diff --git a/extensions/__init__.py b/extensions/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2cc1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord webhook (RcGcDw).
+# RcGcDw is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDw. If not, see .
+import extensions.base
+import extensions.hooks
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/base/__init__.py b/extensions/base/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ec8e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import extensions.base.mediawiki
+import extensions.base.abusefilter
+import extensions.base.managewiki
+import extensions.base.cargo
+import extensions.base.datadump
+import extensions.base.sprite
+import extensions.base.translate
+import extensions.base.discussions
+import extensions.base.curseprofile
+import extensions.base.interwiki
+import extensions.base.renameuser
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/base/abusefilter.py b/extensions/base/abusefilter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..769be3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/abusefilter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import ipaddress
+import logging
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, sanitize_to_url, parse_mediawiki_changes, clean_link, compact_author, \
+ create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown
+from src.configloader import settings
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+abusefilter_results = {"": _("None"), "warn": _("Warning issued"), "block": _("**Blocked user**"), "tag": _("Tagged the edit"), "disallow": _("Disallowed the action"), "rangeblock": _("**IP range blocked**"), "throttle": _("Throttled actions"), "blockautopromote": _("Removed autoconfirmed group"), "degroup": _("**Removed from privileged groups**")}
+abusefilter_actions = {"edit": _("Edit"), "upload": _("Upload"), "move": _("Move"), "stashupload": _("Stash upload"), "delete": _("Deletion"), "createaccount": _("Account creation"), "autocreateaccount": _("Auto account creation")}
+logger = logging.getLogger("extensions.base")
+# AbuseFilter - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:AbuseFilter
+# Processing Abuselog LOG events, separate from RC logs
+def abuse_filter_format_user(change):
+ author = change["user"]
+ if settings.get("hide_ips", False):
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(change["user"])
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ author = _("Unregistered user")
+ return author
+def embed_abuselog(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ action = "abuselog/{}".format(change["result"])
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, action, ctx.webhook_url)
+ author = abuse_filter_format_user(change)
+ embed["title"] = _("{user} triggered \"{abuse_filter}\"").format(user=author, abuse_filter=sanitize_to_markdown(change["filter"]))
+ embed.add_field(_("Performed"), abusefilter_actions.get(change["action"], _("Unknown")))
+ embed.add_field(_("Action taken"), abusefilter_results.get(change["result"], _("Unknown")))
+ embed.add_field(_("Title"), sanitize_to_markdown(change.get("title", _("Unknown"))))
+ return embed
+def compact_abuselog(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ action = "abuselog/{}".format(change["result"])
+ author_url = clean_link(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=change["user"])))
+ author = abuse_filter_format_user(change)
+ message = _("[{author}]({author_url}) triggered *{abuse_filter}*, performing the action \"{action}\" on *[{target}]({target_url})* - action taken: {result}.").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, abuse_filter=sanitize_to_markdown(change["filter"]),
+ action=abusefilter_actions.get(change["action"], _("Unknown")), target=change.get("title", _("Unknown")),
+ target_url=clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change.get("title", _("Unknown"))))),
+ result=abusefilter_results.get(change["result"], _("Unknown")))
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, action, ctx.webhook_url, content=message)
+# abusefilter/modify - AbuseFilter filter modification
+def embed_abuselog_modify(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(
+ "Special:AbuseFilter/history/{number}/diff/prev/{historyid}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'],
+ historyid=change["logparams"]["historyId"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited abuse filter number {number}").format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])
+ return embed
+def compact_abuselog_modify(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(
+ "Special:AbuseFilter/history/{number}/diff/prev/{historyid}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'],
+ historyid=change["logparams"][
+ "historyId"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited abuse filter [number {number}]({filter_url})").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ number=change[
+ "logparams"][
+ 'newId'],
+ filter_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# abusefilter/create - AbuseFilter filter creation
+def embed_abuselog_create(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/{number}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId']))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created abuse filter number {number}").format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])
+ return embed
+def compact_abuselog_create(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(
+ create_article_path("Special:AbuseFilter/{number}".format(number=change["logparams"]['newId'])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created abuse filter [number {number}]({filter_url})").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ number=change[
+ "logparams"][
+ 'newId'],
+ filter_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/cargo.py b/extensions/base/cargo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5cbce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/cargo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+import re
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# Cargo - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cargo
+# cargo/createtable - Creation of Cargo table
+def embed_cargo_createtable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)]\(<(.*?)>\)", ctx.client.parse_links(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ embed["url"] = table.group(2)
+ embed["title"] = _("Created the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
+ return embed
+def compact_cargo_createtable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)]\(<(.*?)>\)", ctx.client.parse_links(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ table=table)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# cargo/recreatetable - Recreating a Cargo table
+def embed_cargo_recreatetable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)]\(<(.*?)>\)", ctx.client.parse_links(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ embed["url"] = table.group(2)
+ embed["title"] = _("Recreated the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
+ return embed
+def compact_cargo_recreatetable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)]\(<(.*?)>\)", ctx.client.parse_links(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) recreated the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ table=table)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# cargo/replacetable - Replacing a Cargo table
+def embed_cargo_replacetable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)]\(<(.*?)>\)", ctx.client.parse_links(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ embed["url"] = table.group(2)
+ embed["title"] = _("Replaced the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=table.group(1))
+ return embed
+def compact_cargo_replacetable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ table = re.search(r"\[(.*?)]\(<(.*?)>\)", ctx.client.parse_links(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replaced the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ table=table)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# cargo/deletetable - Deleting a table in Cargo
+def embed_cargo_deletetable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:CargoTables")
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(table=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_cargo_deletetable(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted the Cargo table \"{table}\"").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ table=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["0"]))
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/curseprofile.py b/extensions/base/curseprofile.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc2d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/curseprofile.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, clean_link, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, sanitize_to_url
+from src.misc import profile_field_name
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# CurseProfile - https://help.fandom.com/wiki/Extension:CurseProfile
+# curseprofile/profile-edited - Editing user profile
+def embed_curseprofile_profile_edited(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if target_user != change["user"]:
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited {target}'s profile").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited their own profile")
+ if ctx.parsedcomment is None: # If the field is empty
+ embed["description"] = _("Cleared the {field} field").format(field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], True))
+ else:
+ embed["description"] = _("{field} field changed to: {desc}").format(field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], True), desc=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("UserProfile:" + sanitize_to_url(target_user))
+ return embed
+def compact_curseprofile_profile_edited(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("UserProfile:" + sanitize_to_url(target_user)))
+ if target_user != author:
+ if ctx.parsedcomment is None: # If the field is empty
+ edit_clear_message = _("[{author}]({author_url}) cleared the {field} on [{target}]({target_url})'s profile.")
+ else:
+ edit_clear_message = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the {field} on [{target}]({target_url})'s profile. *({desc})*")
+ content = edit_clear_message.format(author=author, author_url=author_url, target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user), target_url=link,
+ field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], False), desc=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ else:
+ if ctx.parsedcomment is None: # If the field is empty
+ edit_clear_message = _("[{author}]({author_url}) cleared the {field} on [their own]({target_url}) profile.")
+ else:
+ edit_clear_message = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the {field} on [their own]({target_url}) profile. *({desc})*")
+ content = edit_clear_message.format(author=author, author_url=author_url, target_url=link,
+ field=profile_field_name(change["logparams"]['4:section'], False), desc=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# curseprofile/comment-created - Creating comment on user profile
+def embed_curseprofile_comment_created(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if target_user != change["user"]:
+ embed["title"] = _("Left a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Left a comment on their own profile")
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ embed["description"] = ctx.client.pull_curseprofile_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_curseprofile_comment_created(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ if target_user != author:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) left a [comment]({comment}) on {target}'s profile.").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) left a [comment]({comment}) on their own profile.").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# curseprofile/comment-edited - Editing comment on user profile
+def embed_curseprofile_comment_edited(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if target_user != change["user"]:
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited a comment on their own profile")
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ embed["description"] = ctx.client.pull_curseprofile_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_curseprofile_comment_edited(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ if target_user != author:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited a [comment]({comment}) on {target}'s profile.").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited a [comment]({comment}) on their own profile.").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# curseprofile/comment-replied - Replying to comment on user profile
+def embed_curseprofile_comment_replied(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if target_user != change["user"]:
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to a comment on their own profile")
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ embed["description"] = ctx.client.pull_curseprofile_comment(change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_curseprofile_comment_replied(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ if target_user != author:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replied to a [comment]({comment}) on {target}'s profile.").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) replied to a [comment]({comment}) on their own profile.").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# curseprofile/comment-deleted - Deleting comment on user profile
+def embed_curseprofile_comment_deleted(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if target_user != change["user"]:
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a comment on their own profile")
+ if ctx.parsedcomment is not None:
+ embed["description"] = ctx.parsedcomment
+ if "4:comment_id" in change["logparams"]:
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"]))
+ else:
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("UserProfile:" + sanitize_to_url(target_user))
+ return embed
+def compact_curseprofile_comment_deleted(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if "4:comment_id" in change["logparams"]:
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:CommentPermalink/{commentid}".format(commentid=change["logparams"]["4:comment_id"])))
+ else:
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("UserProfile:" + sanitize_to_url(target_user)))
+ parsed_comment = "" if ctx.parsedcomment is None else " *(" + ctx.parsedcomment + ")*"
+ if target_user != author:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a [comment]({comment}) on {target}'s profile.{reason}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user), reason=parsed_comment)
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a [comment]({comment}) on their own profile.{reason}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=link, reason=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# curseprofile/comment-purged - Purging comment on user profile
+def embed_curseprofile_comment_purged(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ if target_user != change["user"]:
+ embed["title"] = _("Purged a comment on {target}'s profile").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Purged a comment on their own profile")
+ if ctx.parsedcomment is not None:
+ embed["description"] = ctx.parsedcomment
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("UserProfile:" + sanitize_to_url(target_user))
+ return embed
+def compact_curseprofile_comment_purged(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ target_user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("UserProfile:" + sanitize_to_url(target_user)))
+ parsed_comment = "" if ctx.parsedcomment is None else " *(" + ctx.parsedcomment + ")*"
+ if target_user != author:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) purged a comment on [{target}]({link})'s profile.{reason}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, link=link, target=sanitize_to_markdown(target_user), reason=parsed_comment)
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) purged a comment on [their own]({link}) profile.{reason}").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, link=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content, reason=parsed_comment)
diff --git a/extensions/base/datadump.py b/extensions/base/datadump.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96ef1f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/datadump.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, sanitize_to_url, compact_summary
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# DataDumps - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DataDump
+# datadump/generate - Generating a dump of wiki
+def embed_datadump_generate(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["title"] = _("Generated {file} dump").format(file=change["logparams"]["filename"])
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_datadump_generate(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) generated *{file}* dump{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, file=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["filename"]),
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# datadump/delete - Deleting a dump of a wiki
+def embed_datadump_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted {file} dump").format(file=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["filename"]))
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_datadump_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted *{file}* dump{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, file=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["filename"]),
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/discussions.py b/extensions/base/discussions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23841ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/discussions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+# Discussions - Custom Fandom technology which apparently doesn't have any documentation or homepage, not even open-source, go figure
+import json
+import datetime, logging
+import gettext
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.api.util import create_article_path, clean_link, sanitize_to_markdown
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.discord.queue import send_to_discord
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage, DiscordMessageMetadata
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdw.discussion_formatter")
+class DiscussionsFromHellParser:
+ """This class converts fairly convoluted Fandom jsonModal of a discussion post into Markdown formatted usable thing.
+ Takes string, returns string. Kudos to MarkusRost for allowing me to implement this formatter based on his code in Wiki-Bot."""
+ def __init__(self, post):
+ self.post = post
+ self.jsonModal = json.loads(post.get("jsonModel", "{}"))
+ self.markdown_text = ""
+ self.item_num = 1
+ self.image_last = None
+ def parse(self) -> str:
+ """Main parsing logic"""
+ self.parse_content(self.jsonModal["content"])
+ if len(self.markdown_text) > 2000:
+ self.markdown_text = self.markdown_text[0:2000] + "…"
+ return self.markdown_text
+ def parse_content(self, content, ctype=None):
+ self.image_last = None
+ for item in content:
+ if ctype == "bulletList":
+ self.markdown_text += "\t• "
+ if ctype == "orderedList":
+ self.markdown_text += "\t{num}. ".format(num=self.item_num)
+ self.item_num += 1
+ if item["type"] == "text":
+ if "marks" in item:
+ prefix, suffix = self.convert_marks(item["marks"])
+ self.markdown_text = "{old}{pre}{text}{suf}".format(old=self.markdown_text, pre=prefix,
+ text=sanitize_to_markdown(item["text"]),
+ suf=suffix)
+ else:
+ if ctype == "code_block":
+ self.markdown_text += item["text"] # ignore formatting on preformatted text which cannot have additional formatting anyways
+ else:
+ self.markdown_text += sanitize_to_markdown(item["text"])
+ elif item["type"] == "paragraph":
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ self.markdown_text += "\n"
+ elif item["type"] == "openGraph":
+ if not item["attrs"]["wasAddedWithInlineLink"]:
+ self.markdown_text = "{old}{link}\n".format(old=self.markdown_text, link=item["attrs"]["url"])
+ elif item["type"] == "image":
+ try:
+ logger.debug(item["attrs"]["id"])
+ if item["attrs"]["id"] is not None:
+ self.markdown_text = "{old}{img_url}\n".format(old=self.markdown_text, img_url=
+ self.post["_embedded"]["contentImages"][int(item["attrs"]["id"])]["url"])
+ self.image_last = self.post["_embedded"]["contentImages"][int(item["attrs"]["id"])]["url"]
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ logger.warning("Image {} not found.".format(item["attrs"]["id"]))
+ logger.debug(self.markdown_text)
+ elif item["type"] == "code_block":
+ self.markdown_text += "```\n"
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ self.markdown_text += "\n```\n"
+ elif item["type"] == "bulletList":
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ elif item["type"] == "orderedList":
+ self.item_num = 1
+ if "content" in item:
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ elif item["type"] == "listItem":
+ self.parse_content(item["content"], item["type"])
+ @staticmethod
+ def convert_marks(marks):
+ prefix = ""
+ suffix = ""
+ for mark in marks:
+ if mark["type"] == "mention":
+ prefix += "["
+ suffix = "]({wiki}f/u/{userid}){suffix}".format(wiki=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ userid=mark["attrs"]["userId"], suffix=suffix)
+ elif mark["type"] == "strong":
+ prefix += "**"
+ suffix = "**{suffix}".format(suffix=suffix)
+ elif mark["type"] == "link":
+ prefix += "["
+ suffix = "]({link}){suffix}".format(link=mark["attrs"]["href"], suffix=suffix)
+ elif mark["type"] == "em":
+ prefix += "_"
+ suffix = "_" + suffix
+ return prefix, suffix
+def common_discussions(post: dict, embed: DiscordMessage):
+ """A method to setup embeds with common info shared between all types of discussion posts"""
+ if settings["fandom_discussions"]["appearance"]["embed"]["show_content"]:
+ if post.get("jsonModel") is not None:
+ npost = DiscussionsFromHellParser(post)
+ embed["description"] = npost.parse()
+ if npost.image_last:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = npost.image_last
+ embed["description"] = embed["description"].replace(npost.image_last, "")
+ else: # Fallback when model is not available
+ embed["description"] = post.get("rawContent", "")
+ embed["footer"]["text"] = post["forumName"]
+ embed["timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post["creationDate"]["epochSecond"],
+ tz=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
+# discussion/forum - Discussions on the "forum" available via "Discuss" button
+def embed_discussion_forum(ctx: Context, post: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage("embed", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"])
+ common_discussions(post, embed)
+ author = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["createdBy"]["name"]:
+ author = post["createdBy"]["name"]
+ embed.set_author(author, "{url}f/u/{creatorId}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creatorId=post["creatorId"]),
+ icon_url=post["createdBy"]["avatarUrl"])
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ embed["url"] = "{url}f/p/{threadId}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ threadId=post["threadId"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Created \"{title}\"").format(title=post["title"])
+ thread_funnel = post.get("funnel")
+ if thread_funnel == "POLL":
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/poll"
+ embed["title"] = _("Created a poll \"{title}\"").format(title=post["title"])
+ if settings["fandom_discussions"]["appearance"]["embed"]["show_content"]:
+ poll = post["poll"]
+ image_type = False
+ if poll["answers"][0]["image"] is not None:
+ image_type = True
+ for num, option in enumerate(poll["answers"]):
+ embed.add_field(option["text"] if image_type is True else _("Option {}").format(num + 1),
+ option["text"] if image_type is False else _(
+ "__[View image]({image_url})__").format(image_url=option["image"]["url"]),
+ inline=True)
+ elif thread_funnel == "QUIZ":
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/quiz"
+ embed["title"] = _("Created a quiz \"{title}\"").format(title=post["title"])
+ if settings["fandom_discussions"]["appearance"]["embed"]["show_content"]:
+ quiz = post["_embedded"]["quizzes"][0]
+ embed["description"] = quiz["title"]
+ if quiz["image"] is not None:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = quiz["image"]
+ elif thread_funnel == "TEXT":
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/post"
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ "The type of {} is an unknown discussion post type. Please post an issue on the project page to have it added https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues.".format(
+ thread_funnel))
+ embed.event_type = "unknown"
+ if post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["tags"]:
+ tag_displayname = []
+ for tag in post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["tags"]:
+ tag_displayname.append("[{title}]({url})".format(title=tag["articleTitle"], url=create_article_path(
+ quote_plus(tag["articleTitle"].replace(" ", "_"), "/:?=&"))))
+ if len(", ".join(tag_displayname)) > 1000:
+ embed.add_field(formatters_i18n.pgettext("Fandom discussions Tags/Forums", "Tags"), formatters_i18n.pgettext("Fandom discussions amount of Tags/Forums", "{} tags").format(len(post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["tags"])))
+ else:
+ embed.add_field(formatters_i18n.pgettext("Fandom discussions Tags/Forums", "Tags"), ", ".join(tag_displayname))
+ else:
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/forum/reply"
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to \"{title}\"").format(title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"])
+ embed["url"] = "{url}f/p/{threadId}/r/{postId}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ threadId=post["threadId"], postId=post["id"])
+ return embed
+def compact_discussion_forum(ctx: Context, post: dict):
+ message = None
+ author = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["createdBy"]["name"]:
+ author = post["createdBy"]["name"]
+ author_url = "<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creatorId=post["creatorId"])
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ thread_funnel = post.get("funnel")
+ msg_text = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}")
+ if thread_funnel == "POLL":
+ event_type = "discussion/forum/poll"
+ msg_text = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created a poll [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}")
+ elif thread_funnel == "QUIZ":
+ event_type = "discussion/forum/quiz"
+ msg_text = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created a quiz [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}")
+ elif thread_funnel == "TEXT":
+ event_type = "discussion/forum/post"
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ "The type of {} is an unknown discussion post type. Please post an issue on the project page to have it added https://gitlab.com/piotrex43/RcGcDw/-/issues.".format(
+ thread_funnel))
+ event_type = "unknown"
+ message = msg_text.format(author=author, author_url=author_url, title=post["title"],
+ url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], threadId=post["threadId"],
+ forumName=post["forumName"])
+ else:
+ event_type = "discussion/forum/reply"
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created a [reply](<{url}f/p/{threadId}/r/{postId}>) to [{title}](<{url}f/p/{threadId}>) in {forumName}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ threadId=post["threadId"], postId=post["id"], title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"],
+ forumName=post["forumName"])
+ return DiscordMessage("compact", event_type, ctx.webhook_url, content=message)
+# discussion/wall - Wall posts/replies
+def compact_author_discussions(post: dict):
+ """A common function for a few discussion related foramtters, it's formatting author's name and URL to their profile"""
+ author = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["creatorIp"]:
+ author = post["creatorIp"][1:] if settings.get("hide_ips", False) is False else _("Unregistered user")
+ author_url = "<{url}wiki/Special:Contributions{creatorIp}>".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creatorIp=post["creatorIp"])
+ else:
+ if post["createdBy"]["name"]:
+ author = post["createdBy"]["name"]
+ author_url = clean_link(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=author)))
+ else:
+ author_url = "<{url}f/u/{creatorId}>".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creatorId=post["creatorId"])
+ return author, author_url
+def embed_author_discussions(post: dict, embed: DiscordMessage):
+ author = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["creatorIp"]:
+ author = post["creatorIp"][1:]
+ embed.set_author(author if settings.get("hide_ips", False) is False else _("Unregistered user"),
+ "{url}wiki/Special:Contributions{creatorIp}".format(
+ url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], creatorIp=post["creatorIp"]))
+ else:
+ if post["createdBy"]["name"]:
+ author = post["createdBy"]["name"]
+ embed.set_author(author, "{url}wiki/User:{creator}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creator=author.replace(" ", "_")),
+ icon_url=post["createdBy"]["avatarUrl"])
+ else:
+ embed.set_author(author, "{url}f/u/{creatorId}".format(url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ creatorId=post["creatorId"]),
+ icon_url=post["createdBy"]["avatarUrl"])
+def embed_discussion_wall(ctx: Context, post: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage("embed", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"])
+ common_discussions(post, embed)
+ embed_author_discussions(post, embed)
+ user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
+ user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/wall/post"
+ embed["url"] = "{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadId}".format(
+ url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")),
+ threadId=post["threadId"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Created \"{title}\" on {user}'s Message Wall").format(title=post["title"], user=user_wall)
+ else:
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/wall/reply"
+ embed["url"] = "{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadId}#{replyId}".format(
+ url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"], user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")),
+ threadId=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to \"{title}\" on {user}'s Message Wall").format(
+ title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall)
+ return embed
+def compact_discussion_wall(ctx: Context, post: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author_discussions(post)
+ user_wall = _("unknown") # Fail safe
+ if post["forumName"].endswith(' Message Wall'):
+ user_wall = post["forumName"][:-13]
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ event_type = "discussion/wall/post"
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created [{title}](<{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadId}>) on [{user}'s Message Wall](<{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}>)").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, title=post["title"], url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ user=user_wall, user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadId=post["threadId"])
+ else:
+ event_type = "discussion/wall/reply"
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created a [reply](<{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadId}#{replyId}>) to [{title}](<{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}?threadId={threadId}>) on [{user}'s Message Wall](<{url}wiki/Message_Wall:{user_wall}>)").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, url=settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"],
+ title=post["_embedded"]["thread"][0]["title"], user=user_wall,
+ user_wall=quote_plus(user_wall.replace(" ", "_")), threadId=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
+ return DiscordMessage("compact", event_type, ctx.webhook_url, content=message)
+# discussion/article_comment - Article comments
+def embed_discussion_article_comment(ctx: Context, post: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage("embed", "discussion", settings["fandom_discussions"]["webhookURL"])
+ common_discussions(post, embed)
+ embed_author_discussions(post, embed)
+ article_paths = ctx.comment_page
+ if article_paths is None:
+ article_page = {"title": _("unknown"), "fullUrl": settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"]} # No page known
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/comment/post"
+ embed["url"] = "{url}?commentId={commentId}".format(url=article_paths["fullUrl"], commentId=post["threadId"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Commented on {article}").format(article=article_paths["title"])
+ else:
+ embed.event_type = "discussion/comment/reply"
+ embed["url"] = "{url}?commentId={commentId}&replyId={replyId}".format(url=article_paths["fullUrl"],
+ commentId=post["threadId"],
+ replyId=post["id"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Replied to a comment on {article}").format(article=article_paths["title"])
+ embed["footer"]["text"] = article_paths["title"]
+ return embed
+def compact_discussion_article_comment(ctx: Context, post: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author_discussions(post)
+ article_paths = ctx.comment_page
+ if article_paths is None:
+ article_paths = {"title": _("unknown"), "fullUrl": settings["fandom_discussions"]["wiki_url"]} # No page known
+ article_paths["fullUrl"] = article_paths["fullUrl"].replace(")", "\)").replace("()", "\(")
+ if not post["isReply"]:
+ event_type = "discussion/comment/post"
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created a [comment](<{url}?commentId={commentId}>) on [{article}](<{url}>)").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, url=article_paths["fullUrl"], article=article_paths["title"],
+ commentId=post["threadId"])
+ else:
+ event_type = "discussion/comment/reply"
+ message = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created a [reply](<{url}?commentId={commentId}&replyId={replyId}>) to a [comment](<{url}?commentId={commentId}>) on [{article}](<{url}>)").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, url=article_paths["fullUrl"], article=article_paths["title"],
+ commentId=post["threadId"], replyId=post["id"])
+ return DiscordMessage("compact", event_type, ctx.webhook_url, content=message)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/base/interwiki.py b/extensions/base/interwiki.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..211bf0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/interwiki.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, clean_link, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_url, compact_summary
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# Interwiki - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Interwiki
+# interwiki/iw_add - Added entry to interwiki table
+@formatter.embed(event="interwiki/iw_add", mode="embed")
+def embed_interwiki_iw_add(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
+ embed["title"] = _("Added an entry to the interwiki table")
+ embed["description"] = _("Prefix: {prefix}, website: {website} | {desc}").format(desc=ctx.parsedcomment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'])
+ return embed
+def compact_interwiki_iw_add(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) added an entry to the [interwiki table]({table_url}) pointing to {website} with {prefix} prefix").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, desc=parsed_comment, prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'], table_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# interwiki/iw_edit - Editing interwiki entry
+@formatter.embed(event="interwiki/iw_edit", mode="embed")
+def embed_interwiki_iw_edit(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited an entry in interwiki table")
+ embed["description"] = _("Prefix: {prefix}, website: {website} | {desc}").format(desc=ctx.parsedcomment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'])
+ return embed
+def compact_interwiki_iw_edit(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) edited an entry in [interwiki table]({table_url}) pointing to {website} with {prefix} prefix").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, desc=parsed_comment, prefix=change["logparams"]['0'],
+ website=change["logparams"]['1'], table_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# interwiki/iw_delete - Deleting interwiki entry
+@formatter.embed(event="interwiki/iw_delete", mode="embed")
+def embed_interwiki_iw_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:Interwiki")
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted an entry in interwiki table")
+ embed["description"] = _("Prefix: {prefix} | {desc}").format(desc=ctx.parsedcomment,
+ prefix=change["logparams"]['0'])
+ return embed
+def compact_interwiki_iw_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:Interwiki"))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted an entry in [interwiki table]({table_url}){desc}").format(
+ author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ table_url=link,
+ desc=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/managewiki.py b/extensions/base/managewiki.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c75140e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/managewiki.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, sanitize_to_url, compact_summary
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# ManageWiki - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:ManageWiki
+# managewiki/settings - Changing wiki settings
+def embed_managewiki_settings(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed wiki settings")
+ if change["logparams"].get("changes", ""):
+ embed.add_field("Setting", sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"].get("changes")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_settings(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed wiki settings{reason}".format(author=author, author_url=author_url, reason=parsed_comment))
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/delete - Deleting a wiki
+def embed_managewiki_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a \"{wiki}\" wiki").format(wiki=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a wiki *{wiki_name}*{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ wiki_name=change[
+ "logparams"].get("wiki",
+ _("Unknown")),
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/delete-group - Deleting a group
+def embed_managewiki_delete_group(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ group = change["title"].split("/")[-1]
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a \"{group}\" user group").format(wiki=group)
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_delete_group(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ group = change["title"].split("/")[-1]
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a usergroup *{group}*{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ group=group,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/lock - Locking a wiki
+def embed_managewiki_lock(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Locked a \"{wiki}\" wiki").format(wiki=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_lock(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) locked a wiki *{wiki_name}*{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, wiki_name=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")),
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/namespaces - Modirying a wiki namespace
+def embed_managewiki_namespaces(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Modified \"{namespace_name}\" namespace").format(
+ namespace_name=change["logparams"].get("namespace", _("Unknown")))
+ embed.add_field(_('Wiki'), change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_namespaces(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) modified namespace *{namespace_name}* on *{wiki_name}*{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, namespace_name=change["logparams"].get("namespace", _("Unknown")),
+ wiki_name=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")), comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/namespaces-delete - Deleteing a namespace
+def embed_managewiki_namespaces_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted a \"{namespace_name}\" namespace").format(
+ namespace_name=change["logparams"].get("namespace", _("Unknown")))
+ embed.add_field(_('Wiki'), change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_namespaces_delete(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) deleted a namespace *{namespace_name}* on *{wiki_name}*{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ namespace_name=change["logparams"].get("namespace", _("Unknown")),
+ wiki_name=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")), comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/rights - Modifying user groups
+def embed_managewiki_rights(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ group_name = change["title"].split("/permissions/", 1)[1]
+ embed["title"] = _("Modified \"{usergroup_name}\" usergroup").format(usergroup_name=group_name)
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_rights(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ group_name = change["title"].split("/permissions/", 1)[1]
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) modified user group *{group_name}*{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, group_name=group_name, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/undelete - Restoring a wiki
+def embed_managewiki_undelete(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Undeleted a \"{wiki}\" wiki").format(wiki=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_undelete(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) undeleted a wiki *{wiki_name}*{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, wiki_name=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")),
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managewiki/unlock - Unlocking a wiki
+def embed_managewiki_unlock(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Unlocked a \"{wiki}\" wiki").format(wiki=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")))
+ return embed
+def compact_managewiki_unlock(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) unlocked a wiki *{wiki_name}*{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, wiki_name=change["logparams"].get("wiki", _("Unknown")),
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/mediawiki.py b/extensions/base/mediawiki.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a14ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/mediawiki.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import ipaddress
+import logging
+import math
+import re
+import time
+import datetime
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, sanitize_to_url, parse_mediawiki_changes, clean_link, compact_author, \
+ create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, compact_summary
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.exceptions import *
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+logger = logging.getLogger("extensions.base")
+if 1 == 2: # additional translation strings in unreachable code
+ print(_("director"), _("bot"), _("editor"), _("directors"), _("sysop"), _("bureaucrat"), _("reviewer"),
+ _("autoreview"), _("autopatrol"), _("wiki_guardian"))
+# Page edit - event edit, New - page creation
+@formatter.embed(event="edit", mode="embed", aliases=["new"])
+def embed_edit(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ action = ctx.event
+ editsize = change["newlen"] - change["oldlen"]
+ if editsize > 0:
+ embed["color"] = min(65280, 35840 + (math.floor(editsize / 52)) * 256) # Choose shade of green
+ elif editsize < 0:
+ embed["color"] = min(16711680, 9175040 + (math.floor(abs(editsize) / 52)) * 65536) # Choose shade of red
+ elif editsize == 0:
+ embed["color"] = 8750469
+ if change["title"].startswith("MediaWiki:Tag-"): # Refresh tag list when tag display name is edited
+ ctx.client.refresh_internal_data()
+ # Sparse is better than dense.
+ # Readability counts.
+ embed["url"] = "{wiki}index.php?title={article}&curid={pageid}&diff={diff}&oldid={oldrev}".format(
+ wiki=ctx.client.WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH,
+ pageid=change["pageid"],
+ diff=change["revid"],
+ oldrev=change["old_revid"],
+ article=sanitize_to_url(change["title"])
+ )
+ embed["title"] = "{redirect}{article} ({new}{minor}{bot}{space}{editsize})".format(
+ redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "",
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ editsize="+" + str(editsize) if editsize > 0 else editsize,
+ new=_("(N!) ") if action == "new" else "",
+ minor=_("m") if action == "edit" and "minor" in change else "",
+ bot=_('b') if "bot" in change else "",
+ space=" " if "bot" in change or (action == "edit" and "minor" in change) or action == "new" else "")
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_edit_changes"]:
+ try:
+ if action == "new":
+ changed_content = ctx.client.make_api_request(
+ "?action=compare&format=json&fromslots=main&torev={diff}&fromtext-main=&topst=1&prop=diff".format(
+ diff=change["revid"]), "compare", "*")
+ else:
+ changed_content = ctx.client.make_api_request(
+ "?action=compare&format=json&fromrev={oldrev}&torev={diff}&topst=1&prop=diff".format(
+ diff=change["revid"], oldrev=change["old_revid"]), "compare", "*")
+ except ServerError:
+ changed_content = None
+ if changed_content:
+ parse_mediawiki_changes(ctx, changed_content, embed)
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Unable to download data on the edit content!")
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="edit", mode="compact", aliases=["new"])
+def compact_edit(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ action = ctx.event
+ edit_link = clean_link("{wiki}index.php?title={article}&curid={pageid}&diff={diff}&oldid={oldrev}".format(
+ wiki=ctx.client.WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, pageid=change["pageid"], diff=change["revid"], oldrev=change["old_revid"],
+ article=sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ logger.debug(edit_link)
+ edit_size = change["newlen"] - change["oldlen"]
+ sign = ""
+ if edit_size > 0:
+ sign = "+"
+ bold = ""
+ if abs(edit_size) > 500:
+ bold = "**"
+ if action == "edit":
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) edited [{article}]({edit_link}){comment} {bold}({sign}{edit_size}){bold}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), edit_link=edit_link, comment=parsed_comment,
+ edit_size=edit_size, sign=sign, bold=bold)
+ else:
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created [{article}]({edit_link}){comment} {bold}({sign}{edit_size}){bold}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), edit_link=edit_link, comment=parsed_comment,
+ edit_size=edit_size, sign=sign, bold=bold)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# Upload - upload/reupload, upload/upload
+@formatter.embed(event="upload/upload", mode="embed", aliases=["upload/overwrite", "upload/revert"])
+def embed_upload_upload(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ license = None
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ action = ctx.event
+ # Requesting more information on the image
+ request_for_image_data = None
+ try:
+ params = OrderedDict()
+ params["action"] = "query"
+ params["format"] = "json"
+ if settings["license_detection"] and action == "upload/upload":
+ params["prop"] = "imageinfo|revisions"
+ params["rvprop"] = "content"
+ params["rvslots"] = "main"
+ else:
+ params["prop"] = "imageinfo"
+ params["titles"] = change["title"]
+ params["iiprop"] = "timestamp|url|archivename"
+ params["iilimit"] = "5"
+ request_for_image_data = ctx.client.make_api_request(params, "query", "pages")
+ except (ServerError, MediaWikiError):
+ logger.exception(
+ "Couldn't retrieve more information about the image {} because of server/MediaWiki error".format(
+ change["title"]))
+ except (ClientError, BadRequest):
+ raise
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.exception(
+ "Couldn't retrieve more information about the image {} because of unknown error".format(
+ change["title"]))
+ else:
+ if "-1" not in request_for_image_data: # Image still exists and not removed
+ image_data = next(iter(request_for_image_data.values()))
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Request for additional image information have failed. The preview will not be shown.")
+ request_for_image_data = None
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ image_direct_url = None
+ # Make a request for file revisions so we can get direct URL to the image for embed
+ if request_for_image_data is not None:
+ try:
+ urls = image_data["imageinfo"]
+ for num, revision in enumerate(urls):
+ if revision["timestamp"] == change["logparams"][
+ "img_timestamp"]: # find the correct revision corresponding for this log entry
+ image_direct_url = "{rev}?{cache}".format(rev=revision["url"],
+ cache=int(time.time() * 5)) # cachebusting
+ break
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.exception(
+ "Wiki did not respond with extended information about file. The preview will not be shown.")
+ else:
+ logger.warning("Request for additional image information have failed. The preview will not be shown.")
+ if action in ("upload/overwrite", "upload/revert"):
+ if image_direct_url:
+ try:
+ revision = image_data["imageinfo"][num + 1]
+ except IndexError:
+ logger.exception(
+ "Could not analize the information about the image (does it have only one version when expected more in overwrite?) which resulted in no Options field: {}".format(
+ image_data["imageinfo"]))
+ else:
+ undolink = "{wiki}index.php?title={filename}&action=revert&oldimage={archiveid}".format(
+ wiki=ctx.client.WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH, filename=sanitize_to_url(change["title"]),
+ archiveid=revision["archivename"])
+ embed.add_field(_("Options"), _("([preview]({link}) | [undo]({undolink}))").format(
+ link=image_direct_url, undolink=undolink))
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"]:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = image_direct_url
+ if action == "upload/overwrite":
+ embed["title"] = _("Uploaded a new version of {name}").format(name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ elif action == "upload/revert":
+ embed["title"] = _("Reverted a version of {name}").format(name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Uploaded {name}").format(name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ if settings["license_detection"] and image_direct_url:
+ try:
+ content = image_data['revisions'][0]["slots"]["main"]['*']
+ matches = re.search(re.compile(settings["license_regex"], re.IGNORECASE), content)
+ if matches is not None:
+ license = matches.group("license")
+ else:
+ if re.search(re.compile(settings["license_regex_detect"], re.IGNORECASE), content) is None:
+ license = _("**No license!**")
+ else:
+ license = "?"
+ except IndexError:
+ logger.error(
+ "Given regex for the license detection is incorrect. It does not have a capturing group called \"license\" specified. Please fix license_regex value in the config!")
+ license = "?"
+ except re.error:
+ logger.error(
+ "Given regex for the license detection is incorrect. Please fix license_regex or license_regex_detect values in the config!")
+ license = "?"
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.exception(
+ "Unknown error when retriefing the image data for a license, full content: {}".format(image_data))
+ if image_direct_url:
+ embed.add_field(_("Options"), _("([preview]({link}))").format(link=image_direct_url))
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["embed_images"]:
+ embed["image"]["url"] = image_direct_url
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ if license is not None:
+ embed["description"] += _("\nLicense: {}").format(license)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="upload/revert", mode="compact")
+def compact_upload_revert(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ file_link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) reverted a version of [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, file=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), file_link=file_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+@formatter.compact(event="upload/overwrite", mode="compact")
+def compact_upload_overwrite(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ file_link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) uploaded a new version of [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, file=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), file_link=file_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+@formatter.compact(event="upload/upload", mode="compact")
+def compact_upload_upload(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ file_link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) uploaded [{file}]({file_link}){comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ file=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change["title"]),
+ file_link=file_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# delete/delete - Page deletion
+@formatter.embed(event="delete/delete", mode="embed")
+def embed_delete_delete(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed['url'] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted page {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="delete/delete", mode="compact")
+def compact_delete_delete(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ page_link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted [{page}]({page_link}){comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ page=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change["title"]),
+ page_link=page_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# delete/delete_redir - Redirect deletion
+@formatter.embed(event="delete/delete_redir", mode="embed")
+def embed_delete_delete_redir(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed['url'] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted redirect {article} by overwriting").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="delete/delete_redir", mode="compact")
+def compact_delete_delete_redir(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ page_link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted redirect by overwriting [{page}]({page_link}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, page=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), page_link=page_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# delete/restore - Restoring a page
+@formatter.embed(event="delete/restore", mode="embed")
+def embed_delete_restore(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed['url'] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Restored {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="delete/restore", mode="compact")
+def compact_delete_restore(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ page_link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) restored [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change["title"]),
+ article_url=page_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# delete/event - Deleting an event with revdelete feature
+@formatter.embed(event="delete/event", mode="embed")
+def embed_delete_event(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed['url'] = create_article_path("Special:RecentChanges")
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed visibility of log events")
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="delete/event", mode="compact")
+def compact_delete_event(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of log events{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# delete/revision - Deleting revision information
+@formatter.embed(event="delete/revision", mode="embed")
+def embed_delete_revision(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ amount = len(change["logparams"]["ids"])
+ embed['url'] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = ngettext("Changed visibility of revision on page {article} ",
+ "Changed visibility of {amount} revisions on page {article} ", amount).format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), amount=amount)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="delete/revision", mode="compact")
+def compact_delete_revision(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ amount = len(change["logparams"]["ids"])
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = ngettext(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of revision on page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed visibility of {amount} revisions on page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}",
+ amount).format(author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link, amount=amount, comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# move/move - Moving pages
+@formatter.embed(event="move/move", mode="embed")
+def embed_move_move(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]['target_title']))
+ embed["description"] = "{supress}. {desc}".format(desc=ctx.parsedcomment,
+ supress=_("No redirect has been made") if "suppressredirect" in
+ change["logparams"] else _("A redirect has been made"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Moved {redirect}{article} to {target}").format(redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "",
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change["logparams"]['target_title']))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="move/move", mode="compact")
+def compact_move_move(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]['target_title'])))
+ redirect_status = _("without making a redirect") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _(
+ "with a redirect")
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) moved {redirect}*{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}) {made_a_redirect}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]['target_title']), target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment,
+ made_a_redirect=redirect_status)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# move/move_redir - Move over redirect
+@formatter.embed(event="move/move_redir", mode="embed")
+def embed_move_move_redir(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]['target_title']))
+ embed["description"] = "{supress}. {desc}".format(desc=ctx.parsedcomment,
+ supress=_("No redirect has been made") if "suppressredirect" in
+ change["logparams"] else _("A redirect has been made"))
+ embed["title"] = _("Moved {redirect}{article} to {title} over redirect").format(
+ redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "", article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ title=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target_title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="move/move_redir", mode="compact")
+def compact_move_move_redir(ctx, change) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]['target_title'])))
+ redirect_status = _("without making a redirect") if "suppressredirect" in change["logparams"] else _(
+ "with a redirect")
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) moved {redirect}*{article}* over redirect to [{target}]({target_url}) {made_a_redirect}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "",
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]['target_title']), target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment,
+ made_a_redirect=redirect_status)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# protect/move_prot - Moving protection
+@formatter.embed(event="protect/move_prot", mode="embed")
+def embed_protect_move_prot(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Moved protection settings from {redirect}{article} to {title}").format(
+ redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "",
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"]),
+ title=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="protect/move_prot", mode="compact")
+def compact_protect_move_prot(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) moved protection settings from {redirect}*{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, redirect="⤷ " if "redirect" in change else "",
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["oldtitle_title"]),
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# protect/protect - Creating protection
+@formatter.embed(event="protect/protect", mode="embed")
+def embed_protect_protect(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Protected {target}").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ embed["description"] = "{settings}{cascade} | {reason}".format(
+ settings=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"].get("description", "")),
+ cascade=_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
+ reason=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="protect/protect", mode="compact")
+def compact_protect_protect(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) protected [{article}]({article_url}) with the following settings: {settings}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ settings=change["logparams"].get("description", "") + (
+ _(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else ""),
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# protect/modify - Changing protection settings
+@formatter.embed(event="protect/modify", mode="embed")
+def embed_protect_modify(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed protection level for {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ embed["description"] = "{settings}{cascade} | {reason}".format(
+ settings=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"].get("description", "")),
+ cascade=_(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else "",
+ reason=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="protect/modify", mode="compact")
+def compact_protect_modify(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) modified protection settings of [{article}]({article_url}) to: {settings}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ settings=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"].get("description", "")) + (
+ _(" [cascading]") if "cascade" in change["logparams"] else ""),
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# protect/unprotect - Unprotecting a page
+@formatter.embed(event="protect/unprotect", mode="embed")
+def embed_protect_unprotect(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Removed protection from {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="protect/unprotect", mode="compact")
+def compact_protect_unprotect(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) removed protection from [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# block/block - Blocking an user
+def block_expiry(change: dict) -> str:
+ if change["logparams"]["duration"] in ["infinite", "indefinite", "infinity", "never"]:
+ return _("for infinity and beyond")
+ else:
+ if "expiry" in change["logparams"]:
+ expiry_date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(change["logparams"]["expiry"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ timestamp_date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(change["timestamp"], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ timedelta_for_expiry = (expiry_date_time_obj - timestamp_date_time_obj).total_seconds()
+ years, days, hours, minutes = timedelta_for_expiry // 31557600, timedelta_for_expiry % 31557600 // 86400, \
+ timedelta_for_expiry % 86400 // 3600, timedelta_for_expiry % 3600 // 60
+ if not any([years, days, hours, minutes]):
+ return _("for less than a minute")
+ time_names = (
+ ngettext("year", "years", years), ngettext("day", "days", days), ngettext("hour", "hours", hours),
+ ngettext("minute", "minutes", minutes))
+ final_time = []
+ for num, timev in enumerate([years, days, hours, minutes]):
+ if timev:
+ final_time.append(
+ _("for {time_number} {time_unit}").format(time_unit=time_names[num], time_number=int(timev)))
+ return ", ".join(final_time)
+ else:
+ return change["logparams"]["duration"] # Temporary? Should be rare? We will see in testing
+@formatter.embed(event="block/block", mode="embed")
+def embed_block_block(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(user)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=user))
+ except ValueError:
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ if "sitewide" not in change["logparams"]:
+ restriction_description = ""
+ if "restrictions" in change["logparams"]:
+ if "pages" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
+ restriction_description = _("Blocked from editing the following pages: ")
+ restricted_pages = ["*" + i["page_title"] + "*" for i in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]]
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(restricted_pages)
+ if "namespaces" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"][
+ "namespaces"]:
+ namespaces = []
+ if restriction_description:
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + _(" and namespaces: ")
+ else:
+ restriction_description = _("Blocked from editing pages on following namespaces: ")
+ for namespace in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
+ if str(namespace) in ctx.client.namespaces: # if we have cached namespace name for given namespace number, add its name to the list
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=ctx.client.namespaces[str(namespace)]["*"]))
+ else:
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=namespace))
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(namespaces)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + "."
+ if len(restriction_description) > 1020:
+ logger.debug(restriction_description)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description[:1020] + "…"
+ embed.add_field(_("Partial block details"), restriction_description, inline=True)
+ block_flags = change["logparams"].get("flags")
+ if block_flags:
+ embed.add_field(_("Block flags"), ", ".join(
+ block_flags)) # TODO Translate flags into MW messages, this requires making additional request in init_request since we want to get all messages with prefix (amprefix) block-log-flags- and that parameter is exclusive with ammessages
+ embed["title"] = _("Blocked {blocked_user} {time}").format(blocked_user=user, time=block_expiry(change))
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="block/block", mode="compact")
+def compact_block_block(ctx, change):
+ user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ restriction_description = ""
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(user)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=user)))
+ except ValueError:
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ else:
+ if "sitewide" not in change["logparams"]:
+ if "restrictions" in change["logparams"]:
+ if "pages" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]:
+ restriction_description = _(" on pages: ")
+ restricted_pages = ["*{page}*".format(page=i["page_title"]) for i in
+ change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["pages"]]
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(restricted_pages)
+ if "namespaces" in change["logparams"]["restrictions"] and change["logparams"]["restrictions"][
+ "namespaces"]:
+ namespaces = []
+ if restriction_description:
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + _(" and namespaces: ")
+ else:
+ restriction_description = _(" on namespaces: ")
+ for namespace in change["logparams"]["restrictions"]["namespaces"]:
+ if str(namespace) in ctx.client.namespaces: # if we have cached namespace name for given namespace number, add its name to the list
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=ctx.client.namespaces[str(namespace)]["*"]))
+ else:
+ namespaces.append("*{ns}*".format(ns=namespace))
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + ", ".join(namespaces)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description + "."
+ if len(restriction_description) > 1020:
+ logger.debug(restriction_description)
+ restriction_description = restriction_description[:1020] + "…"
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) blocked [{user}]({user_url}) {time}{restriction_desc}{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ user=user,
+ time=block_expiry(
+ change),
+ user_url=link,
+ restriction_desc=restriction_description,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# block/reblock - Changing settings of a block
+@formatter.embed(event="block/reblock", mode="embed")
+def embed_block_reblock(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed block settings for {blocked_user}").format(blocked_user=sanitize_to_markdown(user))
+ return embed
+def compact_block_reblock(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed block settings for [{blocked_user}]({user_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, blocked_user=sanitize_to_markdown(user), user_url=link, comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# block/unblock - Unblocking an user
+@formatter.embed(event="block/unblock", mode="embed")
+def embed_block_unblock(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ embed["title"] = _("Unblocked {blocked_user}").format(blocked_user=sanitize_to_markdown(user))
+ return embed
+def compact_block_unblock(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ user = change["title"].split(':', 1)[1]
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) unblocked [{blocked_user}]({user_url}){comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ blocked_user=sanitize_to_markdown(user),
+ user_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# suppressed - Custom event for whenever there is limited information available about the event due to revdel
+@formatter.embed(event="suppressed", mode="embed")
+def embed_suppressed(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("")
+ embed["title"] = _("Action has been hidden by administration")
+ embed["author"]["name"] = _("Unknown")
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="suppressed", mode="compact")
+def compact_suppressed(ctx, change):
+ content = _("An action has been hidden by administration.")
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# import/upload - Importing pages by uploading exported XML files
+@formatter.embed(event="import/upload", mode="embed")
+def embed_import_upload(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = ngettext("Imported {article} with {count} revision",
+ "Imported {article} with {count} revisions", change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), count=change["logparams"]["count"])
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="import/upload", mode="compact")
+def compact_import_upload(ctx, change):
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = ngettext("[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revision{comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revisions{comment}",
+ change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ count=change["logparams"]["count"], comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# import/interwiki - Importing interwiki entries
+@formatter.embed(event="import/interwiki", mode="embed")
+def embed_import_interwiki(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = ngettext("Imported {article} with {count} revision from \"{source}\"",
+ "Imported {article} with {count} revisions from \"{source}\"",
+ change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), count=change["logparams"]["count"],
+ source=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["interwiki_title"]))
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="import/interwiki", mode="compact")
+def compact_import_interwiki(ctx, change):
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ source_link = clean_link(create_article_path(change["logparams"]["interwiki_title"]))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = ngettext(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revision from [{source}]({source_url}){comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) imported [{article}]({article_url}) with {count} revisions from [{source}]({source_url}){comment}",
+ change["logparams"]["count"]).format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ count=change["logparams"]["count"], source=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["interwiki_title"]),
+ source_url=source_link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# rights/rights - Assigning rights groups
+def get_changed_groups(change: dict) -> [[str], [str]]:
+ """Creates strings comparing the changes between the user groups for the user"""
+ def expiry_parse_time(passed_time):
+ try:
+ return _(" (until {date_and_time})").format(date_and_time=datetime.datetime.strptime(passed_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"))
+ except ValueError:
+ return ""
+ new_group_meta = {_(t["group"]): expiry_parse_time(t.get("expiry", "infinity")) for t in change["logparams"].get("newmetadata", [])}
+ # translate all groups and pull them into a set
+ old_groups = {_(x) for x in change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]}
+ new_groups = {_(x) for x in change["logparams"]["newgroups"]}
+ added = [x + new_group_meta.get(x, "") for x in new_groups - old_groups]
+ removed = [x for x in old_groups - new_groups]
+ return added, removed
+@formatter.embed(event="rights/rights", aliases=["rights/autopromote"])
+def embed_rights_rights(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url("User:{}".format(change["title"].split(":")[1])))
+ if ctx.event == "rights/rights":
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed group membership for {target}").format(target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"].split(":")[1]))
+ else:
+ embed.set_author(_("System"), "")
+ embed["title"] = _("{target} got autopromoted to a new usergroup").format(
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"].split(":")[1]))
+ # if len(change["logparams"]["oldgroups"]) < len(change["logparams"]["newgroups"]):
+ # embed["thumbnail"]["url"] = "https://i.imgur.com/WnGhF5g.gif"
+ added, removed = get_changed_groups(change)
+ if added:
+ embed.add_field(ngettext("Added group", "Added groups", len(added)), "\n".join(added), inline=True)
+ if removed:
+ embed.add_field(ngettext("Removed group", "Removed groups", len(removed)), "\n".join(removed), inline=True)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ return embed
+@formatter.compact(event="rights/rights", aliases=["rights/autopromote"])
+def compact_rights_rights(ctx, change):
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url("User:{user}".format(user=change["title"].split(":")[1]))))
+ added, removed = get_changed_groups(change)
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ if ctx.event == "rights/rights":
+ group_changes = "Unknown group changes." # Because I don't know if it can handle time extensions correctly
+ if added and removed:
+ group_changes = _("Added to {added} and removed from {removed}.").format(
+ added=_(", ").join(added), removed=_(", ").join(removed))
+ elif added:
+ group_changes = _("Added to {added}.").format(added=_(", ").join(added))
+ elif removed:
+ group_changes = _("Removed from {removed}.").format(removed=_(", ").join(removed))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) changed group membership for [{target}]({target_url}): {group_changes}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"].split(":")[1]),
+ target_url=link, group_changes=group_changes, comment=parsed_comment)
+ else:
+ content = _("The system autopromoted [{target}]({target_url}) to {added}.{comment}").format(
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"].split(":")[1]), target_url=link,
+ added=_(", ").join(added), comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# merge/merge - Merging histories of two pages
+@formatter.embed(event="merge/merge", mode="embed")
+def embed_merge_merge(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Merged revision histories of {article} into {dest}").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ dest=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"][
+ "dest_title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_merge_merge(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ link_dest = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["dest_title"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) merged revision histories of [{article}]({article_url}) into [{dest}]({dest_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link, dest_url=link_dest,
+ dest=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["dest_title"]), comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# newusers/autocreate - Auto creation of user account
+@formatter.embed(event="newusers/autocreate", mode="embed")
+def embed_newusers_autocreate(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created account automatically")
+ return embed
+def compact_newusers_autocreate(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ content = _("Account [{author}]({author_url}) was created automatically").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# newusers/create - Auto creation of user account
+@formatter.embed(event="newusers/create", mode="embed")
+def embed_newusers_create(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created account")
+ return embed
+def compact_newusers_create(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ content = _("Account [{author}]({author_url}) was created").format(author=author, author_url=author_url)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# newusers/autocreate - Auto creation of user account
+@formatter.embed(event="newusers/create2", mode="embed")
+def embed_newusers_create2(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created account {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_newusers_create2(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("Account [{article}]({article_url}) was created by [{author}]({author_url}){comment}").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link, author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# newusers/byemail - Creation of account by email
+@formatter.embed(event="newusers/byemail", mode="embed")
+def embed_newusers_byemail(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created account {article} and password was sent by email").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_newusers_byemail(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _(
+ "Account [{article}]({article_url}) was created by [{author}]({author_url}) and password was sent by email{comment}").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link, author=author, author_url=author_url, comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# newusers/newusers - New users
+@formatter.embed(event="newusers/newusers", mode="embed")
+def embed_newusers_newusers(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url("User:{}".format(change["user"])))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created account")
+ return embed
+def compact_newusers_newusers(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ content = _("Account [{author}]({author_url}) was created").format(author=author, author_url=author_url)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# contentmodel/change - Changing the content model of a page
+@formatter.embed(event="contentmodel/change", mode="embed")
+def embed_contentmodel_change(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed the content model of the page {article}").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ embed["description"] = _("Model changed from {old} to {new}: {reason}").format(old=change["logparams"]["oldmodel"],
+ new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"],
+ reason=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ return embed
+def compact_contentmodel_change(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed the content model of the page [{article}]({article_url}) from {old} to {new}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ old=change["logparams"]["oldmodel"],
+ new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"], comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# contentmodel/new - Creating a page with non-default content model
+@formatter.embed(event="contentmodel/new", mode="embed")
+def embed_contentmodel_new(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change, set_desc=False)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created the page {article} using a non-default content model").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ embed["description"] = _("Created with model {new}: {reason}").format(new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"],
+ reason=ctx.parsedcomment)
+ return embed
+def compact_contentmodel_new(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) created the page [{article}]({article_url}) using a non-default content model {new}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ new=change["logparams"]["newmodel"], comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managetags/create - Creating log tags
+@formatter.embed(event="managetags/create", mode="embed")
+def embed_managetags_create(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ ctx.client.refresh_internal_data()
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created the tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["tag"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_managetags_create(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ ctx.client.refresh_internal_data()
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ tag=
+ sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change[
+ "logparams"][
+ "tag"]),
+ tag_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managetags/delete - Deleting a tag
+@formatter.embed(event="managetags/delete", mode="embed")
+def embed_managetags_delete(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ ctx.client.refresh_internal_data()
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deleted the tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["tag"]))
+ if change["logparams"]["count"] > 0:
+ embed.add_field(_('Removed from'), ngettext("{} revision or log entry", "{} revisions and/or log entries",
+ change["logparams"]["count"]).format(change["logparams"]["count"]))
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ return embed
+def compact_managetags_delete(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ ctx.client.refresh_internal_data()
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ if change["logparams"]["count"] == 0:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deleted the [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ tag=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change[
+ "logparams"][
+ "tag"]),
+ tag_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ else:
+ content = ngettext(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) deleted the [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\" and removed it from {count} revision or log entry{comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) deleted the [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\" and removed it from {count} revisions and/or log entries{comment}",
+ change["logparams"]["count"]).format(author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ tag=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["tag"]),
+ tag_url=link, count=change["logparams"]["count"],
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managetags/activate - Activating a tag
+@formatter.embed(event="managetags/activate", mode="embed")
+def embed_managetags_activate(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Activated the tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["tag"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_managetags_activate(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) activated the [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ tag=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change[
+ "logparams"][
+ "tag"]),
+ tag_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# managetags/deactivate - Deactivating a tag
+@formatter.embed(event="managetags/deactivate", mode="embed")
+def embed_managetags_deactivate(ctx, change):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Deactivated the tag \"{tag}\"").format(tag=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["tag"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_managetags_deactivate(ctx, change):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) deactivated the [tag]({tag_url}) \"{tag}\"{comment}").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ tag=sanitize_to_markdown(
+ change[
+ "logparams"][
+ "tag"]),
+ tag_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/renameuser.py b/extensions/base/renameuser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e1155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/renameuser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, compact_summary, clean_link, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, sanitize_to_url
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# Renameuser - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Renameuser
+# renameuser/renameuser - Renaming a user
+def embed_renameuser_renameuser(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ edits = change["logparams"]["edits"]
+ if edits > 0:
+ embed["title"] = ngettext("Renamed user \"{old_name}\" with {edits} edit to \"{new_name}\"",
+ "Renamed user \"{old_name}\" with {edits} edits to \"{new_name}\"", edits).format(
+ old_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["olduser"]), edits=edits,
+ new_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["newuser"]))
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Renamed user \"{old_name}\" to \"{new_name}\"").format(
+ old_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["olduser"]),
+ new_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["newuser"]))
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path("User:" + sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["newuser"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_renameuser_renameuser(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> DiscordMessage:
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path("User:" + sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["newuser"])))
+ edits = change["logparams"]["edits"]
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ if edits > 0:
+ content = ngettext(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) renamed user *{old_name}* with {edits} edit to [{new_name}]({link}){comment}",
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) renamed user *{old_name}* with {edits} edits to [{new_name}]({link}){comment}",
+ edits).format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, old_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["olduser"]),
+ edits=edits,
+ new_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["newuser"]), link=link, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ else:
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) renamed user *{old_name}* to [{new_name}]({link}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, old_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["olduser"]),
+ new_name=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["newuser"]), link=link, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/sprite.py b/extensions/base/sprite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ff77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/sprite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, sanitize_to_url, \
+ clean_link
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# SpriteSheet - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SpriteSheet
+# sprite/sprite - Editing a sprite
+def embed_sprite_sprite(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited the sprite for {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_sprite_sprite(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the sprite for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change[
+ "title"]),
+ article_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# sprite/sheet - Creating a sprite sheet
+def embed_sprite_sheet(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Created the sprite sheet for {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_sprite_sheet(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) created the sprite sheet for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author, author_url=author_url, article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# sprite/slice - Editing a slice
+def embed_sprite_slice(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Edited the slice for {article}").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_sprite_slice(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) edited the slice for [{article}]({article_url})").format(author=author,
+ author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change[
+ "title"]),
+ article_url=link)
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/base/translate.py b/extensions/base/translate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fefb12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/base/translate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import logging
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.api import formatter
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+from src.api.context import Context
+from src.api.util import embed_helper, compact_author, create_article_path, sanitize_to_markdown, sanitize_to_url, \
+ clean_link, compact_summary
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ngettext = formatters_i18n.ngettext
+# I cried when I realized I have to migrate Translate extension logs, but this way I atone for my countless sins
+# Translate - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Translate
+# pagetranslation/mark - Marking a page for translation
+def embed_pagetranslation_mark(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ link = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ if "?" in link:
+ embed["url"] = link + "&oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ else:
+ embed["url"] = link + "?oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Marked \"{article}\" for translation").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_mark(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ link = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ if "?" in link:
+ link = link + "&oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ else:
+ link = link + "?oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ link = clean_link(link)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) marked [{article}]({article_url}) for translation{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/unmark - Removing a page from translation system
+def embed_pagetranslation_unmark(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Removed \"{article}\" from the translation system").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_unmark(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) removed [{article}]({article_url}) from the translation system{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/moveok - Completed moving translation page
+def embed_pagetranslation_moveok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["target"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Completed moving translation pages from \"{article}\" to \"{target}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_moveok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["target"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) completed moving translation pages from *{article}* to [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]),
+ target_url=link, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/movenok - Failed while moving translation page
+def embed_pagetranslation_movenok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Encountered a problem while moving \"{article}\" to \"{target}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_movenok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ target_url = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["target"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) encountered a problem while moving [{article}]({article_url}) to [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]), target_url=target_url,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/deletefnok - Failure in deletion of translatable page
+def embed_pagetranslation_deletefnok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Failed to delete \"{article}\" which belongs to translatable page \"{target}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_deletefnok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ target_url = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["target"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) failed to delete [{article}]({article_url}) which belongs to translatable page [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]), target_url=target_url,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/deletelok - Completion in deleting a page?
+def embed_pagetranslation_deletelok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Completed deletion of translation page \"{article}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_deletelok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) completed deletion of translation page [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/deletelnok - Failure in deletion of article belonging to a translation page
+def embed_pagetranslation_deletelnok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Failed to delete \"{article}\" which belongs to translation page \"{target}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_deletelnok(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ target_url = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["logparams"]["target"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) failed to delete [{article}]({article_url}) which belongs to translation page [{target}]({target_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ target=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["target"]), target_url=target_url,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/encourage - Encouraging to translate an article
+def embed_pagetranslation_encourage(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Encouraged translation of \"{article}\"").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_encourage(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) encouraged translation of [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/discourage - Discouraging to translate an article
+def embed_pagetranslation_discourage(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Discouraged translation of \"{article}\"").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_discourage(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) discouraged translation of [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/prioritylanguages - Changing the priority of translations?
+def embed_pagetranslation_prioritylanguages(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ if "languages" in change["logparams"]:
+ languages = "`, `".join(change["logparams"]["languages"].split(","))
+ if change["logparams"]["force"] == "on":
+ embed["title"] = _("Limited languages for \"{article}\" to `{languages}`").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]),
+ languages=languages)
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Priority languages for \"{article}\" set to `{languages}`").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), languages=languages)
+ else:
+ embed["title"] = _("Removed priority languages from \"{article}\"").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_prioritylanguages(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ if "languages" in change["logparams"]:
+ languages = "`, `".join(change["logparams"]["languages"].split(","))
+ if change["logparams"]["force"] == "on":
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) limited languages for [{article}]({article_url}) to `{languages}`{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ languages=languages, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ else:
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) set the priority languages for [{article}]({article_url}) to `{languages}`{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ languages=languages, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ else:
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) removed priority languages from [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/associate - Adding an article to translation group
+def embed_pagetranslation_associate(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Added translatable page \"{article}\" to aggregate group \"{group}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), group=change["logparams"]["aggregategroup"])
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_associate(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) added translatable page [{article}]({article_url}) to aggregate group \"{group}\"{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ group=change["logparams"]["aggregategroup"], comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagetranslation/dissociate - Removing an article from translation group
+def embed_pagetranslation_dissociate(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Removed translatable page \"{article}\" from aggregate group \"{group}\"").format(
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), group=change["logparams"]["aggregategroup"])
+ return embed
+def compact_pagetranslation_dissociate(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) removed translatable page [{article}]({article_url}) from aggregate group \"{group}\"{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ group=change["logparams"]["aggregategroup"], comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# translationreview/message - Reviewing translation
+def embed_translationreview_message(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ link = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ if "?" in link:
+ embed["url"] = link + "&oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ else:
+ embed["url"] = link + "?oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ embed["title"] = _("Reviewed translation \"{article}\"").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ return embed
+def compact_translationreview_message(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ if "?" in link:
+ link = link + "&oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ else:
+ link = link + "?oldid={}".format(change["logparams"]["revision"])
+ link = clean_link(link)
+ content = _("[{author}]({author_url}) reviewed translation [{article}]({article_url}){comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# translationreview/group - Changing of state for group translation?
+def embed_translationreview_group(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed the state of `{language}` translations of \"{article}\"").format(
+ language=change["logparams"]["language"], article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ if "old-state" in change["logparams"]:
+ embed.add_field(_("Old state"), change["logparams"]["old-state"], inline=True)
+ embed.add_field(_("New state"), change["logparams"]["new-state"], inline=True)
+ return embed
+def compact_translationreview_group(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ if "old-state" in change["logparams"]:
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed the state of `{language}` translations of [{article}]({article_url}) from `{old_state}` to `{new_state}`{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, language=change["logparams"]["language"],
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["group-label"]), article_url=link,
+ old_state=change["logparams"]["old-state"], new_state=change["logparams"]["new-state"],
+ comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ else:
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed the state of `{language}` translations of [{article}]({article_url}) to `{new_state}`{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url, language=change["logparams"]["language"],
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["logparams"]["group-label"]), article_url=link,
+ new_state=change["logparams"]["new-state"], comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
+# pagelang/pagelang - Changing the language of a page
+def get_languages(change):
+ old_lang = "`{}`".format(change["logparams"]["oldlanguage"])
+ if change["logparams"]["oldlanguage"][-5:] == "[def]":
+ old_lang = "`{}` {}".format(change["logparams"]["oldlanguage"][:-5], _("(default)"))
+ new_lang = "`{}`".format(change["logparams"]["newlanguage"])
+ if change["logparams"]["newlanguage"][-5:] == "[def]":
+ new_lang = "`{}` {}".format(change["logparams"]["oldlanguage"][:-5], _("(default)"))
+ return old_lang, new_lang
+def embed_pagelang_pagelang(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ embed = DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url)
+ embed_helper(ctx, embed, change)
+ embed["url"] = create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"]))
+ old_lang, new_lang = get_languages(change)
+ embed["title"] = _("Changed the language of \"{article}\"").format(article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]))
+ embed.add_field(_("Old language"), old_lang, inline=True)
+ embed.add_field(_("New language"), new_lang, inline=True)
+ return embed
+def compact_pagelang_pagelang(ctx: Context, change: dict):
+ author, author_url = compact_author(ctx, change)
+ parsed_comment = compact_summary(ctx)
+ link = clean_link(create_article_path(sanitize_to_url(change["title"])))
+ old_lang, new_lang = get_languages(change)
+ content = _(
+ "[{author}]({author_url}) changed the language of [{article}]({article_url}) from {old_lang} to {new_lang}{comment}").format(
+ author=author, author_url=author_url,
+ article=sanitize_to_markdown(change["title"]), article_url=link,
+ old_lang=old_lang, new_lang=new_lang, comment=parsed_comment
+ )
+ return DiscordMessage(ctx.message_type, ctx.event, ctx.webhook_url, content=content)
diff --git a/extensions/hooks/__init__.py b/extensions/hooks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d9ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/hooks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord webhook (RcGcDw).
+# RcGcDw is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDw. If not, see .
diff --git a/src/api/__init__.py b/src/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/src/api/client.py b/src/api/client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a68ee4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+import src.misc
+from typing import Union
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
+ from src.wiki import Wiki
+class Client:
+ """
+ A client for interacting with RcGcDw when creating formatters or hooks.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hooks, wiki):
+ self._formatters = hooks
+ self.__recent_changes: Wiki = wiki
+ self.WIKI_API_PATH: str = src.misc.WIKI_API_PATH
+ self.WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH: str = src.misc.WIKI_SCRIPT_PATH
+ self.WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN: str = src.misc.WIKI_JUST_DOMAIN
+ self.content_parser = src.misc.ContentParser
+ self.tags = self.__recent_changes.tags
+ self.LinkParser: type(src.misc.LinkParser) = src.misc.LinkParser
+ #self.make_api_request: src.rc.wiki.__recent_changes.api_request = self.__recent_changes.api_request
+ def refresh_internal_data(self):
+ """Refreshes internal storage data for wiki tags and MediaWiki messages."""
+ self.__recent_changes.init_info()
+ @property
+ def namespaces(self) -> dict:
+ """Return a dict of namespaces, if None return empty dict"""
+ if self.__recent_changes.namespaces is not None:
+ return self.__recent_changes.namespaces
+ else:
+ return dict()
+ def parse_links(self, summary: str):
+ link_parser = self.LinkParser()
+ link_parser.feed(summary)
+ return link_parser.new_string
+ def pull_curseprofile_comment(self, comment_id) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Pulls a CurseProfile comment for current wiki set in the settings and with comment_id passed as an argument.
+ Returns:
+ String if comment was possible to be fetched
+ None if not
+ """
+ return self.__recent_changes.pull_comment(comment_id)
+ def make_api_request(self, params: Union[str, OrderedDict], *json_path: str, timeout: int = 10, allow_redirects: bool = False):
+ """Method to GET request data from the wiki's API with error handling including recognition of MediaWiki errors.
+ Parameters:
+ params (str, OrderedDict): a string or collections.OrderedDict object containing query parameters
+ json_path (str): *args taking strings as values. After request is parsed as json it will extract data from given json path
+ timeout (int, float) (default=10): int or float limiting time required for receiving a full response from a server before returning TimeoutError
+ allow_redirects (bool) (default=False): switches whether the request should follow redirects or not
+ Returns:
+ request_content (dict): a dict resulting from json extraction of HTTP GET request with given json_path
+ OR
+ One of the following exceptions:
+ ServerError: When connection with the wiki failed due to server error
+ ClientError: When connection with the wiki failed due to client error
+ KeyError: When json_path contained keys that weren't found in response JSON response
+ BadRequest: When params argument is of wrong type
+ MediaWikiError: When MediaWiki returns an error
+ """
+ return self.__recent_changes.api_request(params, *json_path, timeout=timeout, allow_redirects=allow_redirects)
+ def get_formatters(self):
+ return self._formatters
+ def get_ipmapper(self) -> dict:
+ """Returns a dict mapping IPs with amount of their edits"""
+ return self.__recent_changes.map_ips
diff --git a/src/api/context.py b/src/api/context.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c88d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+ from src.api.client import Client
+class Context:
+ """Context object containing client and some metadata regarding specific formatter call"""
+ def __init__(self, message_type: str, webhook_url: str, client: Client):
+ self.client = client
+ self.webhook_url = webhook_url
+ self.message_type = message_type
+ self.categories = None
+ self.parsedcomment = None
+ self.event = None
+ self.comment_page = None
+ def set_categories(self, cats):
+ self.categories = cats
+ def set_parsedcomment(self, parsedcomment: str):
+ self.parsedcomment = parsedcomment
+ def set_comment_page(self, page):
+ self.comment_page = page
diff --git a/src/api/formatter.py b/src/api/formatter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e0cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/formatter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import src.api.hooks
+import logging
+from src.configloader import settings
+from src.exceptions import FormatterBreaksAPISpec
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from typing import Optional, Callable
+logger = logging.getLogger("src.api.formatter")
+def _register_formatter(func, kwargs, formatter_type: str, action_type=None):
+ """
+ Registers a formatter inside of src.rcgcdw.formatter_hooks
+ """
+ try:
+ _, action = func.__name__.split("_", 1)
+ etype = func.__module__
+ action_type = f"{etype}/{action}"
+ except ValueError:
+ raise
+ action_type = kwargs.get("event", action_type)
+ if action_type is None:
+ raise FormatterBreaksAPISpec("event type")
+ for act in [action_type] + kwargs.get("aliases", []): # Make action_type string a list and merge with aliases
+ if act in src.api.hooks.formatter_hooks[formatter_type]:
+ logger.warning(f"Action {act} is already defined inside of "
+ f"{src.api.hooks.formatter_hooks[formatter_type][act].__module__}! "
+ f"Overwriting it with one from {func.__module__}")
+ src.api.hooks.formatter_hooks[formatter_type][act] = func
+def embed(**kwargs):
+ """
+ Decorator to register a formatter are return a function
+ :key event: Event string
+ :key mode: Discord Message mode
+ :key aliases: Allows to register multiple events under same function
+ :return:
+ """
+ def decorator_cont(func: Callable[[dict], DiscordMessage]):
+ _register_formatter(func, kwargs, "embed")
+ return func
+ return decorator_cont
+def compact(**kwargs):
+ """
+ Decorator to register a formatter are return a function
+ :key event: Event string
+ :key mode: Discord Message mode
+ :key aliases: Allows to register multiple events under same function
+ :return:
+ """
+ def decorator_cont(func: Callable[[dict], DiscordMessage]):
+ _register_formatter(func, kwargs, "compact")
+ return func
+ return decorator_cont
diff --git a/src/api/hook.py b/src/api/hook.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc80919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/hook.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+import src.api.hooks
+def pre_hook(func):
+ """
+ Decorator to register a pre hook and return a function
+ :return: func
+ """
+ src.api.hooks.pre_hooks.append(func)
+ return func
+def post_hook(func):
+ """
+ Decorator to register a post hook and return a function
+ :return: func
+ """
+ src.api.hooks.post_hooks.append(func)
+ return func
diff --git a/src/api/hooks.py b/src/api/hooks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b1ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/hooks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+# Made just to avoid circular imports
+from typing import Callable
+formatter_hooks: dict[str, dict[str, Callable]] = {"embed": {}, "compact": {}}
+pre_hooks = []
+post_hooks = []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/api/util.py b/src/api/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2560ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# This file is part of Recent changes Goat compatible Discord bot (RcGcDb).
+# RcGcDb is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# RcGcDw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with RcGcDb. If not, see .
+from __future__ import annotations
+import re
+from urllib.parse import quote
+from typing import Optional, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING
+from src.exceptions import ServerError, MediaWikiError
+from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage
+from src.configloader import settings
+import src.misc
+import logging
+from src.i18n import formatters_i18n
+_ = formatters_i18n.gettext
+ from src.api.context import Context
+logger = logging.getLogger("src.api.util")
+def default_message(event: str, formatter_hooks: dict) -> Callable:
+ """Returns a method of a formatter responsible for the event or None if such does not exist."""
+ return formatter_hooks.get(event, formatter_hooks.get("generic", formatter_hooks["no_formatter"]))
+def clean_link(link: str) -> str:
+ """Adds <> around the link to prevent its embedding"""
+ return "<" + link.replace(" ", "_") + ">"
+def sanitize_to_markdown(text: str) -> str:
+ """Sanitizes given text to escape markdown formatting. It is used in values that will be visible on Discord in messages"""
+ return re.sub(r"([`_*~:<>{}@|\\])", "\\\\\\1", text).replace('//', "/\\/").replace('](', "]\\(")
+def sanitize_to_url(text: str) -> str: # TODO ) replaces needed?
+ """Formats a string in a way where it can be safely added to a URL without breaking MediaWiki URL schema"""
+ return quote(text, " /:").replace(' ', "_").replace(")", "%29")
+def parse_mediawiki_changes(ctx: Context, content: str, embed: DiscordMessage) -> None:
+ """Parses MediaWiki changes and adds them to embed as fields "Added" and "Removed" """
+ edit_diff = ctx.client.content_parser()
+ edit_diff.feed(content)
+ if edit_diff.small_prev_del:
+ if edit_diff.small_prev_del.replace("~~", "").isspace():
+ edit_diff.small_prev_del = _('__Only whitespace__')
+ else:
+ edit_diff.small_prev_del = edit_diff.small_prev_del.replace("~~~~", "")
+ if edit_diff.small_prev_ins:
+ if edit_diff.small_prev_ins.replace("**", "").isspace():
+ edit_diff.small_prev_ins = _('__Only whitespace__')
+ else:
+ edit_diff.small_prev_ins = edit_diff.small_prev_ins.replace("****", "")
+ logger.debug("Changed content: {}".format(edit_diff.small_prev_ins))
+ if edit_diff.small_prev_del and not ctx.event == "new":
+ embed.add_field(_("Removed"), "{data}".format(data=edit_diff.small_prev_del), inline=True)
+ if edit_diff.small_prev_ins:
+ embed.add_field(_("Added"), "{data}".format(data=edit_diff.small_prev_ins), inline=True)
+def create_article_path(article: str) -> str:
+ """Takes the string and creates an URL with it as the article name"""
+ return src.misc.WIKI_ARTICLE_PATH.replace("$1", article)
+def compact_summary(ctx: Context) -> str:
+ """Creates a comment for compact formatters"""
+ if ctx.parsedcomment:
+ return " *({})*".format(ctx.parsedcomment)
+ return ""
+def compact_author(ctx: Context, change: dict) -> (Optional[str], Optional[str]):
+ """Returns link to the author and the author itself respecting the settings"""
+ author, author_url = None, None
+ if ctx.event != "suppressed":
+ author_url = clean_link(create_article_path("User:{user}".format(user=sanitize_to_url(change["user"]))))
+ if "anon" in change:
+ if settings.get("hide_ips", False):
+ author = _("Unregistered user")
+ else:
+ author = change["user"]
+ else:
+ author = change["user"]
+ return author, author_url
+def embed_helper(ctx: Context, message: DiscordMessage, change: dict, set_user=True, set_edit_meta=True, set_desc=True) -> None:
+ """Helps in preparing common edit/log fields for events. Passed arguments automatically become saturated with needed data.
+ All automatic setups can be disabled by setting relevant variable to False
+ Currently handles:
+ setting usernames (handles according to settings, specific options set in the settings: hide_ips)
+ adding category fields (if there are any specified categories in the edit)
+ adding tags (if the log is tagged anyhow)
+ setting default description (to ctx.parsedcomment)"""
+ if set_user:
+ author = None
+ if "anon" in change:
+ author_url = create_article_path("Special:Contributions/{user}".format(user=sanitize_to_url(change["user"])))
+ ip_mapper = ctx.client.get_ipmapper()
+ logger.debug("current user: {} with cache of IPs: {}".format(change["user"], ip_mapper.keys()))
+ if change["user"] not in list(ip_mapper.keys()):
+ try:
+ contibs = ctx.client.make_api_request(
+ "?action=query&format=json&list=usercontribs&uclimit=max&ucuser={user}&ucstart={timestamp}&ucprop=".format(
+ user=sanitize_to_url(change["user"]), timestamp=change["timestamp"]), "query",
+ "usercontribs")
+ except (ServerError, MediaWikiError):
+ logger.warning("WARNING: Something went wrong when checking amount of contributions for given IP address")
+ if settings.get("hide_ips", False):
+ author = _("Unregistered user")
+ else:
+ author = change["user"] + "(?)"
+ else:
+ ip_mapper[change["user"]] = len(contibs)
+ logger.debug("Current params user {} and state of map_ips {}".format(change["user"], ip_mapper))
+ if settings.get("hide_ips", False):
+ author = _("Unregistered user")
+ else:
+ author = "{author} ({contribs})".format(author=change["user"], contribs=len(contibs))
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Current params user {} and state of map_ips {}".format(change["user"], ip_mapper))
+ if ctx.event in ("edit", "new"):
+ ip_mapper[change["user"]] += 1
+ author = "{author} ({amount})".format(
+ author=change["user"] if settings.get("hide_ips", False) is False else _("Unregistered user"),
+ amount=ip_mapper[change["user"]])
+ else:
+ author_url = create_article_path("User:{}".format(sanitize_to_url(change["user"])))
+ author = change["user"]
+ message.set_author(author, author_url)
+ if set_edit_meta:
+ if settings["appearance"]["embed"]["show_footer"]:
+ message["timestamp"] = change["timestamp"]
+ if "tags" in change and change["tags"]:
+ tag_displayname = []
+ for tag in change["tags"]:
+ if tag in ctx.client.tags:
+ if ctx.client.tags[tag] is None:
+ continue # Ignore hidden tags
+ else:
+ tag_displayname.append(ctx.client.tags[tag])
+ else:
+ tag_displayname.append(tag)
+ message.add_field(formatters_i18n.pgettext("recent changes Tags", "Tags"), ", ".join(tag_displayname))
+ if ctx.categories is not None and not (len(ctx.categories["new"]) == 0 and len(ctx.categories["removed"]) == 0):
+ new_cat = (_("**Added**: ") + ", ".join(list(ctx.categories["new"])[0:16]) + (
+ "\n" if len(ctx.categories["new"]) <= 15 else _(" and {} more\n").format(
+ len(ctx.categories["new"]) - 15))) if ctx.categories["new"] else ""
+ del_cat = (_("**Removed**: ") + ", ".join(list(ctx.categories["removed"])[0:16]) + (
+ "" if len(ctx.categories["removed"]) <= 15 else _(" and {} more").format(
+ len(ctx.categories["removed"]) - 15))) if ctx.categories["removed"] else ""
+ message.add_field(_("Changed categories"), new_cat + del_cat)
+ if set_desc:
+ message["description"] = ctx.parsedcomment
diff --git a/src/discord.py b/src/discord.py
index bb4c2af..db7ed3f 100644
--- a/src/discord.py
+++ b/src/discord.py
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ class DiscordMessage:
def set_name(self, name):
self.webhook_object["username"] = name
def stack_message_list(messages: list) -> list:
if len(messages) > 1:
if messages[0].message_type() == "embed":
@@ -254,3 +255,16 @@ async def handle_discord_http(code: int, formatted_embed: str, result: aiohttp.C
return 3
return 4
+class DiscordMessageMetadata:
+ def __init__(self, method, log_id = None, page_id = None, rev_id = None, webhook_url = None, new_data = None):
+ self.method = method
+ self.page_id = page_id
+ self.log_id = log_id
+ self.rev_id = rev_id
+ self.webhook_url = webhook_url
+ self.new_data = new_data
+ def dump_ids(self) -> (int, int, int):
+ return self.page_id, self.rev_id, self.log_id
diff --git a/src/redis_connector.py b/src/redis_connector.py
index ffb1ad3..80872bd 100644
--- a/src/redis_connector.py
+++ b/src/redis_connector.py
@@ -19,16 +19,19 @@ class Redis:
async with async_timeout.timeout(1):
message = await self.pub_connection.get_message(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
if message is not None:
+ print(f"(Reader) Message Received: {message}")
logger.debug(f"(Reader) Message Received: {message}")
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError: # TODO Better handler
+ except aioredis.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ pass
async def connect(self):
- self.pub_connection = await aioredis.create_connection("redis://" + settings["redis_host"], encoding="UTF-8")
- self.stat_connection = await aioredis.create_connection("redis://" + settings["redis_host"], encoding="UTF-8")
+ self.stat_connection = await aioredis.from_url("redis://" + settings["redis_host"], encoding="UTF-8")
async def pubsub(self):
+ self.pub_connection = self.stat_connection.pubsub()
await self.pub_connection.subscribe("rcgcdb_updates")
diff --git a/src/wiki.py b/src/wiki.py
index 7d28187..093da2f 100644
--- a/src/wiki.py
+++ b/src/wiki.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from dataclasses import dataclass
import re
import logging, aiohttp
+from api.util import default_message
from mw_messages import MWMessages
from src.exceptions import *
from src.database import db
@@ -230,8 +231,84 @@ class Wiki:
if highest_id is None or change["rcid"] > highest_id: # make sure that the highest_rc is really highest rcid but do allow other entries with potentially lesser rcids come after without breaking the cycle
highest_id = change["rcid"]
for combination, webhooks in targets.items():
+ message = await rc_processor(self, change, categorize_events, )
+async def rc_processor(wiki: Wiki, change: dict, changed_categories: dict, display_options: namedtuple("Settings", ["lang", "display"]), webhooks: list):
+ from src.misc import LinkParser
+ LinkParser = LinkParser()
+ metadata = src.discord.DiscordMessageMetadata("POST", rev_id=change.get("revid", None), log_id=change.get("logid", None),
+ page_id=change.get("pageid", None))
+ context = Context(display_options, webhooks, client)
+ if ("actionhidden" in change or "suppressed" in change) and "suppressed" not in settings[
+ "ignored"]: # if event is hidden using suppression
+ context.event = "suppressed"
+ try:
+ discord_message: Optional[src.discord.DiscordMessage] = default_message("suppressed", formatter_hooks)(context, change)
+ except NoFormatter:
+ return
+ except:
+ if settings.get("error_tolerance", 1) > 0:
+ discord_message: Optional[src.discord.DiscordMessage] = None # It's handled by send_to_discord, we still want other code to run
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ if "commenthidden" not in change:
+ LinkParser.feed(change.get("parsedcomment", ""))
+ parsed_comment = LinkParser.new_string
+ else:
+ parsed_comment = _("~~hidden~~")
+ if not parsed_comment and context.message_type == "embed" and settings["appearance"].get("embed", {}).get(
+ "show_no_description_provided", True):
+ parsed_comment = _("No description provided")
+ context.set_parsedcomment(parsed_comment)
+ if "userhidden" in change:
+ change["user"] = _("hidden")
+ if change.get("ns", -1) in settings.get("ignored_namespaces", ()):
+ return
+ if change["type"] in ["edit", "new"]:
+ logger.debug("List of categories in essential_info: {}".format(changed_categories))
+ identification_string = change["type"]
+ context.set_categories(changed_categories)
+ elif change["type"] == "categorize":
+ return
+ elif change["type"] == "log":
+ identification_string = "{logtype}/{logaction}".format(logtype=change["logtype"],
+ logaction=change["logaction"])
+ else:
+ identification_string = change.get("type", "unknown") # If event doesn't have a type
+ if identification_string in settings["ignored"]:
+ return
+ context.event = identification_string
+ try:
+ discord_message: Optional[src.discord.DiscordMessage] = default_message(identification_string, formatter_hooks)(context,
+ change)
+ except:
+ if settings.get("error_tolerance", 1) > 0:
+ discord_message: Optional[
+ src.discord.DiscordMessage] = None # It's handled by send_to_discord, we still want other code to run
+ else:
+ raise
+ if identification_string in (
+ "delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir") and AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED: # TODO Move it into a hook?
+ delete_messages(dict(pageid=change.get("pageid")))
+ elif identification_string == "delete/event" and AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED:
+ logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []})
+ if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed":
+ redact_messages(logparams.get("ids", []), 1, logparams.get("new", {}))
+ else:
+ for logid in logparams.get("ids", []):
+ delete_messages(dict(logid=logid))
+ elif identification_string == "delete/revision" and AUTO_SUPPRESSION_ENABLED:
+ logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []})
+ if settings["appearance"]["mode"] == "embed":
+ redact_messages(logparams.get("ids", []), 0, logparams.get("new", {}))
+ else:
+ for revid in logparams.get("ids", []):
+ delete_messages(dict(revid=revid))
+ discord_message.finish_embed()
+ return discord_message, metadata
class Wiki_old: