# Originally from https://github.com/Alexofp/BDCC/blob/3c1dc5f933c54971a60687abf539f8e0a3d15f7f/Modules/GymModule/BullyGangScene.gd modified for sake of mod extends "res://Scenes/SceneBase.gd" var gotPayed = false func _init(): sceneID = "BullyGangScene" func _run(): if(state == ""): addCharacter("gymbully") addCharacter("gymbully2") addCharacter("gymbully3") playAnimation(StageScene.Duo, "stand", {npc="gymbully"}) if(state == ""): # (if first time) if(!getModuleFlag("GymModule", "Gym_BullyGangIntroduced")): setModuleFlag("GymModule", "Gym_BullyGangIntroduced", true) saynn("As you look around the gym area and think about what you wanna do, three inmates approach you from behind. Two guys and a girl. The main guy taps on your shoulder. You hear a very raspy male voice.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Hey, you. That’s right, I’m talking to you.[/say]") saynn("You turn around and see that they are all wearing red inmate uniforms but also red bands on their heads, probably a sign of being in the same gang.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Haven’t seen you here before. You aware of how things work here?[/say]") saynn("They don’t seem to be very kind to newcomers. You shake your head slightly.") saynn("[say=gymbully]We control this area, kiddo. And if you wanna be here you better pay up. Official price is 5 credits a day.[/say]") saynn("[say=pc]And what if I don’t?[/say]") saynn("[say=gymbully]Then you leave.[/say]") saynn("The girl barks at you from over the shoulder of the main guy.") # (if general inmate) if(GM.pc.getInmateType() == InmateType.General): saynn("[say=gymbully3]That’s right, general block bitch. Couldn’t even pull a trigger to earn yourself red clothes?[/say]") # (if red inmate) elif(GM.pc.getInmateType() == InmateType.HighSec): saynn("[say=gymbully3]Yeah, pay up or fuck off, bitch.[/say]") # (if lilac) elif(GM.pc.getInmateType() == InmateType.SexDeviant): saynn("[say=gymbully3]You better pay before you get shared between all the inmates here, lilac slut.[/say]") # (if not the first time) else: saynn("Three inmates approach you, the same ones that you remember. They make a circle around you.") saynn("[say=gymbully]You know why we’re here. Pay up or leave.[/say]") if(GM.pc.getCredits() >= 5): addButton("Pay", "Well, what can you do", "pay") else: addDisabledButton("Pay", "Not enough credits") addButton("Intimidate", "Tell them you won’t leave or pay", "intimidate") if getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "PC_Training_Level", 0) > 0 and getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "PC_Enslavement_Role", 0) == 1: if (GM.pc.getPersonality().getStat(PersonalityStat.Coward) > 0.3): addDisabledButton("Issix", "You are too cowardly to bring up your Master") else: addButton("Issix", "Issix said you can say his name when dealing with bullies, maybe that'll work?", "issixthreat") if state == "issixthreat": saynn("[say=pc]I'm under Master Issix's care, please don't hurt me.[/say]") if GM.pc.getFluids().hasFluidTypeWithCharID("Piss", "issix"): saynn("[say=gymbully]Are you? That would explain why you are reeking of him. Are you a good little "+GlobalRegistry.getModule("IssixModule").getPlayerPetName()+" for your Master Esshiks? Ohhh, how cute. Why aren't you on a leash then huh, fuck pet?[/say]") else: saynn("[say=gymbully]Are you? That would explain why you look like a breeding bitch. Are you a good little "+GlobalRegistry.getModule("IssixModule").getPlayerPetName()+" for your Master Esshiks? Ohhh, how cute. Why aren't you on a leash then huh, fuck pet?[/say]") saynn("Sounds of laughter fills the place, all three of inmates having fun at your expense.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Do you think your Master would mind if we borrowed you for a few minutes and had fun with you?[/say]") saynn("The main bully looks at the other two for a second, all of them are rather satisfied with themselves.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Whatever. You just look like one of his bitches, and I don't plan to mess around with the big man himself again, 5 credits ain't worth it. See ya later, slave.[/say]") addButton("Continue", "That... Worked better than expected", "endthescene") if(state == "pay"): saynn("You hang them a chip with some credits. The main guy quickly checks it and puts it away before offering you a smile.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Pleasure doing business with you.[/say]") saynn("The trio steps away from you and goes to bully someone else.") # (scene ends) addButton("Continue", "Sigh", "endthescene") if(state == "intimidate"): saynn("[say=pc]I’m not leaving. And I’m not paying. How about you and your sidekicks go bug someone else.[/say]") saynn("The main guy chuckles, others growl at you.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Let’s see how you will speak after we fuck your pretty face up.[/say]") addButton("Fight", "Time to fight", "fight") if(state == "if_won"): saynn("The gang members quickly scatter away as you beat their leader.") addButton("Continue", "Nice", "endthescene") if(state == "if_lost"): saynn("Defeated, you drop down to your knees. The gang members then shove you onto the ground and pin you while the main guy searches through your pockets.") saynn("[say=gymbully]Easy there, sweetheart. I’m not taking everything.[/say]") # (if has 5 credits) if(gotPayed): saynn("His hand finds a chip with 5 credits on you and takes it.") saynn("[say=gymbully]See. Enjoy yourself. For now.[/say]") # (if not enough) else: saynn("His hand was unable to find enough credits on you. He sighs.") saynn("[say=gymbully]I almost feel pitiful for taking your last credits away. But then again, the experience is worth more than money, ain’t that true.[/say]") addButton("Continue", "Ow", "endthescene") # (scene ends) func _react(_action: String, _args): if _action == "issixthreat": setModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Gym_Bullies_Left_Alone", true) if(_action == "pay"): processTime(5 * 60) GM.pc.addCredits(-5) if(_action == "fight"): runScene("FightScene", ["gymbully"], "gymbullyfight") if(_action == "endthescene"): endScene() return setState(_action) func saveData(): var data = .saveData() data["gotPayed"] = gotPayed return data func loadData(data): .loadData(data) gotPayed = SAVE.loadVar(data, "gotPayed", false) func _react_scene_end(_tag, _result): if(_tag == "gymbullyfight"): processTime(20 * 60) var battlestate = _result[0] #var wonHow = _result[1] if(battlestate == "win"): setState("if_won") addExperienceToPlayer(30) else: setState("if_lost") if(GM.pc.getCredits() >= 5): gotPayed = true GM.pc.addCredits(-5) else: gotPayed = false #addExperienceToPlayer(5) func getDevCommentary(): return "I was.. pretty out of it while writing this scene. That's why its so short and doesn't have any sex scenes and is kinda bad.\n\nThis scene is why I shouldn't write anything while I'm sad/depressed, heh. Should I remove it/rewrite it? Maybe. But to get rid of these bullies completely I would probably try to make a quest. Something about you and Nova teaming up and trying to destroy their gang.. or getting gangbanged x3 why not both" func hasDevCommentary(): return true