import aiohttp import asyncio import logging.config import signal import traceback import nest_asyncio import time from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from typing import Generator from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from src.argparser import command_line_args from src.config import settings from src.database import db_cursor, db_connection from src.exceptions import * from src.misc import get_paths, get_domain from src.msgqueue import messagequeue, send_to_discord from src.queue_handler import DBHandler from import Wiki, process_cats, process_mwmsgs, essential_info, essential_feeds from src.discord import DiscordMessage, generic_msg_sender_exception_logger, stack_message_list from src.wiki_ratelimiter import RateLimiter from src.irc_feed import AioIRCCat logging.config.dictConfig(settings["logging"]) logger = logging.getLogger("") logger.debug("Current settings: {settings}".format(settings=settings))"RcGcDb v{} is starting up.".format("1.0")) if command_line_args.debug:"Debug mode is active!") # Log Fail states with structure wiki_url: number of fail states all_wikis: dict = {} mw_msgs: dict = {} # will have the type of id: tuple main_tasks: dict = {} # First populate the all_wikis list with every wiki # Reasons for this: 1. we require amount of wikis to calculate the cooldown between requests # 2. Easier to code for db_wiki in db_cursor.execute('SELECT wiki, rcid FROM rcgcdw GROUP BY wiki ORDER BY ROWID'): all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]] = Wiki() # populate all_wikis all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]].rc_active = db_wiki["rcid"] queue_limit = settings.get("queue_limit", 30) QueuedWiki = namedtuple("QueuedWiki", ['url', 'amount']) class LimitedList(list): def __init__(self, *args): list.__init__(self, *args) def append(self, obj: QueuedWiki) -> None: if len(self) < queue_limit: self.insert(len(self), obj) return raise ListFull class RcQueue: def __init__(self): self.domain_list = {} self.to_remove = [] self.irc_mapping = {} async def start_group(self, group, initial_wikis): """Starts a task for given domain group""" if group not in self.domain_list: if group in self.irc_mapping: # Hopefully there are no race conditions.... irc_connection = self.irc_mapping[group] else: for irc_server in settings["irc_servers"].keys(): if group in settings["irc_servers"][irc_server]["domains"]: irc_connection = AioIRCCat(settings["irc_servers"]["group"]["irc_channel_mapping"], all_wikis) for domain in settings["irc_servers"][irc_server]["domains"]: self.irc_mapping[domain] = irc_connection irc_connection.connect(settings["irc_servers"][irc_server]["irc_host"], settings["irc_servers"][irc_server]["irc_port"], settings["irc_servers"][irc_server]["irc_name"]) break else: irc_connection = None self.domain_list[group] = {"task": asyncio.create_task(scan_group(group)), "last_rowid": 0, "query": LimitedList(initial_wikis), "rate_limiter": RateLimiter(), "irc": irc_connection} logger.debug(self.domain_list[group]) else: raise KeyError async def remove_wiki_from_group(self, wiki): """Removes a wiki from query of given domain group""" logger.debug(f"Removing {wiki} from group queue.") group = get_domain(wiki) self[group]["query"] = LimitedList([x for x in self[group]["query"] if x.url != wiki]) all_wikis[wiki].rc_active = -1 if not self[group]["query"]: # if there is no wiki left in the queue, get rid of the task logger.debug(f"{group} no longer has any wikis queued!") await self.stop_task_group(group) async def stop_task_group(self, group): self[group]["task"].cancel() del self.domain_list[group] def check_if_domain_in_db(self, domain): fetch_all = db_cursor.execute( 'SELECT ROWID, webhook, wiki, lang, display, rcid FROM rcgcdw WHERE rcid != -1 GROUP BY wiki ORDER BY ROWID ASC') for wiki in fetch_all.fetchall(): if get_domain(db_wiki["wiki"]) == domain: return True return False @asynccontextmanager async def retrieve_next_queued(self, group) -> Generator[QueuedWiki, None, None]: """Retrives next wiki in the queue for given domain""" if len(self.domain_list[group]["query"]) == 0: # make sure we are not removing the group because entire domain group went down, it's expensive - yes, but could theoretically cause issues if self.check_if_domain_in_db(group): logger.warning("Domain group {} has 0 elements yet there are still wikis in the db of the same domain group! This may indicate we ran over the list too fast. We are waiting...".format(group)) raise QueueEmpty else: await self.stop_task_group(group) return try: yield self.domain_list[group]["query"][0] except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: if command_line_args.debug: logger.exception("RC Group exception") shutdown(asyncio.get_event_loop()) else: logger.exception("Group task returned error") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Group task error logger", Group=group) else: self.domain_list[group]["query"].pop(0) @staticmethod def filter_rc_active(wiki_obj): return wiki_obj[1].rc_active is None or wiki_obj[1].rc_active > -1 async def update_queues(self): """Makes a round on rcgcdb DB and looks for updates to the queues in self.domain_list""" try: fetch_all = db_cursor.execute( 'SELECT ROWID, webhook, wiki, lang, display, rcid FROM rcgcdw WHERE rcid != -1 OR rcid IS NULL GROUP BY wiki ORDER BY ROWID ASC') self.to_remove = [x[0] for x in filter(self.filter_rc_active, all_wikis.items())] # first populate this list and remove wikis that are still in the db, clean up the rest full = set() for db_wiki in fetch_all.fetchall(): domain = get_domain(db_wiki["wiki"]) try: if db_wiki["wiki"] not in all_wikis: raise AssertionError self.to_remove.remove(db_wiki["wiki"]) except AssertionError: all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]] = Wiki() all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]].rc_active = db_wiki["rcid"] except ValueError: pass if domain in full: continue try: current_domain: dict = self[domain] if current_domain["irc"]: if db_wiki["wiki"] not in current_domain["irc"].updated and all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]].last_updated+settings["irc_overtime"] > time.time(): continue # if domain has IRC, has not been updated, and it was updated less than an hour ago else: # otherwise remove it from the list current_domain["irc"].updated.remove(db_wiki["wiki"]) if not db_wiki["ROWID"] < current_domain["last_rowid"]: current_domain["query"].append(QueuedWiki(db_wiki["wiki"], 20)) except KeyError: await self.start_group(domain, [QueuedWiki(db_wiki["wiki"], 20)])"A new domain group ({}) has been added since last time, adding it to the domain_list and starting a task...".format(domain)) except ListFull: full.add(domain) current_domain["last_rowid"] = db_wiki["ROWID"] continue for wiki in self.to_remove: await self.remove_wiki_from_group(wiki) for group, data in self.domain_list.items(): if group not in full: self[group]["last_rowid"] = 0 # iter reached the end without being stuck on full list logger.debug("Current domain_list structure: {}".format(self.domain_list)) except: if command_line_args.debug: logger.exception("Queue error!") shutdown(asyncio.get_event_loop()) else: logger.exception("Exception on queue updater") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Queue updator") def __getitem__(self, item): """Returns the query of given domain group""" return self.domain_list[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.domain_list[key] = value rcqueue = RcQueue() # Start queueing logic def calculate_delay_for_group(group_length: int) -> float: """Calculate the delay between fetching each wiki to avoid rate limits""" min_delay = 60 / settings["max_requests_per_minute"] if group_length == 0: group_length = 1 if (group_length * min_delay) < settings["minimal_cooldown_per_wiki_in_sec"]: return settings["minimal_cooldown_per_wiki_in_sec"] / group_length else: return 0.0 def generate_targets(wiki_url: str, additional_requirements: str) -> defaultdict: """To minimize the amount of requests, we generate a list of language/display mode combinations to create messages for this way we can send the same message to multiple webhooks which have the same wiki and settings without doing another request to the wiki just to duplicate the message. """ combinations = defaultdict(list) for webhook in db_cursor.execute('SELECT webhook, lang, display FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = ? {}'.format(additional_requirements), (wiki_url,)): combination = (webhook["lang"], webhook["display"]) combinations[combination].append(webhook["webhook"]) return combinations async def generate_domain_groups(): """Generate a list of wikis per domain (, etc.)""" domain_wikis = defaultdict(list) fetch_all = db_cursor.execute('SELECT ROWID, webhook, wiki, lang, display, rcid FROM rcgcdw WHERE rcid != -1 OR rcid IS NULL GROUP BY wiki ORDER BY ROWID ASC') for db_wiki in fetch_all.fetchall(): domain_wikis[get_domain(db_wiki["wiki"])].append(QueuedWiki(db_wiki["wiki"], 20)) for group, db_wikis in domain_wikis.items(): yield group, db_wikis async def scan_group(group: str): rate_limiter = rcqueue[group]["rate_limiter"] while True: try: async with rcqueue.retrieve_next_queued(group) as queued_wiki: # acquire next wiki in queue await asyncio.sleep(calculate_delay_for_group(len(rcqueue[group]["query"]))) logger.debug("Wiki {}".format(queued_wiki.url)) local_wiki = all_wikis[queued_wiki.url] # set a reference to a wiki object from memory extended = False if local_wiki.mw_messages is None: extended = True async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=settings["header"], timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(6.0)) as session: try: wiki_response = await local_wiki.fetch_wiki(extended, queued_wiki.url, session, rate_limiter, amount=queued_wiki.amount) await local_wiki.check_status(queued_wiki.url, wiki_response.status) except (WikiServerError, WikiError): logger.error("Exeption when fetching the wiki") continue # ignore this wiki if it throws errors try: recent_changes_resp = await wiki_response.json() if not isinstance(recent_changes_resp, dict): logger.error(f"recent_changes_resp has a bad type, found {type(recent_changes_resp)}, __repr__ here: {recent_changes_resp}.") raise TypeError if "errors" in recent_changes_resp: error = recent_changes_resp.get('errors') if error["code"] == "readapidenied": await local_wiki.fail_add(queued_wiki.url, 410) continue raise WikiError except aiohttp.ContentTypeError: logger.exception("Wiki seems to be resulting in non-json content.") await local_wiki.fail_add(queued_wiki.url, 410) continue except: logger.exception("On loading json of response.") continue try: recent_changes = recent_changes_resp['query']['recentchanges'] recent_changes.reverse() except KeyError: logger.error("recent_changes_resp returned KeyError. skipping this check. (usually this happens when the wiki doesn't respond properly, it's pretty normal)") continue if extended: await process_mwmsgs(recent_changes_resp, local_wiki, mw_msgs) if local_wiki.rc_active in (0, None, -1): # new wiki, just get the last rc to not spam the channel, -1 for -1 to NULL changes if len(recent_changes) > 0: local_wiki.rc_active = recent_changes[-1]["rcid"] DBHandler.add(queued_wiki.url, recent_changes[-1]["rcid"]) else: local_wiki.rc_active = 0 DBHandler.add(queued_wiki.url, 0) DBHandler.update_db() continue categorize_events = {} targets = generate_targets(queued_wiki.url, "AND (rcid != -1 OR rcid IS NULL)") paths = get_paths(queued_wiki.url, recent_changes_resp) new_events = 0 local_wiki.last_check = time.time() # on successful check, save new last check time for change in recent_changes: if change["rcid"] > local_wiki.rc_active and queued_wiki.amount != 450: new_events += 1 if new_events == 20: # call the function again with max limit for more results, ignore the ones in this request logger.debug("There were too many new events, queuing wiki with 450 limit.") rcqueue[group]["query"].insert(1, QueuedWiki(queued_wiki.url, 450)) break await process_cats(change, local_wiki, mw_msgs, categorize_events) else: # If we broke from previous loop (too many changes) don't execute sending messages here highest_rc = local_wiki.rc_active # setup var for later use message_list = defaultdict(list) for change in recent_changes: # Yeah, second loop since the categories require to be all loaded up if change["rcid"] > local_wiki.rc_active: if highest_rc is None or change["rcid"] > highest_rc: # make sure that the highest_rc is really highest rcid but do allow other entries with potentially lesser rcids come after without breaking the cycle highest_rc = change["rcid"] for target in targets.items(): try: message = await essential_info(change, categorize_events, local_wiki, target, paths, recent_changes_resp, rate_limiter) if message is not None: message_list[target[0]].append(message) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: if command_line_args.debug: logger.exception("Exception on RC formatter") raise else: logger.exception("Exception on RC formatter") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Exception in RC formatter", Wiki=queued_wiki.url, Change=str(change)[0:1000]) # Lets stack the messages for messages in message_list.values(): messages = stack_message_list(messages) for message in messages: await send_to_discord(message) if recent_changes: # we don't have to test for highest_rc being null, because if there are no RC entries recent_changes will be an empty list which will result in false in here and DO NOT save the value local_wiki.rc_active = highest_rc DBHandler.add(queued_wiki.url, highest_rc) DBHandler.update_db() except asyncio.CancelledError: return except QueueEmpty: await asyncio.sleep(21.0) continue async def wiki_scanner(): """Wiki scanner is spawned as a task which purpose is to continuously run over wikis in the DB, fetching recent changes to add messages based on the changes to message queue later handled by message_sender coroutine.""" try: async for group, db_wikis in generate_domain_groups(): # First scan await rcqueue.start_group(group, db_wikis) while True: await asyncio.sleep(20.0) await rcqueue.update_queues() except asyncio.CancelledError: for item in rcqueue.domain_list.values(): # cancel running tasks item["task"].cancel() raise async def message_sender(): """message_sender is a coroutine responsible for handling Discord messages and their sending to Discord""" try: while True: await messagequeue.resend_msgs() if main_tasks["msg_queue_shield"].cancelled(): raise asyncio.CancelledError except asyncio.CancelledError: while len(messagequeue):"Shutting down after sending {} more Discord messages...".format(len(messagequeue))) await messagequeue.resend_msgs() pass except: if command_line_args.debug: logger.exception("Exception on DC message sender") shutdown(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) else: logger.exception("Exception on DC message sender") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Message sender exception") async def discussion_handler(): try: while True: fetch_all = db_cursor.execute( "SELECT wiki, rcid, postid FROM rcgcdw WHERE postid != '-1' OR postid IS NULL GROUP BY wiki") for db_wiki in fetch_all.fetchall(): if db_wiki["wiki"] not in rcqueue.irc_mapping[""].updated_discussions and all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]].last_updated+settings["irc_overtime"] > time.time(): # I swear if another wiki farm ever starts using Fandom discussions I'm gonna use explosion magic continue else: rcqueue.irc_mapping[""].updated_discussions.remove(db_wiki["wiki"]) header = settings["header"] header["Accept"] = "application/hal+json" async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=header, timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(6.0)) as session: try: local_wiki = all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]] # set a reference to a wiki object from memory except KeyError: local_wiki = all_wikis[db_wiki["wiki"]] = Wiki() local_wiki.rc_active = db_wiki["rcid"] try: feeds_response = await local_wiki.fetch_feeds(db_wiki["wiki"], session) except (WikiServerError, WikiError): continue # ignore this wiki if it throws errors try: discussion_feed_resp = await feeds_response.json(encoding="UTF-8") if "title" in discussion_feed_resp: error = discussion_feed_resp["error"] if error == "site doesn't exists": # Discussions disabled if db_wiki["rcid"] != -1: # RC feed is disabled db_cursor.execute("UPDATE rcgcdw SET postid = ? WHERE wiki = ?", ("-1", db_wiki["wiki"],)) else: await local_wiki.remove(db_wiki["wiki"], 1000) DBHandler.update_db() continue raise WikiError discussion_feed = discussion_feed_resp["_embedded"]["doc:posts"] discussion_feed.reverse() except aiohttp.ContentTypeError: logger.exception("Wiki seems to be resulting in non-json content.") continue except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.debug("Timeout on reading JSON of discussion post feeed.") continue except: logger.exception("On loading json of response.") continue if db_wiki["postid"] is None: # new wiki, just get the last post to not spam the channel if len(discussion_feed) > 0: DBHandler.add(db_wiki["wiki"], discussion_feed[-1]["id"], True) else: DBHandler.add(db_wiki["wiki"], "0", True) DBHandler.update_db() continue comment_events = [] targets = generate_targets(db_wiki["wiki"], "AND NOT postid = '-1'") for post in discussion_feed: if post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["containerType"] == "ARTICLE_COMMENT" and post["id"] > db_wiki["postid"]: comment_events.append(post["forumId"]) comment_pages: dict = {} if comment_events: try: comment_pages = await local_wiki.safe_request( "{wiki}wikia.php?controller=FeedsAndPosts&method=getArticleNamesAndUsernames&stablePageIds={pages}&format=json".format( wiki=db_wiki["wiki"], pages=",".join(comment_events) ), RateLimiter(), "articleNames") except aiohttp.ClientResponseError: # Fandom can be funny sometimes... See #30 comment_pages = None except: if command_line_args.debug: logger.exception("Exception on Feeds article comment request") shutdown(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) else: logger.exception("Exception on Feeds article comment request") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Exception on Feeds article comment request", Post=str(post)[0:1000], Wiki=db_wiki["wiki"]) message_list = defaultdict(list) for post in discussion_feed: # Yeah, second loop since the comments require an extra request if post["id"] > db_wiki["postid"]: for target in targets.items(): try: message = await essential_feeds(post, comment_pages, db_wiki, target) if message is not None: message_list[target[0]].append(message) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: if command_line_args.debug: logger.exception("Exception on Feeds formatter") shutdown(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) else: logger.exception("Exception on Feeds formatter") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Exception in feed formatter", Post=str(post)[0:1000], Wiki=db_wiki["wiki"]) # Lets stack the messages for messages in message_list.values(): messages = stack_message_list(messages) for message in messages: await send_to_discord(message) if discussion_feed: DBHandler.add(db_wiki["wiki"], post["id"], True) await asyncio.sleep(delay=2.0) # hardcoded really doesn't need much more await asyncio.sleep(delay=1.0) # Avoid lock on no wikis DBHandler.update_db() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except: if command_line_args.debug: raise # reraise the issue else: logger.exception("Exception on Feeds formatter") await generic_msg_sender_exception_logger(traceback.format_exc(), "Discussion handler task exception", Wiki=db_wiki["wiki"]) def shutdown(loop, signal=None): global main_tasks DBHandler.update_db() db_connection.close() loop.remove_signal_handler(signal) if len(messagequeue) > 0: logger.warning("Some messages are still queued!") for task in (main_tasks["wiki_scanner"], main_tasks["discussion_handler"], main_tasks["msg_queue_shield"]): task.cancel() loop.run_until_complete(main_tasks["message_sender"]) for task in asyncio.all_tasks(loop): logger.debug("Killing task") task.cancel() try: loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*asyncio.all_tasks(loop))) except asyncio.CancelledError: loop.stop()"Script has shut down due to signal {}.".format(signal)) # sys.exit(0) # def global_exception_handler(loop, context): # """Global exception handler for asyncio, lets us know when something crashes""" # msg = context.get("exception", context["message"]) # logger.error("Global exception handler: {}".format(msg)) # if command_line_args.debug is False: #""+settings["monitoring_webhook"], data=repr(DiscordMessage("compact", "monitoring", [settings["monitoring_webhook"]], wiki=None, content="[RcGcDb] Global exception handler: {}".format(msg))), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) # else: # shutdown(loop) async def main_loop(): global main_tasks loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() nest_asyncio.apply(loop) try: signals = (signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT) for s in signals: loop.add_signal_handler( s, lambda s=s: shutdown(loop, signal=s)) except AttributeError:"Running on Windows, some things may not work as they should.") signals = (signal.SIGBREAK, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT) # loop.set_exception_handler(global_exception_handler) try: main_tasks = {"wiki_scanner": asyncio.create_task(wiki_scanner()), "message_sender": asyncio.create_task(message_sender()), "discussion_handler": asyncio.create_task(discussion_handler())} main_tasks["msg_queue_shield"] = asyncio.shield(main_tasks["message_sender"]) await asyncio.gather(main_tasks["wiki_scanner"], main_tasks["discussion_handler"], main_tasks["message_sender"]) except KeyboardInterrupt: shutdown(loop) except asyncio.CancelledError: return, debug=False)