mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:54:09 +00:00
Redo storing messages to store them in db instead of memory (not finished)
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,13 +59,18 @@ class DiscordMessageMetadata:
return dict_obj
def matches(self, other: dict):
"""Checks if all keys and values match given dictionary"""
for key, value in other.items():
if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, set):
if self.__dict__[key] not in value:
return False
if self.__dict__[key] != value:
return False
return True
def dump_ids(self) -> (int, int, int, int):
return self.page_id, self.rev_id, self.log_id, self.message_display
return self.log_id, self.page_id, self.rev_id, self.message_display
class DiscordMessage:
@ -191,7 +196,7 @@ class MessageTooBig(BaseException):
class StackedDiscordMessage():
class StackedDiscordMessage:
def __init__(self, m_type: int, wiki: Wiki):
self.message_list: list[DiscordMessage] = []
self.length = 0
@ -213,6 +218,12 @@ class StackedDiscordMessage():
message_structure["components"] = self.message_list[0].webhook_object["components"]
return json.dumps(message_structure)
def __iter__(self):
return self.message_list.__iter__()
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.message_list) == 0
def json(self) -> dict:
dict_obj = {
"length": self.length,
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import json
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
import logging
@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from src.wiki import Wiki
import tldextract
from src.statistics import Log, LogType
logger = logging.getLogger("rcgcdb.domain_manager")
@ -117,6 +120,16 @@ class DomainManager:
wiki = domain.get_wiki(split_payload[3])
if wiki is not None:
logger.debug("Wiki specified in pub/sub message has been found. Preparing and sending dump.")
wiki_json = wiki.json()
wiki.statistics.update(Log(type=LogType.SCAN_REASON, title="Debug request for the wiki"))
params = OrderedDict({"action": "query", "format": "json", "uselang": "content", "list": "tags|recentchanges",
"meta": "siteinfo", "utf8": 1, "rcshow": "!bot",
"rcprop": "title|redirect|timestamp|ids|loginfo|parsedcomment|sizes|flags|tags|user|userid",
"rclimit": 500, "rctype": "edit|new|log|categorize", "siprop": "namespaces|general"})
wiki_json["wiki_rc"] = await wiki.api_request(params=params, timeout=5)
wiki_json["wiki_rc"] = None
json_string: str = json.dumps(wiki.json())
for json_part in self.chunkstring(json_string, 7950):
await connection.execute("select pg_notify('debugresponse', 'SITE CHUNK ' || $1 || ' ' || $2);",
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class UpdateDB:
def __init__(self):
self.updated: list[tuple[str, tuple[Union[str, int], ...]]] = []
def add(self, sql_expression: tuple[str, tuple[Union[str, int], ...]]):
def add(self, sql_expression: tuple[str, tuple[Union[str, int, bytes], ...]]):
def clear_list(self):
@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ class UpdateDB:
if self.updated:
async with db.pool().acquire() as connection:
async with connection.transaction():
for update in self.updated:
while len(self.updated) > 0:
update = self.updated[0]
logger.debug("Executing: {} {}".format(update[0], update[1]))
await connection.execute(update[0], *update[1])
await asyncio.sleep(10.0)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
logger.info("Shutting down after updating DB with {} more entries...".format(len(self.updated)))
@ -2,10 +2,13 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import functools
import pickle
import time
import re
import logging, aiohttp
import asyncio
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
import requests
from src.api.util import default_message
@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ from src.discord.message import DiscordMessage, DiscordMessageMetadata, StackedD
from src.i18n import langs
from src.statistics import Statistics, Log, LogType
from src.config import settings
from src.database import db
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
@ -38,6 +42,65 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
MESSAGE_LIMIT = settings.get("message_limit", 30)
class MessageHistoryRetriever:
def __init__(self, wiki: Wiki):
self.wiki = wiki
def __len__(self):
return NotImplementedError
async def find_all_revids(self, page_id: int) -> list[int]:
result = []
async for item in dbmanager.fetch_rows(f"SELECT DISTINCT rev_id FROM rcgcdb_msg_metadata INNER JOIN rcgcdb_msg_metadata ON rcgcdb_msg_metadata.message_id = rcgcdb_msg_history.message_id INNER JOIN rcgcdb ON rcgcdb_msg_history.webhook = rcgcdb.webhook WHERE rcgcdb.wiki = $1 AND page_id = $2", (self.wiki.script_url, page_id)):
return result
async def fetch_stacked_from_db(self, params: dict[str, Union[str, list]]) -> tuple[StackedDiscordMessage, str]:
# All relevant fields:
# message_display 0-3,
# log_id
# page_id
# rev_id
# stacked_index
# async for message in dbmanager.fetch_rows(f"SELECT {', '.join(['{key} = ${val}'.format(key=key, val=num) for num, key in enumerate(params.keys())])}", (*params.values(),)): # What is this monster
message_cache = [] # Temporary message storage required to write the messages back to the DB after potential changes
async with db.pool().acquire() as connection:
async with connection.transaction():
query_template, query_parameters = [], []
for query_key, query_parameter in params.items():
if isinstance(query_parameter, str):
query_template.append(f"{query_key} = ${len(query_parameters)+1}")
else: # an iterator/list
query_template.append(f"{query_key} IN ({', '.join(['${}'.format(x+len(query_parameters)+1) for x in range(len(query_parameter))])})")
async for stacked_message in connection.cursor(f"SELECT message_id, webhook, message_object FROM rcgcdb_msg_history INNER JOIN rcgcdb_msg_metadata ON rcgcdb_msg_metadata.message_id = rcgcdb_msg_history.message_id INNER JOIN rcgcdb ON rcgcdb_msg_history.webhook = rcgcdb.webhook WHERE rcgcdb.wiki = {self.wiki.script_url} AND {" AND ".join(query_template)}", query_parameters):
unpickled_message = pickle.loads(stacked_message["message_object"])
yield unpickled_message, stacked_message["webhook"]
await self.update_message(unpickled_message, connection, stacked_message["message_id"])
async def update_message(stacked_message: StackedDiscordMessage, connection, message_id: str):
if stacked_message.is_empty():
await connection.execute("DELETE FROM rcgcdb_msg_history WHERE message_id = $1;", message_id)
await connection.execute("UPDATE rcgcdb_msg_history SET message_object = $1 WHERE message_id = $2;", pickle.dumps(stacked_message), message_id)
await connection.execute("DELETE FROM rcgcdb_msg_metadata WHERE message_id = $1;", message_id)
await connection.executemany("INSERT INTO rcgcdb_msg_metadata(message_id, log_id, page_id, rev_id, message_display, stacked_index) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);",
list(((message_id, *x.metadata.dump_ids(), num) for num, x in enumerate(stacked_message.message_list))))
def register_message(stacked_message: StackedDiscordMessage):
"""Registers a message in the database"""
dbmanager.add(("INSERT INTO rcgcdb_msg_history(message_id, webhook, message_object) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);",
(stacked_message.discord_callback_message_id, stacked_message.webhook, pickle.dumps(stacked_message))))
for stack_id, message in enumerate(stacked_message):
dbmanager.add(("INSERT INTO rcgcdb_msg_metadata(message_id, log_id, page_id, rev_id, message_display, stacked_index) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);",
(stacked_message.discord_callback_message_id, *message.metadata.dump_ids(), stack_id)))
class Wiki:
def __init__(self, script_url: str, rc_id: Optional[int], discussion_id: Optional[str]):
self.script_url: str = script_url
@ -49,7 +112,7 @@ class Wiki:
self.rc_targets: Optional[defaultdict[Settings, list[str]]] = None
self.discussion_targets: Optional[defaultdict[Settings, list[str]]] = None
self.client: Client = Client(formatter_hooks, self)
self.message_history: list[StackedDiscordMessage] = list()
self.message_history: MessageHistoryRetriever = MessageHistoryRetriever(self)
self.namespaces: Optional[dict] = None
self.recache_requested: bool = False
self.session_requests = requests.Session()
@ -109,67 +172,56 @@ class Wiki:
# logger.warning('{} rows affected by DELETE FROM rcgcdw WHERE wiki = "{}"'.format(result, self.script_url))
def add_message(self, message: StackedDiscordMessage):
if len(self.message_history) > MESSAGE_LIMIT*len(self.rc_targets):
self.message_history = self.message_history[len(self.message_history)-MESSAGE_LIMIT*len(self.rc_targets):]
def set_domain(self, domain: Domain):
self.domain = domain
def find_middle_next(self, ids: List[str], pageid: int) -> list:
async def find_middle_next(self, ids: List[str], pageid: int) -> set:
"""To address #235 RcGcDw should now remove diffs in next revs relative to redacted revs to protect information in revs that revert revdeleted information.
What this function does, is it fetches all messages for given page and finds revids of the messages that come next after ids
:arg ids - list
:arg pageid - int
:return list"""
def extract_revid(item: tuple[StackedDiscordMessage, list[int]]):
rev_ids = set()
for message_id in sorted(item[1], reverse=True):
return rev_ids
:return set"""
ids = [int(x) for x in ids]
result = set()
ids.sort() # Just to be sure, sort the list to make sure it's always sorted
search = self.search_message_history({"message_display": 3, "page_id": pageid})
# messages = db_cursor.execute("SELECT revid FROM event WHERE pageid = ? AND revid >= ? ORDER BY revid",
# (pageid, ids[0],))
all_in_page = sorted(set([x for row in map(extract_revid, search) for x in row])) # Flatten the result
all_revids = sorted(await self.message_history.find_all_revids(pageid))
for ID in ids:
result.add(all_in_page[all_in_page.index(ID) + 1])
result.add(all_revids[all_revids.index(ID) + 1])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
logger.debug(f"Value {ID} not in {all_in_page} or no value after that.")
return list(result - set(ids))
logger.debug(f"Value {ID} not in {all_revids} or no value after that.")
return result
def search_message_history(self, params: dict) -> list[tuple[StackedDiscordMessage, list[int]]]:
"""Search self.message_history for messages which match all properties in params and return them in a list
def search_message_history(self, stacked_message: StackedDiscordMessage, params: dict) -> list[int]:
"""Search self.message_history for messages which match all properties in params and return ids of those in a list
:param params is a dictionary of which messages are compared against. All name and values must be equal for match to return true
Matches metadata from discord.message.DiscordMessageMetadata
:returns [(StackedDiscordMessage, [index ids of matching messages in that StackedMessage])]"""
:returns [index ids of matching messages in that StackedMessage]"""
output = []
for message in self.message_history:
returned_matches_for_stacked = message.filter(params)
if returned_matches_for_stacked:
output.append((message, [x[0] for x in returned_matches_for_stacked]))
for num, message in enumerate(stacked_message.message_list):
if message.metadata.matches(params):
return output
def delete_messages(self, params: dict):
async def delete_messages(self, params: dict):
"""Delete certain messages from message_history which DiscordMessageMetadata matches all properties in params"""
# Delete all messages with given IDs
for stacked_message, ids in self.search_message_history(params):
async for stacked_message in self.message_history.fetch_stacked_from_db(params):
for message_ids in self.search_message_history(stacked_message, params):
# If all messages were removed, send a DELETE to Discord
if len(stacked_message.message_list) == 0:
messagequeue.add_message(QueueEntry(stacked_message, [stacked_message.webhook], self, method="DELETE"))
messagequeue.add_message(QueueEntry(stacked_message, [stacked_message.webhook], self, method="PATCH"))
def redact_messages(self, context: Context, ids: list[int], mode: str, censored_properties: dict):
async def redact_messages(self, context: Context, ids: list[int] | set[int], mode: str, censored_properties: dict):
# ids can refer to multiple events, and search does not support additive mode, so we have to loop it for all ids
for revlogid in ids:
for stacked_message, ids in self.search_message_history({mode: revlogid}): # This might not work depending on how Python handles it, but hey, learning experience
for message in [message for num, message in enumerate(stacked_message.message_list) if num in ids]:
async for stacked_message, webhook in self.message_history.fetch_stacked_from_db({mode: ids, "message_display": [1, 2, 3]}):
for message in [message for message in stacked_message.message_list if message.metadata.matches({mode: ids})]:
if "user" in censored_properties and "url" in message["author"]:
message["author"]["name"] = context._("hidden")
@ -198,7 +250,7 @@ class Wiki:
discussion_targets: defaultdict[Settings, list[str]] = defaultdict(list)
async for webhook in dbmanager.fetch_rows("SELECT webhook, lang, display, rcid, postid, buttons FROM rcgcdb WHERE wiki = $1", self.script_url):
if webhook['rcid'] == -1 and webhook['postid'] == '-1':
await self.remove_wiki_from_db(4)
await self.remove_webhook_from_db(webhook['webhook'], "Webhook has invalid settings", True)
if webhook['rcid'] != -1:
target_settings[Settings(webhook["lang"], webhook["display"], webhook["buttons"])].append(webhook["webhook"])
if webhook['postid'] != '-1':
@ -418,6 +470,7 @@ class Wiki:
async def remove_webhook_from_db(self, webhook_url: str, reason: str, send_reason=False):
logger.info(f"Removing a webhook with ID of {webhook_url.split("/")[0]} from the database due to {reason}.")
# TODO Write a reason for removal to a webhook if send_reason
dbmanager.add(("DELETE FROM rcgcdb WHERE webhook = $1", (webhook_url,)))
async def remove_wiki_from_db(self, reason: str):
@ -535,24 +588,22 @@ async def rc_processor(wiki: Wiki, change: dict, changed_categories: dict, displ
if identification_string in ("delete/delete", "delete/delete_redir"): # TODO Move it into a hook?
await wiki.delete_messages(dict(page_id=change.get("pageid")))
elif identification_string == "delete/event":
logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []})
if context.message_type == "embed":
wiki.redact_messages(context, logparams.get("ids", []), "log_id", logparams.get("new", {}))
for logid in logparams.get("ids", []):
await wiki.redact_messages(context, logparams.get("ids", []), "log_id", logparams.get("new", {}))
await wiki.delete_messages(dict(log_id=logparams.get("ids", []), message_display=0))
elif identification_string == "delete/revision":
logparams = change.get('logparams', {"ids": []})
if context.message_type == "embed":
wiki.redact_messages(context, logparams.get("ids", []), "rev_id", logparams.get("new", {}))
if display_options.display == 3:
wiki.redact_messages(context, wiki.find_middle_next(logparams.get("ids", []), change.get("pageid", -1)), "rev_id",
await wiki.redact_messages(context, (await wiki.find_middle_next(logparams.get("ids", []), change.get("pageid", -1))).union(logparams.get("ids", [])), "rev_id",
{"content": ""})
await wiki.redact_messages(context, logparams.get("ids", []), "rev_id", logparams.get("new", {}))
for revid in logparams.get("ids", []):
await wiki.delete_messages(dict(rev_id=revid))
run_hooks(post_hooks, discord_message, metadata, context, change)
if discord_message: # TODO How to react when none? (crash in formatter), probably bad handling atm
Reference in a new issue