extends SceneBase func _init(): sceneID = "AzazelCorruption2" func _run(): if(state == ""): saynn("Lost in the murmur of big hallways you walk towards your goal when you get hit on your chest by a tail, a long leathery red tail ending in a spade. You blink, and realize that the tail you saw is in actuality a regular gray feline tail, you stop in your tracks, confused, looking for tail's owner you follow the trail, finding Azazel lusty look on you.") saynn("[say=azazel]What's that in your look? Surprised to see me again outside of the corner?[/say]") saynn("[say=pc]Uhh, no, it's just... Ah, forget it.[/say]") saynn("He smiles.") saynn("[say=azazel]Tell me sweetie, have you ever kissed?[/say]") # Plan for the scene # # func _react(_action: String, _args): if _action == "hot": processTime(5*60) GM.pc.addLust(30) setModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Azazel_Corruption_Scene", 3) if(_action == "endthescene"): endScene() return setState(_action)