extends SceneBase func _init(): sceneID = "IssixFoundPlayer" func _run(): if(state == ""): playAnimation(StageScene.Duo, "stand", {npc="issix", npcAction="stand"}) saynn("[say=issix]Hey there pet! Now, care to explain why haven't you visited for past XX days?[/say]") saynn("Issix almost running stops you with haste before the guard checkpoint. His face is a mix of concern and anger.") addButton("Excuse", "Think of an excuse to escape this awkward situation", "excuse") addButton("Honest", "Tell your Master that you just haven't had the time", "honest") addButton("Not a pet", "Tell your Master that you no longer wish to be his pet", "rejection") addButton("Walk away", "Just keep walking", "leave") if state == "excuse": saynn("[say=pc]I'm sorry, I were working on something really hard lately and...[/say]") saynn("[say=issix]Enough. I'm not interested in hearing any of this. [/say]") func _react(_action: String, _args): processTime(2*60) if(_action == "endthescene"): endScene() return setState(_action)