151 lines
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151 lines
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const Globals = preload("res://FoxLib/Globals.gd")
static func getSkinWord() -> String:
var character_skin_name = Globals.ofModule("IssixModule").characterCoverage
return character_skin_name
# Undress the player of everything but unremovable restraints
static func undressPlayerExceptCollar(name: String):
for slot in GM.pc.getInventory().getEquippedItems(): # Force unequip all items, why is there getEquippedItems and getAllEquippedItems doing the same thing lol
var item = GM.pc.getInventory()["equippedItems"][slot]
if item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable: # ignore collar
GM.main.addMessage(name+" took off your "+item.getVisibleName()+".")
# Check if character is wearing PERMANENT restraints on both vagina and penis
static func hasPermanentChasityOnBoth(characterID: String):
var blocked_penis = false
var character = GlobalRegistry.getCharacter(characterID)
if character == null:
return null
if character.hasPenis():
var item = character.getInventory().getEquippedItem(BodypartSlot.Penis)
if item != null and item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable:
blocked_penis = true
if character.hasVagina():
var item = character.getInventory().getEquippedItem(BodypartSlot.Vagina)
if item != null and item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable:
if blocked_penis:
return true
blocked_penis = false
return blocked_penis
# Check if player has any restraints that would be considered unremovable or has any clothes
static func isPlayerSuperNaked() -> bool:
for slot in GM.pc.getInventory().getEquippedItems():
var item = GM.pc.getInventory()["equippedItems"][slot]
if item.isRestraint() and item.getRestraintData() is RestraintUnremovable: # ignore collar
return false
return GM.pc.isFullyNaked()
# Can you believe it's not in base game? Function to learn interests in array of certain character
static func learnInterestOf(characterID: String, interests: Array):
var character = GlobalRegistry.getCharacter(characterID)
if character == null:
var lust_interests = character.getLustInterests()
var player_knows = lust_interests.getPlayerKnowledge()
for interest in interests:
if !lust_interests.interests.has(interest):
if(!player_knows.has(interest) || player_knows[interest] != lust_interests.interests[interest]):
player_knows[interest] = lust_interests.interests[interest]
# Find a pet name for the player
static func getPlayerPetName():
if Species.Canine in GM.pc.getSpecies():
return "puppy"
elif Species.Feline in GM.pc.getSpecies():
return "kitty"
elif Species.Equine in GM.pc.getSpecies():
return "pony"
return "pet"
# If player is enslaved
static func checkIfPCEnslaved() -> bool:
return GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "PC_Enslavement_Role", 0) >= 1
# Check if a state exists inside stateKey dict flag storage
static func checkIfAchieved(flagName: String, stateKey: String) -> bool:
return GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, {}).has(stateKey)
static func returnValueFromStateFlag(flagName: String, stateKey: String, default=null):
return GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, {}).get(stateKey, default)
# Modify state of a state dict flag
static func modifyDictStates(flagName: String, stateKey: String, stateValue):
var states = GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, {})
states[stateKey] = stateValue
GM.main.setModuleFlag("IssixModule", flagName, states.duplicate(true))
# Add Issix's mood'
static func addIssixMood(mood: int):
GM.main.setModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Issix_Mood", clamp(GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Issix_Mood", 50)+mood, 0, 100))
# Get item that covers given inventory slot
static func getBodyCoveringItem(character, bodyslot):
var equippedItems = character.getInventory().getAllEquippedItems()
for inventorySlot in equippedItems:
var item = equippedItems[inventorySlot]
return true
return null
# Verify requirements for pawns, requirements is array of two arrays, first one are methods which should return true in CharacterPawn obj and second is same but for BaseCharacter
static func verifyRequirements(pawn: CharacterPawn, requirements: Array) -> bool:
if pawn.isPlayer():
return false
for method in requirements[0]:
if !pawn.has_method(method) or !pawn.call(method):
return false
var base_character = pawn.getCharacter()
for method in requirements[1]:
if !base_character.call(method):
return false
return true
# Find pawns that succeed requirements in list of lists
static func findPawns(requirements) -> Array:
var all_pawns = GM.main.IS.getPawns()
var results = []
for pawn_requirement in requirements:
var meet_criteria = []
for pawn in all_pawns:
if !verifyRequirements(all_pawns[pawn], pawn_requirement):
return results
# Pick a unique random item for each of arrays
static func pick_unique_one(input_array: Array) -> Array:
var sizes_of_arrays = [] # We will need to compare sized of arrays to first process smallest arrays
var processed_array = input_array.duplicate(true)
for array in input_array:
for _item in range(input_array.size()):
var smallest_array = sizes_of_arrays.min()
var index = sizes_of_arrays.find(smallest_array)
for _i in range(smallest_array):
var pick = processed_array[index].pick_random()
if pick in processed_array:
processed_array[index] = pick
if processed_array[index] is Array:
processed_array[index] = null
sizes_of_arrays[index] = 999999
return processed_array