extends EventBase func _init(): id = "MedicalLamiaPeekEvent" func registerTriggers(es): es.addTrigger(self, Trigger.EnteringRoom, "med_near_wards") es.addEventCheck(self, "ElizaBusy") func react(_triggerID, _args): if(getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Status") == 5 and getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Wait_Another_Day") == true): runScene("MedicalLamiaPeekScene") return true # I don't have any other way of preventing the player from entering the medical room so we do some forcy scene on them, they would never see that coming! #addButton("Investigate", "Eavesdrop on large commotion in the hospital room next to you", "main") return false func getPriority(): return 150 func onButton(_method, _args): if(_method == "main"): runScene("MedicalLamiaPeekScene") func eventCheck(_checkID, _args = []): # sorry player, you can't heal, Eliza is occupied by Issix's pet if(_checkID == "ElizaBusy" and getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Status") == 5 and getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Quest_Wait_Another_Day") == true): return {busy=true}