH ,
data = { ' action ' : ' login ' , ' format ' : ' json ' , ' utf8 ' : ' ' ,
' lgname ' : settings [ " wiki_bot_login " ] ,
' lgpassword ' : settings [ " wiki_bot_password " ] ,
' lgtoken ' : response . json ( ) [ ' query ' ] [ ' tokens ' ] [ ' logintoken ' ] } ) )
except ValueError :
logger . error ( " Logging in have not succeeded " )
except MWError :
logger . error ( " Logging in have not succeeded " )
try :
if response . json ( ) [ ' login ' ] [ ' result ' ] == " Success " :
logger . info ( " Successfully logged in " )
self . logged_in = True
else :
logger . error ( " Logging in have not succeeded " )
except :
logger . error ( " Logging in have not succeeded " )
def add_cache ( self , change ) :
self . ids . append ( change [ " rcid " ] )
# self.recent_id = change["rcid"]
if len ( self . ids ) > settings [ " limitrefetch " ] + 5 :
self . ids . pop ( 0 )
def fetch ( self , amount = settings [ " limit " ] ) :
messagequeue . resend_msgs ( )
last_check = self . fetch_changes ( amount = amount )
# If the request succeeds the last_check will be the last rcid from recentchanges query
if last_check is not None :
self . recent_id = last_check
# Assigns self.recent_id the last rcid if request succeeded, otherwise set the id from the file
if settings [ " limitrefetch " ] != - 1 and self . recent_id != self . file_id and self . recent_id != 0 : # if saving to database is disabled, don't save the recent_id
self . file_id = self . recent_id
storage [ " rcid " ] = self . recent_id
datafile . save_datafile ( )
logger . debug ( " Most recent rcid is: {} " . format ( self . recent_id ) )
return self . recent_id
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
def construct_params ( self , amount ) :
params = OrderedDict ( action = " query " , format = " json " )
params [ " list " ] = " recentchanges|abuselog " if settings . get ( " show_abuselog " , False ) else " recentchanges "
params [ " rcshow " ] = " " if settings . get ( " show_bots " , False ) else " !bot "
params [ " rcprop " ] = " title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user "
params [ " rclimit " ] = amount
params [ " rctype " ] = " edit|new|log|external|categorize " if settings . get ( " show_added_categories " , True ) else " edit|new|log|external "
if settings . get ( " show_abuselog " , False ) :
params [ " afllimit " ] = amount
params [ " aflprop " ] = " ids|user|title|action|result|timestamp|hidden|revid|filter "
return params
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
def fetch_changes ( self , amount , clean = False ) :
""" Fetches the :amount: of changes from the wiki.
Returns None on error and int of rcid of latest change if succeeded """
global logged_in
if len ( self . ids ) == 0 :
logger . debug ( " ids is empty, triggering clean fetch " )
clean = True
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
raw_changes = self . safe_request ( WIKI_API_PATH , params = self . construct_params ( amount ) )
# action=query&format=json&list=recentchanges%7Cabuselog&rcprop=title%7Credirect%7Ctimestamp%7Cids%7Cloginfo%7Cparsedcomment%7Csizes%7Cflags%7Ctags%7Cuser&rcshow=!bot&rclimit=20&rctype=edit%7Cnew%7Clog%7Cexternal&afllimit=10&aflprop=ids%7Cuser%7Ctitle%7Caction%7Cresult%7Ctimestamp%7Chidden%7Crevid%7Cfilter
if raw_changes :
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
try :
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
raw_changes = raw_changes . json ( )
changes = raw_changes [ ' query ' ] [ ' recentchanges ' ]
# {"batchcomplete":"","warnings":{"query":{"*":"Unrecognized value for parameter \"list\": abuselog."}}}
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
changes . reverse ( )
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
if " warnings " in raw_changes :
warnings = raw_changes . get ( " warnings " , { " query " : { " * " : " " } } )
if warnings [ " query " ] [ " * " ] == " Unrecognized value for parameter \" list \" : abuselog. " :
settings [ " show_abuselog " ] = False
logger . warning ( " AbuseLog extension is not enabled on the wiki. Disabling the function... " )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
except ValueError :
logger . warning ( " ValueError in fetching changes " )
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
logger . warning ( " Changes URL: " + raw_changes . url )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
except KeyError :
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
logger . warning ( " Wiki returned %s " % ( raw_changes ) )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
return None
else :
if self . downtimecredibility > 0 :
self . downtimecredibility - = 1
if self . streak > - 1 :
self . streak + = 1
if self . streak > 8 :
self . streak = - 1
send_simple ( " down_detector " , _ ( " Connection to {wiki} seems to be stable now. " ) . format ( wiki = settings [ " wikiname " ] ) ,
_ ( " Connection status " ) , settings [ " avatars " ] [ " connection_restored " ] )
# In the first for loop we analize the categorize events and figure if we will need more changes to fetch
# in order to cover all of the edits
categorize_events = { }
new_events = 0
for change in changes :
if not ( change [ " rcid " ] in self . ids or change [ " rcid " ] < self . recent_id ) and not clean :
new_events + = 1
logger . debug (
" New event: {} " . format ( change [ " rcid " ] ) )
if new_events == settings [ " limit " ] :
if amount < 500 :
# call the function again with max limit for more results, ignore the ones in this request
logger . debug ( " There were too many new events, requesting max amount of events from the wiki. " )
return self . fetch ( amount = 5000 if self . logged_in else 500 )
else :
logger . debug (
" There were too many new events, but the limit was high enough we don ' t care anymore about fetching them all. " )
if change [ " type " ] == " categorize " :
if " commenthidden " not in change :
if len ( recent_changes . mw_messages . keys ( ) ) > 0 :
cat_title = change [ " title " ] . split ( ' : ' , 1 ) [ 1 ]
# I so much hate this, blame Markus for making me do this
if change [ " revid " ] not in categorize_events :
categorize_events [ change [ " revid " ] ] = { " new " : set ( ) , " removed " : set ( ) }
comment_to_match = re . sub ( r ' <.*?a> ' , ' ' , change [ " parsedcomment " ] )
if recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-added-to-category " ] in comment_to_match or recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled " ] in comment_to_match :
categorize_events [ change [ " revid " ] ] [ " new " ] . add ( cat_title )
logger . debug ( " Matched {} to added category for {} " . format ( cat_title , change [ " revid " ] ) )
elif recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-removed-from-category " ] in comment_to_match or recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled " ] in comment_to_match :
categorize_events [ change [ " revid " ] ] [ " removed " ] . add ( cat_title )
logger . debug ( " Matched {} to removed category for {} " . format ( cat_title , change [ " revid " ] ) )
else :
logger . debug ( " Unknown match for category change with messages {} , {} , {} , {} and comment_to_match {} " . format ( recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-added-to-category " ] , recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-removed-from-category " ] , recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled " ] , recent_changes . mw_messages [ " recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled " ] , comment_to_match ) )
else :
logger . warning ( " Init information not available, could not read category information. Please restart the bot. " )
else :
logger . debug ( " Log entry got suppressed, ignoring entry. " )
# if change["revid"] in categorize_events:
# categorize_events[change["revid"]].append(cat_title)
# else:
# logger.debug("New category '{}' for {}".format(cat_title, change["revid"]))
# categorize_events[change["revid"]] = {cat_title: }
for change in changes :
if change [ " rcid " ] in self . ids or change [ " rcid " ] < self . recent_id :
logger . debug ( " Change ( {} ) is in ids or is lower than recent_id {} " . format ( change [ " rcid " ] ,
self . recent_id ) )
logger . debug ( self . ids )
logger . debug ( self . recent_id )
self . add_cache ( change )
if clean and not ( self . recent_id == 0 and change [ " rcid " ] > self . file_id ) :
logger . debug ( " Rejected {val} " . format ( val = change [ " rcid " ] ) )
essential_info ( change , categorize_events . get ( change . get ( " revid " ) , None ) )
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
if " abuselog " in raw_changes [ " query " ] :
abuse_log = raw_changes [ ' query ' ] [ ' recentchanges ' ]
abuse_log . reverse ( )
for entry in abuse_log :
abuselog_processing ( entry , self )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
return change [ " rcid " ]
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
def safe_request ( self , url , params = None ) :
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
try :
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
if params :
request = self . session . get ( url , params = params , timeout = 10 , allow_redirects = False )
else :
request = self . session . get ( url , timeout = 10 , allow_redirects = False )
2020-07-16 12:46:23 +00:00
except requests . exceptions . Timeout :
logger . warning ( " Reached timeout error for request on link {url} " . format ( url = url ) )
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
logger . warning ( " Reached connection error for request on link {url} " . format ( url = url ) )
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
except requests . exceptions . ChunkedEncodingError :
logger . warning ( " Detected faulty response from the web server for request on link {url} " . format ( url = url ) )
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
else :
if 499 < request . status_code < 600 :
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
elif request . status_code == 302 :
logger . critical ( " Redirect detected! Either the wiki given in the script settings (wiki field) is incorrect/the wiki got removed or Gamepedia is giving us the false value. Please provide the real URL to the wiki, current URL redirects to {} " . format ( request . next . url ) )
sys . exit ( 0 )
return request
def check_connection ( self , looped = False ) :
online = 0
for website in [ " https://google.com " , " https://instagram.com " , " https://steamcommunity.com " ] :
try :
requests . get ( website , timeout = 10 )
online + = 1
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
except requests . exceptions . Timeout :
if online < 1 :
logger . error ( " Failure when checking Internet connection at {time} " . format (
time = time . strftime ( " %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) ) )
self . downtimecredibility = 0
if not looped :
while 1 : # recursed loop, check for connection (every 10 seconds) as long as three services are down, don't do anything else
if self . check_connection ( looped = True ) :
recent_changes . fetch ( amount = settings [ " limitrefetch " ] )
time . sleep ( 10 )
return False
return True
def downtime_controller ( self ) :
if not settings [ " show_updown_messages " ] :
if self . streak > - 1 : # reset the streak of successful connections when bad one happens
self . streak = 0
if self . downtimecredibility < 60 :
self . downtimecredibility + = 15
else :
if (
time . time ( ) - self . last_downtime ) > 1800 and self . check_connection ( ) : # check if last downtime happened within 30 minutes, if yes, don't send a message
send_simple ( " down_detector " , _ ( " {wiki} seems to be down or unreachable. " ) . format ( wiki = settings [ " wikiname " ] ) ,
_ ( " Connection status " ) , settings [ " avatars " ] [ " connection_failed " ] )
self . last_downtime = time . time ( )
self . streak = 0
def clear_cache ( self ) :
self . map_ips = { }
def init_info ( self ) :
startup_info = safe_read ( self . safe_request (
" {wiki} ?action=query&format=json&uselang=content&list=tags&meta=allmessages % 7Csiteinfo&utf8=1&tglimit=max&tgprop=displayname&ammessages=recentchanges-page-added-to-category % 7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category % 7Crecentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled % 7Crecentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled&amenableparser=1&amincludelocal=1&siprop=namespaces " . format (
wiki = WIKI_API_PATH ) ) , " query " )
if startup_info :
if " tags " in startup_info and " allmessages " in startup_info :
for tag in startup_info [ " tags " ] :
try :
self . tags [ tag [ " name " ] ] = ( BeautifulSoup ( tag [ " displayname " ] , " lxml " ) ) . get_text ( )
except KeyError :
self . tags [ tag [ " name " ] ] = None # Tags with no display name are hidden and should not appear on RC as well
for message in startup_info [ " allmessages " ] :
if not " missing " in message : # ignore missing strings
self . mw_messages [ message [ " name " ] ] = message [ " * " ]
else :
logging . warning ( " Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {} " . format ( message [ " name " ] ) )
for key , message in self . mw_messages . items ( ) :
if key . startswith ( " recentchanges-page- " ) :
self . mw_messages [ key ] = re . sub ( r ' \ [ \ [.*? \ ] \ ] ' , ' ' , message )
self . namespaces = startup_info [ " namespaces " ]
logger . info ( " Gathered information about the tags and interface messages. " )
else :
logger . warning ( " Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Some features may not work correctly! " )
logger . debug ( startup_info )
else :
logger . error ( " Could not retrieve initial wiki information. Possibly internet connection issue? " )
def pull_comment ( self , comment_id ) :
try :
comment = self . handle_mw_errors ( self . safe_request (
" {wiki} ?action=comment&do=getRaw&comment_id= {comment} &format=json " . format ( wiki = WIKI_API_PATH ,
comment = comment_id ) ) . json ( ) ) [
" text " ]
logger . debug ( " Got the following comment from the API: {} " . format ( comment ) )
except MWError :
except ( TypeError , AttributeError ) :
logger . exception ( " Could not resolve the comment text. " )
except KeyError :
logger . exception ( " CurseProfile extension API did not respond with a valid comment content. " )
else :
if len ( comment ) > 1000 :
comment = comment [ 0 : 1000 ] + " … "
return comment
return " "
recent_changes = Recent_Changes_Class ( )
def essential_info ( change , changed_categories ) :
""" Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format. """
logger . debug ( change )
if ( " actionhidden " in change or " suppressed " in change ) and " suppressed " not in settings [ " ignored " ] : # if event is hidden using suppression
appearance_mode ( " suppressed " , change , " " , changed_categories , recent_changes )
if " commenthidden " not in change :
LinkParser . feed ( change [ " parsedcomment " ] )
parsed_comment = LinkParser . new_string
LinkParser . new_string = " "
parsed_comment = re . sub ( r " (`|_| \ *|~| { |}| \ | \ |) " , " \\ \\ \\ 1 " , parsed_comment , 0 )
else :
parsed_comment = _ ( " ~~hidden~~ " )
if not parsed_comment :
parsed_comment = None
if change [ " type " ] in [ " edit " , " new " ] :
logger . debug ( " List of categories in essential_info: {} " . format ( changed_categories ) )
if " userhidden " in change :
change [ " user " ] = _ ( " hidden " )
identification_string = change [ " type " ]
elif change [ " type " ] == " log " :
identification_string = " {logtype} / {logaction} " . format ( logtype = change [ " logtype " ] , logaction = change [ " logaction " ] )
if identification_string not in supported_logs :
logger . warning (
" This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {} " . format (
change ) )
elif change [ " type " ] == " categorize " :
else :
logger . warning ( " This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {} " . format ( change ) )
if identification_string in settings [ " ignored " ] :
appearance_mode ( identification_string , change , parsed_comment , changed_categories , recent_changes )
2020-09-27 13:03:20 +00:00
def abuselog_processing ( entry , recent_changes ) :
abuselog_appearance_mode ( entry , recent_changes )