extends Attack func _init(): id = "IssixSlaveTease" category = Category.Lust aiCategory = AICategory.Lust func getVisibleName(_context = {}): return "Collar Tease" func getVisibleDesc(_context = {}): return "Shouldn't see this" func _doAttack(_attacker, _receiver, _context = {}): var text = "" var lust = 0 var pain = 0 if _receiver.getPersonality().getStat(PersonalityStat.Subby) > 0.4: if(checkDodged(_attacker, _receiver, DamageType.Physical)): return genericDodgeMessage(_attacker, _receiver, "collar teasing") lust = RNG.randi_range(40, 60) text = "{attacker.name} spins around an old slave collar attached to a leash. {receiver.name} observes the collar with {receiver.his} will breaking down wanting to submit." if(!_receiver.isDefocusing() && _receiver.addEffect(StatusEffect.Weakness, [1])): text += " {receiver.Name} feels [b]weak[/b]." else: if(checkDodged(_attacker, _receiver, DamageType.Physical)): return genericDodgeMessage(_attacker, _receiver, "collar throw") text = "{attacker.name} spins around an old slave collar attached to a leash until he changes the direction of swinging to hit {receiver.name} managing to hit {receiver.him} with the bulky collar." pain = RNG.randi_range(15, 30) return { text = text, lust = lust, pain = pain, } func _canUse(_attacker, _receiver, _context = {}): return !_receiver.isBlindfolded() func getAnticipationText(_attacker, _receiver): var text = "{attacker.name} grabs an old collar from behind and clasps a leash to it." return text func getRequirements(): return [AttackRequirement.FreeArms, AttackRequirement.FreeHands, AttackRequirement.CanSee]