2021-05-01 12:25:03 +00:00
# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord webhook (RcGcDw).
# RcGcDw is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with RcGcDw. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from unittest import TestCase , main
2021-05-09 22:10:36 +00:00
from src . api . util import sanitize_to_url , sanitize_to_markdown , clean_link
2021-05-01 12:25:03 +00:00
class Test ( TestCase ) :
2021-05-09 22:10:36 +00:00
def test_sanitize_to_url ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( sanitize_to_url ( " Breaking rcgcdw . \ / : ? = ) & - ~ this is a test) " ) ,
" Breaking_rcgcdw_._ % 5C_/_:_ %3F _ % 3D_ % 29_ % 26_-_~_this_is_a_test % 29 " )
def test_sanitize_to_markdown ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( sanitize_to_markdown (
" This @MarkusRost [] is a **Markdown** te \" ' ' ' st __wow__ (I ' m a link)[https://google.com/____]^^ ` nice {} comment \\ \\ foa*&&V^ % A(!#)@!@I$Jfkasnfgamc,ajf ah wtf#####;h,a " ) ,
" This \\ @MarkusRost [] is a \\ * \\ *Markdown \\ * \\ * te \" \' \' \' st \\ _ \\ _wow \\ _ \\ _ (I \' m a link)[https \\ :/ \\ /google.com/ \\ _ \\ _ \\ _ \\ _]^^ \\ ` nice \\ { \\ } comment \\ \\ \\ \\ foa \\ *&&V^ % A(!#) \\ @! \\ @I$Jfkasnfgamc,ajf ah wtf#####;h,a " )
def test_clean_link ( self ) :
self . assertEqual ( clean_link ( " https://example.com " ) , " <https://example.com> " )
2021-05-01 12:25:03 +00:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )