
150 lines
7.9 KiB

extends SceneBase
var cabinets = {2: {"name": "2"}, 9: {"name": "9"}, 14: {"name": "14"}, 20: {"name": "20"}, 28: {"name": "28"}, 42: {"name": "|/\\"}, 51: {"name": "51"}, 69: {"name": "69"}, 84: {"name": "84"}, 87: {"name": "87"}, 90: {"name": "90"}}
var empty_loots = [
"This shelf is filled to the brim with various metallic nuts and bolts. However it has nothing of interest to you",
"After putting your paw deep within the shelve you start feeling very unpleasant coldness coming from the tips of your fingers. Oof! You immediately pull out your paw.",
"The entire filling cabinet starts vibrating after opening this shelve. It does not bode well, you immediately close this shelve. The vibration stops. That was odd."
]# TODO Write more of those
var cabinet_random =
var current_loot = null # TODO will not survive save/load
var current_cabinet = null
func _init():
sceneID = "EngRoomScene"
func _run():
if(state == ""):
saynn("You hesitate, last time you walked this hallway you are sure that in this part the only thing you'll meet, if you continue walking, is a wall. This entire thing sounds dumb, and yet... It's a trust excercie, no? Realistically the worst thing that will happen is that you'll eventually hit a wall, doesn't sound like something you can't take.")
addButton("Wall time", "Trust Pierre and walk towards the wall", "trust")
addButton("Nope", "You are not trusting Pierre, this is stupid", "endthescene")
if(state == "trust"):
GM.main.setModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Quest_Status", 2)
saynn("You decide to trust Pierre. You turn 90 degrees, take a deep breath and walk forward. Last time you went this corridor while not blind there was a wall here, an maybe this time...")
saynn("You hear a beep before you, a few screeching sounds. Holy shit, perhaps Pierre was onto something here? You continue walking, the atmosphere changes, the echo of your steps disappeared, the air is more dry and you start to feel claustrophobic. You cautiously drag your foot forward until it hits something seemingly metal. Have you reached your destination?")
var item: ItemBase = GM.pc.getInventory().getEquippedItem(InventorySlot.Eyes)
if(item != null):
var restraint = item.getRestraintData()
if(restraint != null):
if (restraint.canStruggleFinal() and GM.pc.getStamina() > 0) or GM.pc.getInventory().hasItem("restraintkey"):
addButton("Struggle", "It would be useful to see what is going on around", "strugglemenu")
addDisabledButton("Struggle", "Your "+item.getVisibleName() + " is stuck on your eyes")
addButton("Look around", "Look around", "lookaround")
addButton("Look around", "Look around", "lookaround")
addButton("Leave", "Try to leave the room", "leave")
if state=="leave":
saynn("You attempt to retrace your setps back where you came from, however it seems like whatever you went through has closed. It's hard to judge how can you even open the doors. After a while of trying, you blast the doors with a serios of forceful pushes, it does not budge.")
saynn("You attempt to retrace your setps back where you came from, however it seems like whatever you went through has closed. Thankfully, it seems like from this end there is a very analog door handle that pulling seems to lead back to the hallway. Or at least you judge that from the sounds.")
saynn("Thankfully, the doors have a regular old-school door handle. You pull it and they swing open.")
saynn("On the other side - curiously, completely flat wall texture. You close the doors and observe how this fit of engineering doors leading to ancient technology closet fits the wall so perfectly that it leaves no evidence of ever existing, not even a tiny crevice can be seen. Above the doors is a camera, maybe it opens the doors?")
addButton("Pierre", "Guess it's time to go back to Pierre", "endthescene")
if state=="lookaround":
addButton("Cabinets", "Try to search cabinets", "cabinets")
addButton("Leave", "Try to leave the room", "leave")
if state=="cabinets":
saynn("Within so many filling cabinets there are over 12 shelves. You could open some of them and see what's in them, however only one of them is really interesting to you.") # TODO placeholder
addButton("Back", "Look around again", "lookaround")
var activated_cabinets = getModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Activated_Cabinets", {})
for item in cabinets:
if item in activated_cabinets:
addDisabledButton("Cabinet "+cabinets[item]["name"], "You've already looted this cabinet")
addButton("Cabinet " + cabinets[item]["name"], "Check the cabinet with number "+cabinets[item]["name"], "cabinetloot", [item])
if state=="cabinetloot":
saynn("You chose to open cabinet number "+str(current_cabinet)+"...")
if(typeof(current_loot) == 2 or typeof(current_loot) == 0): # event
elif(typeof(current_loot) == 4): #nothing
saynn("Inside you've found "+str(current_loot.getAmount())+" of "+ current_loot.getVisibleName() +".")
addButton("Take items", "Take the items", "acceptloot")
addButton("Cabinets", "Look at cabinets without picking up anything", "cabinets")
if state=="cabinet84":
saynn("It is the cabinet mentioned by Pierre. You reach your paw inside and there is a single item inside - a pack of gumball. You grab and take it.")
GM.main.setModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Quest_Status", 3)
addButton("Back", "Look at cabinets", "cabinets")
func randomItemFromSeed(array):
return array[cabinet_random.randi() % array.size()]
func randomNumberFromSeed(numStart, numEnd):
cabinet_random.randi_range(numStart, numEnd)
func generateLoot(cabinet_number: int):
cabinet_random.seed = GM.main.getDays() + cabinet_number * 1000
var rand_num = cabinet_random.randf() * 100
if (rand_num < 16): # item
var item_type = randomItemFromSeed(["PlantEgg", "Cookie", "lube", "PlasticBottle", "restraintkey", "WorkCredit", "UsedCondom"])
var newItem = GlobalRegistry.createItem(item_type)
if item_type == "PlantEgg":
newItem.whoGaveBirth = "thisnamedoesntexistbecauseplayercantpossiblyknowwhoseggsthoseare"
newItem.setAmount(randomNumberFromSeed(2, 3))
elif item_type == "cookie":
newItem.setAmount(randomNumberFromSeed(2, 3))
elif item_type == "Credit":
newItem.setAmount(randomNumberFromSeed(3, 5))
elif item_type == "UsedCondom":
newItem.markLastUser("unknown person")
var fluids = newItem.getFluids()
var allowedFluids = ["CumLube", "BlackGoo"]
if OPTIONS.isContentEnabled(ContentType.Watersports):
fluids.addFluid(randomItemFromSeed(allowedFluids), randomNumberFromSeed(2, 5)*100.0)
return newItem
elif (rand_num < 21): # TODO event
var activated_cabinets = getModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Activated_Cabinets", {})
activated_cabinets[cabinet_number] = true
GM.main.setModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Activated_Cabinets", activated_cabinets)
return 1
return randomItemFromSeed(empty_loots)
func _react(_action: String, _args):
if(_action == "endthescene"):
if(_action == "cabinetloot"):
current_loot = generateLoot(_args[0])
current_cabinet = _args[0]
if(_action == "acceptloot"):
var activated_cabinets = getModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Activated_Cabinets", {})
activated_cabinets[current_cabinet] = true
GM.main.setModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Activated_Cabinets", activated_cabinets)
_action = "cabinets"
if(_action == "strugglemenu"):