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synced 2025-02-23 00:54:09 +00:00
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260 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import datetime
import logging
import time
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from functools import cache
import sys
import aiohttp
from src.misc import LimitedList
from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
from src.config import settings
from src.argparser import command_line_args
# from src.discussions import Discussions
from src.statistics import Log, LogType
logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdb.domain")
import src.wiki
import src.irc_feed
class Domain:
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.name = name # This should be always in format of topname.extension for example fandom.com
self.task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None
self.wikis: OrderedDict[str, src.wiki.Wiki] = OrderedDict()
self.irc: Optional[src.irc_feed.AioIRCCat] = None
self.last_failure_report = 0
self.message_timings: LimitedList = LimitedList(limit=100)
self.total_discord_messages_sent: int = 0
# self.discussions_handler: Optional[Discussions] = Discussions(self.wikis) if name == "fandom.com" else None
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.wikis)
def __str__(self) -> str:
if len(self.message_timings) > 0: # min throws exception when used on empty iterable
tmin, avg, tmax = (self.convert_seconds_to_readable(min(self.message_timings)),
tmin, avg, tmax = 0, 0, 0
return (f"<Domain name='{self.name}' task='{self.task}' wikis='{self.wikis}' "
f"irc='{self.irc.connection.connected if self.irc else False}' "
f"calculated_delay={self.calculate_sleep_time(len(self)) if not self.irc else 'handled by IRC scheduler'} "
f"msgdelays=(min={tmin}, avg={avg}, max={tmax})>")
def json(self) -> dict:
dict_obj = {
"wikis": [x for x in self.wikis.keys()],
"irc": self.irc.connection.connected if self.irc else False,
"delay": self.calculate_sleep_time(len(self)) if not self.irc else 'handled by IRC scheduler',
"msgdelay": {"min": min(self.message_timings or [0]), "avg": int(sum(self.message_timings)/(len(self.message_timings) or 1)),
"max": max(self.message_timings or [0])},
"discord_messages": self.total_discord_messages_sent,
"last_failure_report": self.last_failure_report
return dict_obj
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __getitem__(self, item):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.wikis)
def convert_seconds_to_readable(seconds: int) -> str:
"""Helper function to prepare human readable times for domain report"""
return f"{int(seconds/60)}m{seconds % 60}s"
def destroy(self):
"""Destroy the domain – do all of the tasks that should make sure there is no leftovers before being collected by GC"""
if self.irc:
logger.debug("Leaving IRC due to destroy() for domain {}".format(self.name))
# if self.discussions_handler:
# self.discussions_handler.close()
if self.task:
def get_wiki(self, item: str, default=None) -> Optional[src.wiki.Wiki]:
"""Return a wiki with given domain name"""
return self.wikis.get(item, default)
def set_irc(self, irc_client: src.irc_feed.AioIRCCat):
"""Sets IRC"""
self.irc = irc_client
def stop_task(self):
"""Cancells the task"""
self.task.cancel() # Be aware that cancelling the task may take time
def run_domain(self):
"""Starts asyncio task for domain"""
if not self.task or self.task.cancelled():
self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.run_wiki_check(), name=self.name)
logger.error(f"Tried to start a task for domain {self.name} however the task already exists!")
def remove_wiki(self, script_url: str):
async def add_wiki(self, wiki: src.wiki.Wiki, first=False):
"""Adds a wiki to domain list.
:parameter wiki - Wiki object
:parameter first (optional) - bool indicating if wikis should be added as first or last in the ordered dict"""
if wiki.script_url in self.wikis:
await self.wikis[wiki.script_url].update_targets()
self.wikis[wiki.script_url] = wiki
await wiki.update_targets()
if first:
self.wikis.move_to_end(wiki.script_url, last=False)
logger.debug(f"Added new wiki {wiki.script_url} to domain {self.name}")
async def run_wiki_scan(self, wiki: src.wiki.Wiki, reason: Optional[str] = None):
await wiki.scan()
wiki.statistics.update(Log(type=LogType.SCAN_REASON, title=str(reason)))
def failure_rate_investigation(self) -> Optional[set]:
"""Function is supposed to determine if a notification should be sent regarding a wiki/domain not working properly
Cases considered worthy of notification:
An entire farm (20% of wikis when 15+ wikis from domain) is responding with errors for the past 10 minutes
A single wiki returning connection errors either for full queue_length or for an hour
if len(self) > 15:
affected = set()
for wiki_url, wiki_obj in self.wikis.items():
failures = 0
logs_last_10 = wiki_obj.statistics.filter_by_time(10 * 60)
for log in logs_last_10:
if log.type == LogType.CONNECTION_ERROR:
failures += 1
if max(len(logs_last_10)/2, 1) <= failures:
if len(affected) > len(self)/5:
return affected
affected = set()
for wiki_url, wiki_obj in self.wikis.items():
if all([x.type in (LogType.CONNECTION_ERROR, LogType.MEDIAWIKI_ERROR, LogType.HTTP_ERROR) for x in wiki_obj.statistics.filter_by_time(60*60)]):
if affected:
return affected
def register_message_timing_report(self, initial_time: datetime.datetime, send_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) -> None:
"""This function registers time between edit being made and message with given edit being sent on Discord
For metrics and debugging"""
if send_time is None:
send_time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
self.message_timings.append((send_time - initial_time).seconds)
def discord_message_registration(self):
self.total_discord_messages_sent += 1
async def irc_scheduler(self):
while True:
wiki_url = self.irc.updated_wikis.pop()
except KeyError:
wiki = self.wikis[wiki_url]
except KeyError:
logger.error(f"Could not find a wiki with URL {wiki_url} in the domain group!")
await self.run_wiki_scan(wiki, "IRC feed event")
while True: # Iterate until hitting return, we don't have to iterate using for since we are sending wiki to the end anyways
wiki: src.wiki.Wiki = next(iter(self.wikis.values()))
if (int(time.time()) - (wiki.statistics.last_checked_rc or 0)) > settings.get("irc_overtime", 3600):
await self.run_wiki_scan(wiki, "IRC backup check")
return # Recently scanned wikis will get at the end of the self.wikis, so we assume what is first hasn't been checked for a while
except Exception as e:
if command_line_args.debug:
logger.exception("IRC scheduler task for domain {} failed!".format(self.name))
raise asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError()
else: # production
if not (time.time()-172800 > self.last_failure_report): # If we haven't reported for more than 2 days or at all
wikis = self.failure_rate_investigation()
if wikis:
await self.send_exception_to_monitoring(e, wikis)
self.last_failure_report = time.time()
async def regular_scheduler(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(self.calculate_sleep_time(len(self))) # To make sure that we don't spam domains with one wiki every second we calculate a sane timeout for domains with few wikis
await self.run_wiki_scan(next(iter(self.wikis.values())), "regular check")
except Exception as e:
if command_line_args.debug:
logger.exception("Regular scheduler task for domain {} failed!".format(self.name))
raise asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError()
if not (time.time()-172800 > self.last_failure_report): # If we haven't reported for more than 2 days or at all
wikis = self.failure_rate_investigation()
if wikis:
await self.send_exception_to_monitoring(e, wikis)
self.last_failure_report = time.time()
def calculate_sleep_time(self, queue_length: int):
return max(int(125/queue_length), 1)
async def run_wiki_check(self):
"""Runs appropriate scheduler depending on existence of IRC"""
if self.irc:
while True:
await self.irc_scheduler()
await asyncio.sleep(10.0)
except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:
for wiki in self.wikis.values():
await wiki.session.close()
while True:
await self.regular_scheduler()
await asyncio.sleep(self.calculate_sleep_time(len(self)))
except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:
for wiki in self.wikis.values():
await wiki.session.close()
async def send_exception_to_monitoring(self, ex: Exception, wikis: set):
discord_message = DiscordMessage("embed", "generic", [""])
discord_message["title"] = "Domain scheduler exception for {} (recovered)".format(self.name)
discord_message["description"] = "Affected wikis: {}".format(", ".join(wikis)) + "\n" + str(ex)
discord_message["description"] = discord_message["description"][0:2000]
# discord_message.add_field("Failure count", str(self.failures))
header = settings["header"]
header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
header['X-RateLimit-Precision'] = "millisecond"
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=header, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=6)) as session:
async with session.post("https://discord.com/api/webhooks/{}".format(settings["monitoring_webhook"]),
data=repr(discord_message)) as resp:
except (aiohttp.ServerConnectionError, aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError):
logger.exception("Couldn't communicate with Discord as a result of Server Error when trying to signal domain task issue!")