extends EventBase func _init(): id = "AzazelCatnipEvent" func registerTriggers(es): es.addTrigger(self, Trigger.EnteringRoom, "main_green_corridor9") func run(_triggerID, _args): if(GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Azazel_Catnip_noticed", false) == false): if "feline" in GM.pc.getSpecies(): saynn("You approach greenhouses, each one looks like a huge long tent with lots of artificial lights inside. Your sensitive nose catches a whiff of a peculiar smell coming from one of the greenhouses, something very primal to your very instincts...") addButton("Investigate", "Find the source of smell", "greenhouse") else: saynn("While minding your business you notice a sign which depicts a crossed out feline. This strikes you as very odd, why would felines be banned from what appears to be a single greenhouse?") addButton("Investigate", "Try to find out what's up?", "greenhouse") else: saynn("While going through the greenhouses you remember a familiar greenhouse that had catnip in it. You could try and get some for yourself, or someone else.") if(!GM.main.getModuleFlag("IssixModule", "Azazel_Catnip_taken_today")): addButtonUnlessLate("Steal", "Try and steal something", "greenhouse") else: addDisabledButton("Steal", "Too dangerous to do this again today") func getPriority(): return 0 func onButton(_method, _args): if(_method == "greenhouse"): runScene("GreenhouseCatnip")