extends EventBase func _init(): id = "ArtworkModifyingPlayerCell" func registerTriggers(es): es.addTrigger(self, Trigger.EnteringPlayerCell) func run(_triggerID, _args): if getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Placed_Portrait_In_Cell", false): saynn("On the wall you can see a vertical sheet of paper with your face holding a cookie in the mouth. Drawn by Lamia.") return if getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Received_Portrait_From_Lamia", false) and getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Placed_Portrait_In_Cell") == null: addButton("Portrait", "You can choose to put a portrait you've received from Lamia on the wall of your cell", "portrait") func onButton(_method, _args): if(_method == "portrait"): runScene("PlayerCellLamiaPortraitScene") func getPriority(): return 11