from dataclasses import dataclass import re import logging, aiohttp from src.exceptions import * from src.database import db_cursor, db_connection from src.formatters.rc import embed_formatter, compact_formatter from src.misc import parse_link from src.i18n import langs import src.discord import asyncio from src.config import settings from bs4 import BeautifulSoup logger = logging.getLogger("") supported_logs = ["protect/protect", "protect/modify", "protect/unprotect", "upload/overwrite", "upload/upload", "delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir", "delete/restore", "delete/revision", "delete/event", "import/upload", "import/interwiki", "merge/merge", "move/move", "move/move_redir", "protect/move_prot", "block/block", "block/unblock", "block/reblock", "rights/rights", "rights/autopromote", "abusefilter/modify", "abusefilter/create", "interwiki/iw_add", "interwiki/iw_edit", "interwiki/iw_delete", "curseprofile/comment-created", "curseprofile/comment-edited", "curseprofile/comment-deleted", "curseprofile/comment-purged", "curseprofile/profile-edited", "curseprofile/comment-replied", "contentmodel/change", "sprite/sprite", "sprite/sheet", "sprite/slice", "managetags/create", "managetags/delete", "managetags/activate", "managetags/deactivate", "tag/update", "cargo/createtable", "cargo/deletetable", "cargo/recreatetable", "cargo/replacetable", "upload/revert"] @dataclass class Wiki: mw_messages: int = None fail_times: int = 0 # corresponding to amount of times connection with wiki failed for client reasons (400-499) session: aiohttp.ClientSession = None async def fetch_wiki(self, extended, script_path, session) -> aiohttp.ClientResponse: url_path = script_path + "api.php" amount = 20 if extended: params = {"action": "query", "format": "json", "uselang": "content", "list": "tags|recentchanges", "meta": "allmessages|siteinfo", "utf8": 1, "tglimit": "max", "tgprop": "displayname", "rcprop": "title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user", "rclimit": amount, "rcshow": "!bot", "rctype": "edit|new|log|external", "ammessages": "recentchanges-page-added-to-category|recentchanges-page-removed-from-category|recentchanges-page-added-to-category-bundled|recentchanges-page-removed-from-category-bundled", "amenableparser": 1, "amincludelocal": 1, "siprop": "namespaces|general"} else: params = {"action": "query", "format": "json", "uselang": "content", "list": "tags|recentchanges", "meta": "siteinfo", "utf8": 1, "tglimit": "max", "rcshow": "!bot", "tgprop": "displayname", "rcprop": "title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user", "rclimit": amount, "rctype": "edit|new|log|external", "siprop": "namespaces|general"} try: response = await session.get(url_path, params=params) except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError): logger.exception("A connection error occurred while requesting {}".format(url_path)) raise WikiServerError return response async def safe_request(self, url): try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=settings["header"], timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(2.0)) as session: request = await session.get(url, timeout=5, allow_redirects=False) request.raise_for_status() except (aiohttp.ClientConnectionError, aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError): logger.exception("Reached connection error for request on link {url}".format(url=url)) return None else: return request async def fail_add(self, wiki_url, status): logger.debug("Increasing fail_times to {}".format(self.fail_times+3)) self.fail_times += 3 if self.fail_times > 9: await self.remove(wiki_url, status) async def check_status(self, wiki_url, status): if 199 < status < 300: self.fail_times -= 1 pass elif 400 < status < 500: # ignore 400 error since this might be our fault await self.fail_add(wiki_url, status) logger.warning("Wiki {} responded with HTTP code {}, increased fail_times to {}, skipping...".format(wiki_url, status, self.fail_times)) raise WikiError elif 499 < status < 600: logger.warning("Wiki {} responded with HTTP code {}, skipping...".format(wiki_url, status, self.fail_times)) raise WikiServerError async def remove(self, wiki_url, reason): await src.discord.wiki_removal(wiki_url, reason) await src.discord.wiki_removal_monitor(wiki_url, reason) db_cursor.execute('DELETE FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = ?', (wiki_url,)) logger.warning('{} rows affected by DELETE FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = "{}"'.format(db_cursor.rowcount, wiki_url)) db_connection.commit() async def pull_comment(self, comment_id, WIKI_API_PATH): try: comment = await self.safe_request( "{wiki}?action=comment&do=getRaw&comment_id={comment}&format=json".format(wiki=WIKI_API_PATH, comment=comment_id)).json()[ "text"] logger.debug("Got the following comment from the API: {}".format(comment)) except (TypeError, AttributeError): logger.exception("Could not resolve the comment text.") except KeyError: logger.exception("CurseProfile extension API did not respond with a valid comment content.") else: if len(comment) > 1000: comment = comment[0:1000] + "…" return comment return "" async def process_cats(event: dict, local_wiki: Wiki, category_msgs: dict, categorize_events: dict): if event["type"] == "categorize": if "commenthidden" not in event: if local_wiki.mw_messages: cat_title = event["title"].split(':', 1)[1] # I so much hate this, blame Markus for making me do this if event["revid"] not in categorize_events: categorize_events[event["revid"]] = {"new": set(), "removed": set()} comment_to_match = re.sub(r'<.*?a>', '', event["parsedcomment"]) wiki_cat_mw_messages = category_msgs[local_wiki.mw_messages] if wiki_cat_mw_messages[0] in comment_to_match or wiki_cat_mw_messages[2] in comment_to_match: # Added to category categorize_events[event["revid"]]["new"].add(cat_title) logger.debug("Matched {} to added category for {}".format(cat_title, event["revid"])) elif wiki_cat_mw_messages[1] in comment_to_match or wiki_cat_mw_messages[3] in comment_to_match: # Removed from category categorize_events[event["revid"]]["removed"].add(cat_title) logger.debug("Matched {} to removed category for {}".format(cat_title, event["revid"])) else: logger.debug( "Unknown match for category change with messages {}, {}, {}, {} and comment_to_match {}".format( wiki_cat_mw_messages[0], wiki_cat_mw_messages[1], wiki_cat_mw_messages[2], wiki_cat_mw_messages[3], comment_to_match)) else: logger.warning( "Init information not available, could not read category information. Please restart the bot.") else: logger.debug("Log entry got suppressed, ignoring entry.") async def process_mwmsgs(wiki_response: dict, local_wiki: Wiki, mw_msgs: dict): """ This function is made to parse the initial wiki extended information to update local_wiki.mw_messages that stores the key to mw_msgs that is a dict storing id: tuple where tuple is a set of MW messages for categories. The reason it's constructed this way is to prevent duplication of data in memory so Markus doesn't complain about high RAM usage. It does however affect CPU performance as every wiki requires to check the list for the matching tuples of MW messages. :param wiki_response: :param local_wiki: :param mw_msgs: :return: """ msgs = [] for message in wiki_response["query"]["allmessages"]: if not "missing" in message: # ignore missing strings msgs.append((message["name"], re.sub(r'\[\[.*?\]\]', '', message["*"]))) else: logger.warning("Could not fetch the MW message translation for: {}".format(message["name"])) msgs = tuple(msgs) for key, set in mw_msgs.items(): if msgs == set: local_wiki.mw_messages = key return # if same entry is not in mw_msgs key = len(mw_msgs) mw_msgs[key] = msgs # it may be a little bit messy for sure, however I don't expect any reason to remove mw_msgs entries by one local_wiki.mw_messages = key # db_wiki: webhook, wiki, lang, display, wikiid, rcid, postid async def essential_info(change: dict, changed_categories, local_wiki: Wiki, db_wiki: tuple, target: tuple, paths: tuple, request: dict): """Prepares essential information for both embed and compact message format.""" def _(string: str) -> str: """Our own translation string to make it compatible with async""" return lang.gettext(string) lang = langs[target[0][0]] ngettext = lang.ngettext # recent_changes = RecentChangesClass() # TODO Look into replacing RecentChangesClass with local_wiki appearance_mode = embed_formatter if target[0][1] > 0 else compact_formatter if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change): # if event is hidden using suppression await appearance_mode("suppressed", change, "", changed_categories, local_wiki, target, _, ngettext, paths) return if "commenthidden" not in change: parsed_comment = parse_link(paths[3], change["parsedcomment"]) parsed_comment = re.sub(r"(`|_|\*|~|{|}|\|\|)", "\\\\\\1", parsed_comment, 0) else: parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~") if not parsed_comment: parsed_comment = None if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]: logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories)) if "userhidden" in change: change["user"] = _("hidden") identification_string = change["type"] elif change["type"] == "log": identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"], logaction=change["logaction"]) if identification_string not in supported_logs: logger.warning( "This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format( change)) return elif change["type"] == "categorize": return else: logger.warning("This event is not implemented in the script. Please make an issue on the tracker attaching the following info: wiki url, time, and this information: {}".format(change)) return additional_data = {"namespaces": request["query"]["namespaces"], "tags": {}} for tag in request["query"]["tags"]: try: additional_data["tags"][tag["name"]] = (BeautifulSoup(tag["displayname"], "lxml")).get_text() except KeyError: additional_data["tags"][tag["name"]] = None # Tags with no displ await appearance_mode(identification_string, change, parsed_comment, changed_categories, local_wiki, target, _, ngettext, paths, additional_data=additional_data)