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synced 2025-02-24 01:04:09 +00:00
492 lines
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492 lines
24 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import json
import time
import re
import logging, aiohttp
import asyncio
from functools import cache
from api.util import default_message
from src.discord.queue import messagequeue, QueueEntry
from mw_messages import MWMessages
from src.exceptions import *
from src.queue_handler import dbmanager
from src.api.hooks import formatter_hooks
from src.api.client import Client
from src.api.context import Context
from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage, DiscordMessageMetadata, StackedDiscordMessage
from src.i18n import langs
from src.statistics import Statistics, Log, LogType
from src.config import settings
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
from typing import Union, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
Settings = namedtuple("Settings", ["lang", "display"])
logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdb.wiki")
# wiki_reamoval_reasons = {410: _("wiki deleted"), 404: _("wiki deleted"), 401: _("wiki inaccessible"),
# 402: _("wiki inaccessible"), 403: _("wiki inaccessible"), 1000: _("discussions disabled")}
from src.domain import Domain
MESSAGE_LIMIT = settings.get("message_limit", 30)
class Wiki:
def __init__(self, script_url: str, rc_id: Optional[int], discussion_id: Optional[int]):
self.script_url: str = script_url
self.session: aiohttp.ClientSession = aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=settings["header"], timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(6.0))
self.statistics: Statistics = Statistics(rc_id, discussion_id)
self.mw_messages: Optional[MWMessages] = None
self.tags: dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} # Tag can be None if hidden
self.first_fetch_done: bool = False
self.domain: Optional[Domain] = None
self.targets: Optional[defaultdict[Settings, list[str]]] = None
self.client: Client = Client(formatter_hooks, self)
self.message_history: list[StackedDiscordMessage] = list()
self.namespaces: Optional[dict] = None
self.recache_requested: bool = False
def rc_id(self):
return self.statistics.last_action
def last_request(self):
return self.statistics.last_request
def last_request(self, value):
self.statistics.last_request = value
# async def remove(self, reason):
# logger.info("Removing a wiki {}".format(self.script_url))
# await src.discord.wiki_removal(self.script_url, reason)
# await src.discord.wiki_removal_monitor(self.script_url, reason)
# async with db.pool().acquire() as connection:
# result = await connection.execute('DELETE FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = $1', self.script_url)
# logger.warning('{} rows affected by DELETE FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = "{}"'.format(result, self.script_url))
def add_message(self, message: StackedDiscordMessage):
if len(self.message_history) > MESSAGE_LIMIT*len(self.targets):
self.message_history = self.message_history[len(self.message_history)-MESSAGE_LIMIT*len(self.targets):]
def set_domain(self, domain: Domain):
self.domain = domain
# def find_middle_next(ids: List[str], pageid: int) -> set: # TODO Properly re-implement for RcGcDb
# """To address #235 RcGcDw should now remove diffs in next revs relative to redacted revs to protect information in revs that revert revdeleted information.
# :arg ids - list
# :arg pageid - int
# :return list"""
# ids = [int(x) for x in ids]
# result = set()
# ids.sort() # Just to be sure, sort the list to make sure it's always sorted
# messages = db_cursor.execute("SELECT revid FROM event WHERE pageid = ? AND revid >= ? ORDER BY revid",
# (pageid, ids[0],))
# all_in_page = [x[0] for x in messages.fetchall()]
# for id in ids:
# try:
# result.add(all_in_page[all_in_page.index(id) + 1])
# except (KeyError, ValueError):
# logger.debug(f"Value {id} not in {all_in_page} or no value after that.")
# return result - set(ids)
def search_message_history(self, params: dict) -> list[tuple[StackedDiscordMessage, list[int]]]:
"""Search self.message_history for messages which match all properties in params and return them in a list"""
output = []
for message in self.message_history:
returned_matches_for_stacked = message.filter(params)
if returned_matches_for_stacked:
output.append((message, [x[0] for x in returned_matches_for_stacked]))
return output
def delete_messages(self, params: dict):
"""Delete certain messages from message_history which DiscordMessageMetadata matches all properties in params"""
# Delete all messages with given IDs
for stacked_message, ids in self.search_message_history(params):
# If all messages were removed, send a DELETE to Discord
if len(stacked_message.message_list) == 0:
messagequeue.add_message(QueueEntry(stacked_message, [stacked_message.webhook], self, method="DELETE"))
messagequeue.add_message(QueueEntry(stacked_message, [stacked_message.webhook], self, method="PATCH"))
def redact_messages(self, ids: list[int], mode: str, censored_properties: dict):
# ids can refer to multiple events, and search does not support additive mode, so we have to loop it for all ids
for revlogid in ids:
for stacked_message, ids in self.search_message_history({mode: revlogid}): # This might not work depending on how Python handles it, but hey, learning experience
for message in [message for num, message in enumerate(stacked_message.message_list) if num in ids]:
if "user" in censored_properties and "url" in message["author"]:
message["author"]["name"] = _("hidden")
if "action" in censored_properties and "url" in message:
message["title"] = _("~~hidden~~")
if "content" in censored_properties and "fields" in message:
if "comment" in censored_properties:
message["description"] = _("~~hidden~~")
messagequeue.add_message(QueueEntry(stacked_message, [stacked_message.webhook], self, method="PATCH"))
# async def downtime_controller(self, down, reason=None):
# if down:
# self.fail_times += 1
# if self.fail_times > 20:
# await self.remove(reason)
# else:
# self.fail_times -= 1
async def update_targets(self) -> None:
"""This function generates all possible varations of outputs that we need to generate messages for.
:returns defaultdict[namedtuple, list[str]] - where namedtuple is a named tuple with settings for given webhooks in list"""
Settings = namedtuple("Settings", ["lang", "display"])
target_settings: defaultdict[Settings, list[str]] = defaultdict(list)
async for webhook in dbmanager.fetch_rows("SELECT webhook, lang, display FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = $1 AND (rcid != -1 OR rcid IS NULL)", self.script_url):
target_settings[Settings(webhook["lang"], webhook["display"])].append(webhook["webhook"])
self.targets = target_settings
def parse_mw_request_info(self, request_data: dict, url: str):
"""A function parsing request JSON message from MediaWiki logging all warnings and raising on MediaWiki errors"""
# any([True for k in request_data.keys() if k in ("error", "errors")])
errors: list = request_data.get("errors", {}) # Is it ugly? I don't know tbh
if errors:
raise MediaWikiError(str(errors))
warnings: list = request_data.get("warnings", {})
if warnings:
for warning in warnings:
logger.warning("MediaWiki returned the following warning: {code} - {text} on {url}.".format(
code=warning["code"], text=warning.get("text", warning.get("*", "")), url=url
return request_data
async def api_request(self, params: Union[str, OrderedDict], *json_path: str, timeout: int = 10,
allow_redirects: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Method to GET request data from the wiki's API with error handling including recognition of MediaWiki errors.
params (str, OrderedDict): a string or collections.OrderedDict object containing query parameters
json_path (str): *args taking strings as values. After request is parsed as json it will extract data from given json path
timeout (int, float) (default=10): int or float limiting time required for receiving a full response from a server before returning TimeoutError
allow_redirects (bool) (default=False): switches whether the request should follow redirects or not
request_content (dict): a dict resulting from json extraction of HTTP GET request with given json_path
One of the following exceptions:
ServerError: When connection with the wiki failed due to server error
ClientError: When connection with the wiki failed due to client error
KeyError: When json_path contained keys that weren't found in response JSON response
BadRequest: When params argument is of wrong type
MediaWikiError: When MediaWiki returns an error
# Making request
if isinstance(params,
str): # Todo Make it so there are some default arguments like warning/error format appended
request = await self.session.get(self.script_url + "api.php?" + params + "&errorformat=raw", timeout=timeout,
elif isinstance(params, OrderedDict):
params["errorformat"] = "raw"
request = await self.session.get(self.script_url + "api.php", params=params, timeout=timeout,
raise BadRequest(params)
except (aiohttp.ServerConnectionError, aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError) as exc:
logger.warning("Reached {error} error for request on link {url}".format(error=repr(exc),
url=self.script_url + str(params)))
raise ServerError
# Catching HTTP errors
if 499 < request.status < 600:
raise ServerError
elif request.status == 302:
"Redirect detected! Either the wiki given in the script settings (wiki field) is incorrect/the wiki got removed or is giving us the false value. Please provide the real URL to the wiki, current URL redirects to {}".format(
elif 399 < request.status < 500:
logger.error("Request returned ClientError status code on {url}".format(url=request.url))
self.statistics.update(Log(type=LogType.HTTP_ERROR, title="{} error".format(request.status), details=str(request.headers) + "\n" + str(request.url)))
raise ClientError(request)
# JSON Extraction
request_json = self.parse_mw_request_info(await request.json(encoding="UTF-8"), str(request.url))
for item in json_path:
request_json = request_json[item]
except ValueError:
logger.warning("ValueError when extracting JSON data on {url}".format(url=request.url))
raise ServerError
except MediaWikiError:
logger.exception("MediaWiki error on request: {}".format(request.url))
except KeyError:
logger.exception("KeyError while iterating over json_path, full response: {}".format(request.json()))
return request_json
async def fetch_wiki(self, amount=10) -> dict:
if self.mw_messages is None:
params = OrderedDict({"action": "query", "format": "json", "uselang": "content", "list": "tags|recentchanges",
"meta": "allmessages|siteinfo",
"utf8": 1, "tglimit": "max", "tgprop": "displayname",
"rcprop": "title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user",
"rclimit": amount, "rcshow": "!bot", "rctype": "edit|new|log|categorize",
"ammessages": "recentchanges-page-added-to-category|recentchanges-page-removed-from-category|recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled|recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled",
"amenableparser": 1, "amincludelocal": 1, "siprop": "namespaces|general"})
params = OrderedDict({"action": "query", "format": "json", "uselang": "content", "list": "tags|recentchanges",
"meta": "siteinfo", "utf8": 1, "rcshow": "!bot",
"rcprop": "title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user",
"rclimit": amount, "rctype": "edit|new|log|categorize", "siprop": "namespaces|general"})
response = await self.api_request(params=params)
except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e:
logger.error("A connection error occurred while requesting {}".format(params))
raise WikiServerError(e)
return response
async def scan(self, amount=10):
"""Main track of fetching RecentChanges of a wiki.
:raises WikiServerError
while True: # Trap event in case there are more changes needed to be fetched
request = await self.fetch_wiki(amount=amount)
self.client.last_request = request
except WikiServerError as e:
# If WikiServerError comes up 2 times in recent 2 minutes, this will reraise the exception, otherwise waits 2 seconds and retries
self.statistics.update(Log(type=LogType.CONNECTION_ERROR, title=str(e.exception)))
if self.statistics.recent_connection_errors() > 1:
await asyncio.sleep(2.0)
if not self.mw_messages or self.recache_requested:
process_cachable(request, self)
recent_changes = request["query"]["recentchanges"]
except KeyError:
raise WikiError
if self.rc_id in (0, None, -1):
if len(recent_changes) > 0:
self.statistics.last_action = recent_changes[-1]["rcid"]
dbmanager.add(("UPDATE rcgcdw SET rcid = $1 WHERE wiki = $2 AND ( rcid != -1 OR rcid IS NULL )",
(recent_changes[-1]["rcid"], self.script_url)))
self.statistics.last_action = 0
dbmanager.add(("UPDATE rcgcdw SET rcid = 0 WHERE wiki = $1 AND ( rcid != -1 OR rcid IS NULL )", (self.script_url)))
return # TODO Add a log entry?
categorize_events = {}
new_events = 0
self.statistics.last_checked_rc = int(time.time())
highest_id = self.rc_id # Pretty sure that will be faster
for change in recent_changes:
if change["rcid"] > highest_id and amount != 450:
new_events += 1
if new_events == 10:
# call the function again with max limit for more results, ignore the ones in this request
logger.debug("There were too many new events, queuing wiki with 450 limit.")
amount = 450
await process_cats(change, self, categorize_events)
else: # adequate amount of changes
message_list = [] # Collect all messages so they can be efficiently merged in Discord message sender
for change in recent_changes: # Yeah, second loop since the categories require to be all loaded up
if change["rcid"] > self.rc_id:
if highest_id is None or change["rcid"] > highest_id: # make sure that the highest_rc is really highest rcid but do allow other entries with potentially lesser rcids come after without breaking the cycle
highest_id = change["rcid"]
for combination, webhooks in self.targets.items():
message = await rc_processor(self, change, categorize_events, combination, webhooks)
message.wiki = self
message_list.append(QueueEntry(message, webhooks))
def prepare_settings(display_mode: int) -> dict:
"""Prepares dict of RcGcDw compatible settings based on a template and display mode of given call"""
with open("src/api/template_settings.json", "r") as template_json:
template = json.load(template_json)
template["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"] = True if display_mode > 1 else False
template["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"] = True if display_mode > 2 else False
return template
def process_cachable(response: dict, wiki_object: Wiki) -> None:
"""This function processes cachable objects – such as MediaWiki system messages and wiki tag display names to be used
for processing of DiscordMessages and saves them in a wiki object."""
mw_messages = response.get("query", {}).get("allmessages", [])
final_mw_messages = dict()
for msg in mw_messages:
if "missing" not in msg: # ignore missing strings
final_mw_messages[msg["name"]] = re.sub(r'\[\[.*?]]', '', msg["*"])
logger.warning("Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {}".format(msg["name"]))
wiki_object.mw_messages = MWMessages(final_mw_messages)
for tag in response["query"]["tags"]:
wiki_object.tags[tag["name"]] = (BeautifulSoup(tag["displayname"], "lxml")).get_text()
except KeyError:
wiki_object.tags[tag["name"]] = None
wiki_object.namespaces = response["query"]["namespaces"]
wiki_object.recache_requested = False
async def rc_processor(wiki: Wiki, change: dict, changed_categories: dict, display_options: namedtuple("Settings", ["lang", "display"]), webhooks: list) -> DiscordMessage:
"""This function takes more vital information, communicates with a formatter and constructs DiscordMessage with it.
It creates DiscordMessageMetadata object, LinkParser and Context. Prepares a comment """
from src.misc import LinkParser
LinkParser = LinkParser()
metadata = DiscordMessageMetadata("POST", rev_id=change.get("revid", None), log_id=change.get("logid", None),
page_id=change.get("pageid", None))
context = Context("embed" if display_options.display > 0 else "compact", "recentchanges", webhooks, wiki.client, langs[display_options.lang]["rc_formatters"], prepare_settings(display_options.display))
if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change) and "suppressed" not in settings["ignored"]: # if event is hidden using suppression
context.event = "suppressed"
discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
None, functools.partial(default_message("suppressed", display_options.display, formatter_hooks), context, change))
if settings.get("error_tolerance", 1) > 0:
discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = None # It's handled by send_to_discord, we still want other code to run
if "commenthidden" not in change:
LinkParser.feed(change.get("parsedcomment", ""))
parsed_comment = LinkParser.new_string
parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~")
if not parsed_comment and context.message_type == "embed" and settings["appearance"].get("embed", {}).get(
"show_no_description_provided", True):
parsed_comment = _("No description provided")
if "userhidden" in change:
change["user"] = _("hidden")
if change.get("ns", -1) in settings.get("ignored_namespaces", ()):
if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]:
logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories))
identification_string = change["type"]
elif change["type"] == "categorize":
elif change["type"] == "log":
identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"],
identification_string = change.get("type", "unknown") # If event doesn't have a type
if identification_string in settings["ignored"]:
context.event = identification_string
discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None,
functools.partial(default_message(identification_string, display_options.display, formatter_hooks), context,
if settings.get("error_tolerance", 1) > 0:
discord_message: Optional[DiscordMessage] = None # It's handled by send_to_discord, we still want other code to run
if identification_string in ("delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir"): # TODO Move it into a hook?
elif identification_string == "delete/event":
logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []})
if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed":
wiki.redact_messages(logparams.get("ids", []), "rev_id", logparams.get("new", {}))
for logid in logparams.get("ids", []):
elif identification_string == "delete/revision":
logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []})
if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed":
wiki.redact_messages(logparams.get("ids", []), "log_id", logparams.get("new", {}))
for revid in logparams.get("ids", []):
if discord_message:
discord_message.metadata = metadata
return discord_message
async def process_cats(event: dict, local_wiki: Wiki, categorize_events: dict):
"""Process categories based on local MW messages. """
if event["type"] == "categorize":
if "commenthidden" not in event:
if local_wiki.mw_messages is not None:
cat_title = event["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
# I so much hate this, blame Markus for making me do this
if event["revid"] not in categorize_events:
categorize_events[event["revid"]] = {"new": set(), "removed": set()}
comment_to_match = re.sub(r'<.*?a>', '', event["parsedcomment"])
if local_wiki.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category"] in comment_to_match or local_wiki.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match: # Added to category
#logger.debug("Matched {} to added category for {}".format(cat_title, event["revid"]))
elif local_wiki.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category"] in comment_to_match or local_wiki.mw_messages["recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled"] in comment_to_match: # Removed from category
#logger.debug("Matched {} to removed category for {}".format(cat_title, event["revid"]))
"Unknown match for category change with messages {} and comment_to_match {}".format(local_wiki.mw_messages,comment_to_match))
"Init information not available, could not read category information. Please restart the bot.")
logger.debug("Log entry got suppressed, ignoring entry.")
# This function has been removed. While its implementation seems sound, it should be considered only if we find performance
# concerns with RcGcDb
# async def process_mwmsgs(wiki_response: dict, local_wiki: Wiki, mw_msgs: dict):
# """
# This function is made to parse the initial wiki extended information to update local_wiki.mw_messages that stores the key
# to mw_msgs that is a dict storing id: tuple where tuple is a set of MW messages for categories.
# The reason it's constructed this way is to prevent duplication of data in memory so Markus doesn't complain about
# high RAM usage. It does however affect CPU performance as every wiki requires to check the list for the matching
# tuples of MW messages.
# :param wiki_response:
# :param local_wiki:
# :param mw_msgs:
# :return:
# """
# msgs = []
# for message in wiki_response["query"]["allmessages"]:
# if not "missing" in message: # ignore missing strings
# msgs.append((message["name"], re.sub(r'\[\[.*?\]\]', '', message["*"])))
# else:
# logger.warning("Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {}".format(message["name"]))
# msgs = tuple(msgs)
# for key, set in mw_msgs.items():
# if msgs == set:
# local_wiki.mw_messages = key
# return
# # if same entry is not in mw_msgs
# key = len(mw_msgs)
# mw_msgs[key] = msgs # it may be a little bit messy for sure, however I don't expect any reason to remove mw_msgs entries by one
# local_wiki.mw_messages = key
async def essential_feeds(change: dict, comment_pages: dict, db_wiki, target: tuple) -> DiscordMessage:
"""Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format."""
appearance_mode = feeds_embed_formatter if target[0][1] > 0 else feeds_compact_formatter
identification_string = change["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["containerType"]
comment_page = None
if identification_string == "ARTICLE_COMMENT" and comment_pages is not None:
comment_page = comment_pages.get(change["forumId"], None)
if comment_page is not None:
comment_page["fullUrl"] = "/".join(db_wiki["wiki"].split("/", 3)[:3]) + comment_page["relativeUrl"]
return await appearance_mode(identification_string, change, target, db_wiki["wiki"], article_page=comment_page)