Frisk dfd6a9ec54 Started working on generic training
Started working on Azazel's fertility training
Added Azazel's corruption dialogues
Added Demon Azazel's speech modifier
2025-01-16 00:28:34 +01:00

92 lines
3.7 KiB

const Globals = preload("res://FoxLib/")
static func getSkinWord() -> String:
var character_skin_name = Globals.ofModule("IssixModule").characterCoverage
return character_skin_name
# Undress the player of everything but unremovable restraints
static func undressPlayerExceptCollar(name: String):
for slot in GM.pc.getInventory().getEquippedItems(): # Force unequip all items, why is there getEquippedItems and getAllEquippedItems doing the same thing lol
var item = GM.pc.getInventory()["equippedItems"][slot]
if item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable: # ignore collar
GM.main.addMessage(name+" took off your "+item.getVisibleName()+".")
# Check if character is wearing PERMANENT restraints on both vagina and penis
static func hasPermanentChasityOnBoth(characterID: String):
var blocked_penis = false
var character = GlobalRegistry.getCharacter(characterID)
if character == null:
return null
if character.hasPenis():
var item = character.getInventory().getEquippedItem(BodypartSlot.Penis)
if item != null and item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable:
blocked_penis = true
if character.hasVagina():
var item = character.getInventory().getEquippedItem(BodypartSlot.Vagina)
if item != null and item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable:
if blocked_penis:
return true
blocked_penis = false
return blocked_penis
# Check if player has any restraints that would be considered unremovable or has any clothes
static func isPlayerSuperNaked() -> bool:
for slot in GM.pc.getInventory().getEquippedItems():
var item = GM.pc.getInventory()["equippedItems"][slot]
if item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable: # ignore collar
return false
return GM.pc.isFullyNaked()
# Can you believe it's not in base game? Function to learn interests in array of certain character
static func learnInterestOf(characterID: String, interests: Array):
var character = GlobalRegistry.getCharacter(characterID)
if character == null:
var lust_interests = character.getLustInterests()
var player_knows = lust_interests.getPlayerKnowledge()
for interest in interests:
if !lust_interests.interests.has(interest):
if(!player_knows.has(interest) || player_knows[interest] != lust_interests.interests[interest]):
player_knows[interest] = lust_interests.interests[interest]
# Find a pet name for the player
static func getPlayerPetName():
if Species.Canine in GM.pc.getSpecies():
return "puppy"
elif Species.Feline in GM.pc.getSpecies():
return "kitty"
elif Species.Equine in GM.pc.getSpecies():
return "pony"
return "pet"
# If player is enslaved
static func checkIfPCEnslaved() -> bool:
return GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "PC_Enslavement_Role", 0) >= 1
# Check if a state exists inside stateKey dict flag storage
static func checkIfAchieved(flagName: String, stateKey: String) -> bool:
return GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, {}).has(stateKey)
static func returnValueFromStateFlag(flagName: String, stateKey: String, default=null):
return GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, {}).get(stateKey, default)
# Modify state of a state dict flag
static func modifyDictStates(flagName: String, stateKey: String, stateValue):
var states = GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, {})
states[stateKey] = stateValue
GM.main.setModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, states.duplicate(true))
# Add Issix's mood'
static func addIssixMood(mood: int):
GM.main.setModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Issix_Mood", clamp(GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Issix_Mood", 50)+mood, 0, 100))