extends WorldEditBase func _init(): id = "AzazelWorldHack" isRegular = true # This here is a hack to do something after MainScene applies Minimap changes for blindfold which cannot be changed in event/scene because they are hard overwritten later by MainScene in updateThings(). THIS IS NOT HOW IT SHOULD BE but Game should have a way to modders to better manipulate those effects func apply(world: GameWorld): if GM.pc.getLocation().begins_with("petsdream_cellblock_corridor_part"): var room_id = int(GM.pc.getLocation().substr(33)) if room_id > 1 and room_id < 17: world.setDarknessVisible(true) world.setDarknessSize(int(lerp(100, 8, room_id/17.0))) elif room_id == 1: world.setDarknessVisible(false)