extends EventBase func _init(): id = "PierreEvent" func registerTriggers(es): es.addTrigger(self, Trigger.EnteringRoom, "hall_ne_corner") func run(_triggerID, _args): #if(doEventCheck("PierreBusy") != null): # return false if(GM.main.isVeryLate()): # Add something in the nightime it's very late? saynn("You see an empty chair in the corner with three blankets laying around.") return false if(!getModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Pierre_Introduced")): # Do that if not night saynn("You see a demon-dragon sitting on a chair in a corner, around him there are three leashed creatures.") GM.main.setModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Score_Explored", 0) # is there a better place to do this? GM.main.setModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Quest_Status", 0) addButton("Demon", "Talk to the demon-dragon", "talk") return GM.main.applyWorldEdit("PierreWorldEdit") saynn("You see Pierre sitting on a chair in a corner, around him there are three leashed slaves.") addButton("Pierre", "Talk to Pierre", "talk") if(!getModuleFlag("PierreModule", "Pets_Introduced")): #addButton("Look at pets", "Look at pets", "pets") addDisabledButton("Talk with pets", "You should probably first talk with intimidating figure who got them leashed") else: addButton("Pets", "Look at pets", "pets") #if(checkCharacterBusy("RahiBusy", "Seems like the kitty is not here", "Rahi")): # return # #if(getModuleFlag("RahiModule", "Rahi_NotThereToday", false)): # saynn("Seems like the kitty is not here") # # addDisabledButton("Rahi", "She is not here today") # return #if(!getModuleFlag("RahiModule", "Rahi_Introduced")): # saynn("You see some unknown feline sitting on a bench") #else: # saynn("You see the Kitty sitting on a bench") #addButtonUnlessLate("Rahi", "Talk to the feline", "talk") func getPriority(): return 0 func onButton(_method, _args): if(_method == "talk"): runScene("PierreTalkScene") if(_method == "pets"): runScene("PetsTalkScene")