2018-06-15 13:56:35 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time , logging , json , requests , datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . DEBUG )
#logging.warning('Watch out!')
with open ( " settings.json " ) as sfile :
settings = json . load ( sfile )
logging . info ( " Current settings: {settings} " . format ( settings = settings ) )
def send ( message , name , avatar ) :
req = requests . post ( settings [ " webhookURL " ] , data = { " content " : message , " avatar_url " : avatar , " username " : name } , timeout = 10 )
2018-06-15 17:49:31 +00:00
def webhook_formatter ( action , timestamp , * * params ) :
2018-06-15 13:56:35 +00:00
def first_pass ( change ) :
parsedcomment = ( BeautifulSoup ( change [ " parsedcomment " ] , " lxml " ) ) . get_text ( )
if not parsedcomment :
parsedcomment = " No description provided "
if change [ " type " ] == " edit " :
minor = True if " minor " in change else False
2018-06-15 17:49:31 +00:00
webhook_formatter ( 1 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , old_revid = change [ " old_revid " ] , pageid = change [ " pageid " ] , revid = change [ " revid " ] , length = change [ " newlen " ] - change [ " oldlen " ] , minor = minor )
elif change [ " type " ] == " log " :
logtype = change [ " logtype " ]
logaction = change [ " logaction " ]
if logtype == " protect " and logaction == " protect " :
webhook_formatter ( 2 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , settings = change [ " logparams " ] [ " description " ] )
elif logtype == " protect " and logaction == " modify " :
webhook_formatter ( 3 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , settings = change [ " logparams " ] [ " description " ] )
elif logtype == " protect " and logaction == " unprotect " :
webhook_formatter ( 4 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " upload " and logaction == " overwrite " :
webhook_formatter ( 5 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , overwrite = True )
elif logtype == " upload " :
webhook_formatter ( 5 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , overwrite = False )
elif logtype == " delete " and logaction == " delete " :
webhook_formatter ( 6 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " delete " and logaction == " delete_redir " :
webhook_formatter ( 7 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " delete " and logaction == " restore " :
webhook_formatter ( 8 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " delete " and logaction == " revision " :
webhook_formatter ( 9 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " delete " and logaction == " event " :
webhook_formatter ( 10 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " import " and logaction == " upload " :
webhook_formatter ( 11 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , amount = change [ " logparams " ] [ " count " ] )
elif logtype == " import " and logaction == " interwiki " :
webhook_formatter ( 12 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " merge " :
webhook_formatter ( 13 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " move " and logaction == " move " :
webhook_formatter ( 14 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , supress = True if " suppressredirect " in change [ " logparams " ] else False , target = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' target_title ' ] , targetlink = " https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/ " + change [ " logparams " ] [ ' target_title ' ] . replace ( " " , " _ " ) ) #TODO Remove the link making in here
elif logtype == " move " and logaction == " move_redir " :
webhook_formatter ( 15 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , target = change [ " logparams " ] [ " target_title " ] )
elif logtype == " protect " and logaction == " move_prot " :
webhook_formatter ( 16 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , target = change [ " logparams " ] [ " oldtitle_title " ] )
elif logtype == " block " and logaction == " block " :
webhook_formatter ( 17 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , duration = change [ " logparams " ] [ " duration " ] )
elif logtype == " block " and logaction == " unblock " :
webhook_formatter ( 18 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " block " :
webhook_formatter ( 19 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " rights " :
webhook_formatter ( 20 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , old_groups = ' ' . join ( change [ " logparams " ] [ " oldgroups " ] ) , new_groups = ' ' . join ( change [ " logparams " ] [ " newgroups " ] ) )
elif logtype == " abusefilter " :
webhook_formatter ( 21 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , desc = parsedcomment , filternr = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 1 ' ] )
elif logtype == " interwiki " and logaction == " iw_add " :
webhook_formatter ( 22 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , desc = parsedcomment , prefix = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 0 ' ] , website = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 1 ' ] )
elif logtype == " interwiki " and logaction == " iw_edit " :
webhook_formatter ( 23 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , desc = parsedcomment , prefix = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 0 ' ] , website = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 1 ' ] )
elif logtype == " interwiki " and logaction == " iw_delete " :
webhook_formatter ( 24 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , desc = parsedcomment , prefix = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 0 ' ] )
elif logtype == " curseprofile " and logaction == " comment-created " :
webhook_formatter ( 25 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , target = change [ " title " ] . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] )
elif logtype == " curseprofile " and logaction == " comment-edited " :
webhook_formatter ( 26 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , target = change [ " title " ] . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] )
elif logtype == " curseprofile " and logaction == " comment-deleted " :
webhook_formatter ( 27 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , target = change [ " title " ] . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] )
elif logtype == " curseprofile " and logaction == " profile-edited " :
webhook_formatter ( 28 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , target = change [ " title " ] . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] , field = change [ " logparams " ] [ ' 0 ' ] , desc = change [ " parsedcomment " ] )
elif logtype == " curseprofile " and logaction == " comment-replied " :
webhook_formatter ( 29 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , target = change [ " title " ] . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] )
elif logtype == " contentmodel " and logaction == " change " :
webhook_formatter ( 30 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , oldmodel = change [ " logparams " ] [ " oldmodel " ] , newmodel = change [ " logparams " ] [ " newmodel " ] )
elif logtype == " sprite " and logaction == " sprite " :
webhook_formatter ( 31 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " sprite " and logaction == " sheet " :
webhook_formatter ( 32 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " sprite " and logaction == " slice " :
webhook_formatter ( 33 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " managetags " and logaction == " create " :
webhook_formatter ( 34 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " managetags " and logaction == " delete " :
webhook_formatter ( 35 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
elif logtype == " tag " and logaction == " update " :
webhook_formatter ( 36 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment )
else :
logging . warning ( " No entry matches given change! " )
print ( change )
send ( " Unable to process the event " , " error " , avatar )
elif change [ " type " ] == " external " : #not sure what happens then, but it's listed as possible type
logging . warning ( " External event happened, ignoring. " )
print ( change )
elif change [ " type " ] == " new " : #new page
webhook_formatter ( 37 , change [ " timestamp " ] , user = change [ " user " ] , title = change [ " title " ] , desc = parsedcomment , oldrev = change [ " old_revid " ] , pageid = change [ " pageid " ] , diff = change [ " revid " ] , size = change [ " newlen " ] )
2018-06-15 13:56:35 +00:00
class recent_changes ( object ) :
starttime = time . time ( )
day = datetime . date . fromtimestamp ( time . time ( ) ) . day
cache = [ ]
ids = [ ]
recent_id = 0
downtimecredibility = 0
def add_cache ( self , change ) :
self . cache . append ( change )
self . ids . append ( change [ " rcid " ] )
self . recent_id = change [ " rcid " ]
if len ( self . ids ) > settings [ " limit " ] + 5 :
self . ids . pop ( 0 )
def fetch ( self ) :
self . recent_id = self . fetch_changes ( )
def fetch_changes ( self , clean = False ) :
if len ( self . cache ) == 0 :
logging . debug ( " cache is empty, triggering clean fetch " )
clean = True
changes = safe_request ( " https:// {wiki} .gamepedia.com/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=recentchanges&rcshow=!bot&rcprop=title % 7Ctimestamp % 7Cids % 7Cloginfo % 7Cparsedcomment % 7Csizes % 7Cflags % 7Ctags % 7Cuser&rclimit= {amount} &rctype=edit % 7Cnew % 7Clog % 7Cexternal " . format ( wiki = settings [ " wiki " ] , amount = settings [ " limit " ] ) )
if changes :
try :
changes = changes . json ( ) [ ' query ' ] [ ' recentchanges ' ]
changes . reverse ( )
except ValueError :
logging . warning ( " ValueError in fetching changes " )
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
except KeyError :
logging . warning ( " Wiki returned %s " % ( request . json ( ) ) )
return None
else :
for change in pchanges :
if change [ " rcid " ] in self . ids :
self . add_cache ( change )
if clean :
def safe_request ( self , url ) :
try :
request = requests . get ( url , timeout = 10 , headers = settings [ " header " ] )
except requests . exceptions . Timeout :
logging . warning ( " Reached timeout error for request on link {url} " )
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
logging . warning ( " Reached connection error for request on link {url} " )
self . downtime_controller ( )
return None
else :
return request
def check_connection ( self ) :
online = 0
for website in [ " https://google.com " , " https://instagram.com " , " https://steamcommunity.com " ] :
try :
requests . get ( website , timeout = 10 )
online + = 1
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError :
except requests . exceptions . Timeout :
if online < 1 :
logging . error ( " Failure when checking Internet connection at {time} " . format ( time = time . strftime ( " %a , %d % b % Y % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( ) ) ) )
return False
return True
def downtime_controller ( self ) :
if self . downtimecredibility < 60 :
self . downtimecredibility + = 15
else :
if self . check_connection ( ) :
send ( _ ( " Minecraft Wiki seems to be down or unreachable. " ) , _ ( " Connection status " ) , _ ( " https://i.imgur.com/2jWQEt1.png " ) )
recent_changes = recent_changes ( )
while 1 :
time . sleep ( settings [ " cooldown " ] )
if ( recent_changes . day != datetime . date . fromtimestamp ( time . time ( ) ) . day ) :
logging . info ( " A brand new day! Printing the summary and clearing the cache " )
recent_changes . summary ( )
recent_changes . clear_cache ( )