import asyncio import logging from src.database import db logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdb.queue_handler") class UpdateDB: def __init__(self): self.updated = [] def add(self, sql_expression): self.updated.append(sql_expression) def clear_list(self): self.updated.clear() async def update_db(self): try: while True: if self.updated: async with db.pool().acquire() as connection: async with connection.transaction(): for update in self.updated: await connection.execute(update) self.clear_list() await asyncio.sleep(10.0) except asyncio.CancelledError:"Shutting down after updating DB with {} more entries...".format(len(self.updated))) async with db.pool().acquire() as connection: async with connection.transaction(): for update in self.updated: await connection.execute(update) self.clear_list() await db.shutdown_connection() DBHandler = UpdateDB()