extends EventBase func _init(): id = "IssixEvent" func registerTriggers(es): es.addTrigger(self, Trigger.EnteringRoom, "hall_ne_corner") es.addEventCheck(self, "IssixBusy") func run(_triggerID, _args): #if(doEventCheck("IssixBusy") != null): # return false if(GM.main.isVeryLate()): # Add something in the nightime it's very late? saynn("You see an empty chair in the corner with three blankets laying around.") return false if(!getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Issix_Introduced")): # Do that if not night saynn("You see a demon-dragon sitting on a chair in a corner, around him there are three leashed creatures.") GM.main.setModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Score_Explored", 0) # is there a better place to do this? GM.main.setModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Status", 0) addButton("Demon", "Talk to the demon-dragon", "talk") return GM.main.applyWorldEdit("IssixWorldEdit") if(checkCharacterBusy("IssixBusy", "Issix is not here", "Issix")): saynn("This corner is not occupied by anyone at the moment, just three empty blankets with a chair.") if getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Status") == 5: addButton("Paper", "A piece of paper lies left in a hurry", "paper") return var player_enslaved = getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "PC_Enslavement_Role", 0) if player_enslaved > 0: if getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Unwelcome_At_Corner", false) != true: saynn("You see your Master sitting on his chair in the corner, around him there is Azazel, Hiisi and Lamia.") addButton("Master", "Talk to Master Issix", "talk") addButton("Pets", "Look at Master's pets", "pets") match player_enslaved: 1.0: # WHY ARE NUMBER FLAGS FLOATS ASDJASODHASUDHASIDHBASHDASHDOASDJASD kill me addButton("Pet tasks", "Get a read on today's pet tasks", "slavery") 2.0: addButton("Prostitution", "Open prostitution info", "slavery") _: saynn(player_enslaved) else: addDisabledButton("Master", "He doesn't want to speak to you today") addDisabledButton("Pets", "They don't want to speak to you today") else: saynn("You see Issix sitting on a chair in a corner, around him there are three leashed slaves.") addButton("Issix", "Talk to Issix", "talk") if(!getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Pets_Introduced")): #addButton("Look at pets", "Look at pets", "pets") addDisabledButton("Talk with pets", "You should probably first talk with intimidating figure who got them leashed") else: addButton("Pets", "Look at pets", "pets") func getPriority(): return 0 func onButton(_method, _args): if(_method == "talk"): runScene("IssixTalkScene") if(_method == "pets"): runScene("PetsTalkScene") if(_method == "paper"): runScene("NoPetsTalkScene") if _method == "slavery": runScene("SlaveryInfoScreen") func eventCheck(_checkID, _args = []): if(getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Status") == 5 and getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Wait_Another_Day") == true): return {busy=true}